Wednesday, March 05, 2008

South of the Border

"He Betrayed this country..."

On the border:

Once again we've been taken for a ride and this column Border Insecurity by Tony Blankley lays out the nature of the betrayal.
More pungently, Mickey Kaus, the brilliant, stalwart opponent of border insecurity policies (and the conniving politicians who undermine secure borders) laid out in his "Kausfiles" Web site a persuasive theory of what we have just seen: "1) Border control advocates want an actual physical fence. 2) Respectable Bush comprehensivist types like Chertoff want to substitute a sophisticated hi-tech 'virtual fence.' 3) Border control types say the 'virtual fence' won't work. 4) Respectable Bush comprehensivists like Chertoff in fact cut back on actual fencing, choosing the 'virtual fence.' 5) Where it's installed, the actual fence works. 6) Where it's installed, the 'virtual fence' doesn't work."

Kaus then approvingly cites Tammy Bruce for this conclusion: "In other words, we've all just been taken for a ride. In order to do whatever possible to avoid building an actual physical fence Bush (et al.) made sure a monumental amount of money was wasted on a fake, untested, unreal fence to placate conservatives.

Except that they haven't placated conservatives. Oh, yes, they gave us a head fake but now we've got their "number." Of course, Gore was talking about a different topic but I would say that his words apply. We have been thwarted...betrayed.


  1. that's what McCain is all about. McCain won the nomination because of his stance with regards to Mexico.

    McCain will continue the advance of the NAU. For which the open border represents the free flow of workers. He has made some limited promises so far towards closing the border and throwing out criminals. But the actual implementation of that promise remains to be seen. Most of the illegals would be allowed to stay and basically the continued drift of white english speaking america into history will continue unabated.

    (The NAU is just a stepping stone toward a new world superstate which in turn is a stepping stone towards one world government ruled by faggots.)

    Starting from Bush I the bushes have been pro NAU. It stems from Bush the elder's stay at the CIA. The CIA is most faithful to the big money. This does not mean that they are bought. Rather it means that they see financial interests as more powerful than political interests so they follow the money. The money these days is nomadic millionaires in the english speaking world. They have no country. That is they were once called politely-- world citizens. Now they don't want anyone else to have a country. They want everyone else to be world citizens.

    The elite democrats are all on board with regards to this issue because they both believe in international institutions and because they see illegals as a source of cheap votes. Much as elite republicans see illegals as cheap labor.

    The only major decision made so far in this election cycle was to side track the conservatives who would have evicted all of the 12+ million illegals and restored the trajectory of US history that was turned aside in 1986.

    The whole business just grieves me.

  2. Well, it cost them Rufus' vote. For what little it's worth. I wonder how many more Rufus's they is?

  3. I agree with Charles on most of that. The Pubs eliminated all their good ones. I really have no one--again-- to vote for either. If Montana secedes from the Union over the 2nd amemdment, I might move 100 miles east.:)

    75% or so want to close the border and have for a long time now but can't get it done. Why pay taxes? It's taxation without representation in another form.

  4. "The whole business just grieves me."
    The Grief that keeps on giving.

  5. Somebody should sneak this in to replace W's Bible and his copy of the Constitution w/Karl Marx.
    Given his contrary nature, perhaps we'd steer a new course.
    Failing that, he should be hung from a Virtual Fence Tower.
