Friday, March 21, 2008

Pass the Popcorn, Please

Obama Aide: Bill Clinton Like McCarthy

Associated Press Writer

SALEM, Ore. (AP) - A retired Air Force general compared former President Clinton to Joseph McCarthy, the 1950s communist-hunting senator, on Friday after Clinton seemed to question Democrat Barack Obama's patriotism.

Merrill "Tony" McPeak, a former chief of staff of the Air Force and currently a co-chair of Obama's presidential campaign, said he was disappointed by comments Clinton made while campaigning for his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a speech Friday in Charlotte, N.C.

"I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country," Clinton said. "And people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics."

McPeak learned of the remarks while at an Obama rally in Salem, Ore. Afterward, he called Clinton's statement horrible and compared it to McCarthy, the Republican senator from Wisconsin who held hearings on suspected Communist sympathizers in the 1950s.

"It sounds more like McCarthy," McPeak said. "I grew up, I was going to college when Joe McCarthy was accusing good Americans of being traitors, so I've had enough of it."

Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer rejected the comparison.

"To liken these comments to McCarthyism is absurd," Singer said. He said McPeak was "clearly misinterpreting" the remarks and suggested that might be an intentional effort to divert attention from a recent controversy involving controversial statements by Obama's former pastor.

In a posting on Hillary Clinton's Web site Thursday, the campaign said the former president was simply talking about the need to keep the race focused on issues, "rather than falsely questioning any candidate's patriotism."

McPeak, who served under Clinton and the first President Bush, was skeptical.

"It's a use of language as a disguised insult. We've seen this before, this little clever spin that's put on stuff," McPeak said. "I have no idea what his intentions are, but I'm disappointed in the statement. I think Bill Clinton is, or ought to be, better than that."

The former president has attracted criticism over earlier comments during the heated Democratic primary race. Following South Carolina's primary in January, he was accused of fanning racial tensions for appearing to cast Obama as little more than a black candidate popular in state with a heavily black electorate.

He also criticized the news media for making a race story out of his comments.


  1. via wiki:

    "In 1996, McPeak served as Oregon state chairman for the Bob Dole for President campaign. During the presidential election of 2000 McPeak endorsed George W. Bush and served as co-chairman of Oregon Veterans for Bush."


  2. Bill must be getting Desperate The odds are long, according to the number crunchers.

  3. "Clinton seemed to question Democrat Barack Obama's patriotism."
    Seems to me Bill was talking about loving the country.'d be hard pressed to find much love of country in that "Church" Barry and his lovely wife chose to send their little girls to.

    But, hey, what's another hack General or two, 'ey, Wesley?

  4. I'm considering voting for Hillary. Anybody that can dodge Sniper Fire while working for the peace of the world has my admiration. Her mom was right to name her after Sir Edmund. No mountain too tall, no mission too dangerous. She was right there johnny on the spot, too, at Ground Zero, the day after, taking charge.

    Damned serial, pathological liar is what she is.

  5. Newsweak calls it "over enthusiastic" when Barry does it.
    Don't know if that would apply to when he said crimes against Latinos were skyrocketing, but when Newsweak checked his govt source, they found they had gone down!
    Rather Strong Performance for Newsweak that time!

  6. Since then, it has emerged he has had a jones for pricey professional girls going back as far as a decade,

    Poor Spitzer Is In Therapy

    Showing how far out of it I am, what is this 'had a jones' business anyway? Almost afraid to ask. Never heard that before.

  7. Can one have a jones for fishing, or hiking, or farming, or surfing, or skiing, or building buildings, and the like?

  8. Now we need the income tax filings...



    Now that Hillary Clinton's schedule as first lady has been released, her near-total lack of serious involvement in the real inner workings of the government is bluntly apparent.

    There are few, if any, meetings with Cabinet members, congressional leaders, the National Security Council, the National Economic Council, leaders of the Irish peace process, players in the Bosnian crisis or representatives from Rwanda. All of her so-called experience is absent from her daily schedule. What's there, for us all to see, is one soft event after another, a schedule far more typical of such first ladies as Mamie Eisenhower or Lady Bird Johnson than of a future presidential candidate.

    This near-total paucity of participation in policy-making dovetails with our recollection of her White House role. In 1995 and 1996, she largely toured the country, speaking at ceremonial events, wrote a book ("It Takes A Village") and toured the world. During her international travels, there was no serious diplomacy, just a virtually endless round of meetings with women, visiting arts-and-crafts centers, watching native industries and photo opportunities for the local media.

    President Bill Clinton's memoirs reflect this absence of substance. The book contains only a handful of mentions of his wife that aren't related to their joint travel, her health-care-reform program or her ceremonial duties. The Hil- lary she now claims to be was nowhere evident.

    Hillary Clinton was deeply involved in the White House's inner wo rkings only from the time of Bill's election through the Democratic defeat in the congressional elections of 1994. She played a key role in choosing the Cabinet and staff, in crafting the health-care-reform legislation and in relations with the Democratic Congress.

    But Bill Clinton saw his loss of Congress as owing to Hillary's policies and ideas. He felt that his presidency had been captured by a liberal phalanx that included the first lady and such staffers as George Stephanopoulos and Harold Ickes. He realized the need to move to the center and exiled Hillary from the White House, asking her to mix the largely ceremonial duties of her "job" with writing, speaking and policy advocacy. Her key role in the White House was a thing of the past - and remained so through all of 1995, 1996 and 1997.

    Only in January 1998 did Hillary come back to real power - in order to lead the defense to the Monica Lewinsky scandal and prevent Bill's impeachment. Of course, after April 1999, she was consumed with her New York Senate race.

    So Hillary's experience, real enough in 1993-94, led to a total disaster, the first loss of the House for the Democrats in 40 years. Her experience in 1998-99 was focused almost exclusively on defending against impeachment, hardly relevant for the future. But her schedule shows the vacuity of her experience in the years in between - the key years of the Clinton presidency - when the budget was balanced, the economy turned around, welfare reformed, Bosnia transformed and Kosovo freed.

  9. We got one thoroughbred field this year, all for open immigration, against the 1st Ammendment, Hell at least one is against the G_d Damned Country!

    We'll all get a Jones for Votin by Judgement Day.

  10. Googling 'have a jones' I get--

    BBC SPORT | Rugby Union | Welsh | Players must have input - JonesBut Sale head coach Jones says new Wales coach Warren Gatland seems to have the balance right in terms of who makes the big calls. ... - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

    Mark ByronHe must have a jones for the name Spike? Let's see the courts say "Heil! Heil!" right in Der Marsters face. Monkeypox has made it to Sarasota. ... - 68k - Cached - Similar pages

    CD Baby: LLOYD JONES: Lloyd "Have Mercy"Jones - Live"Jones' biting strat, his airtight band and danceable ham-fisted blues capture a goodtime spontaneity" - Guitar Player Magazine. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

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    Bill Koch :: Weblog :: NFL owners have spending JonesJones and his peers have made billions thanks to the NFL's lucrative television contract, and fellow owners like the New England Patriots' Robert Kraft and ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

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    Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents Who Have ...Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents Who Have Epilepsy. Jana E. Jones, PhD* Joan K. Austin, DNS, RN {dagger} Rochelle Caplan, MD {ddagger} ... - Similar pages

    ESPN - Titans have 'Pacman' Jones cornered - NFLThe sixth prospect chosen overall, Adam Pacman Jones will sign a five-year contract, which has been the norm for most players in the first round. - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

    Court TV To Have Star Jones Talk Show « Your Entertainment Nowfor Star Jones to have been reviled in the way Barbara Walters portrayed the situation. I never watch The View anymore, primarily because I believe the show ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages

    Philadelphia Eagles Keen to Have Kevin Jones ServicesPhiladelphia Eagles Keen to Have Kevin Jones Services. 0. points. Kevin Jones, 4-year NFL running back and former Cardinal O'Hara High star, ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages
    I quess I don't give a Smith what it means anyway.

  11. Mrs. Smith visits the doctor.

    "Well, Mrs. Smith, the tests show you are going to have a baby boy. Are you happy?"

    "No, I'm going to have a Jones."

  12. Donner Party of ’08

    Looking for leadership, they turned to a quiet man in the rear, a doctor from Vermont: Howard Dean. Do something, Doc! Scream! But he cowered, mumbling about do-overs and going back to Michigan or Florida.

    At their lowest ebb, they looked back and again saw the straggler, McCain. He was stronger, walking with renewed vigor despite his age.

    He was joined by a grizzled old cuss named Cheney. One strange hombre, Cheney had shot a man in the face. He’d forgotten that his country was a democracy. When he was told that two-thirds of the nation wanted to heed the founders’ advice and avoid prolonged foreign conflicts, he spit on the ground, and said, “So?”

    His party was united. What had been hatred for McCain was now hatred for the other party’s preacher. They could direct all their historic resentments, their bound-up frustrations, against this preacher, the Rev. Wright. So long as they hissed and booed at his picture every night, they stayed together, saying the nastiest of things.

    The original Donner Party made history for one reason: by eating their dead. Cannibalism — it was all they could do to stay alive.

    These modern Dems press on, tearing into each other, crawling to get to the summit, still five months away, in the mile-high city. They are now ravenous with hunger, and it is starting to show.

  13. The Donner Dinner Party.

    I like the image of two elk locked in combat, expired.

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