Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama demands probe over passport breach.

Two contract employees of the State Department were fired and a third person was disciplined for accessing passport records of Sen. Barack Obama.

MSNBC is going orgasmic over this:

Barack Obama's campaign tonight is demanding a full investigation of reports that his passport files at the State Department were viewed without authorization.

“This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years. Our government’s duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes. This is a serious matter that merits a complete investigation, and we demand to know who looked at Senator Obama’s passport file, for what purpose, and why it took so long for them to reveal this security breach,” Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.

NBC News is reporting that several low-level State Department employees have been fired over the January incident, and the department is conducting an internal investigation"

Fox is Reporting:

State Department officials are expected soon to address reports that Barack Obama’s passport records have been breached.

Two State Department employees have been fired for the breach, according to reports by MSNBC and The Drudge Report.

Sen. Obama’s presidential campaign responded sternly.

“This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement released Thursday night. “Our governments duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes.

This is a serious matter that merits a complete investigation, and we demand to know who looked at Senator Obama’s passport file, for what purpose, and why it took so long for them to reveal this security breach.”


  1. I was disturbed by the government snooping into Spitzer's bank records. If this story is true, something is going very wrong with governmental snooping into the private affairs of US citizens.

  2. People have a tendency to snoop. And a warning like this isn't going to stop them--

    Each time an employee logs on to the passport-records network, they are informed that the records are protected by the Privacy Act and are "available only on a need-to-know basis," he said. But no technical bar prevents a person, once he is in the system, from gaining access to Privacy Act-protected records to which he has no "need-to-know" rights. from Breitbart article

    Which says, there's something really interesting over here, please don't peek.

    Without something else, I can buy that somebodies are just snooping around for the thrill of it.

  3. It would probably be irresistible.

  4. Religion, amigos.
    The political double standard that is developed with regards Religion.

    The Catholics have been found guilty, in US Courts.
    Huge fines have been imposed, due to that guilt.

    In Mr Wright's case, no crime was committed.

    In Mr Falwells and Robertson's case, no crime was committed. But for the social incompetence of the statements, same as with Mr Wright.

    Posters here hold Obama to a Standard, demand the repudiation of Mr Wright, that McCain is not held to with Falwaell or Roberston, whomever is the sole current survivor of that pair.

    Though both sides have uttered these "hateful" statements. Mr Obama is chastised for not quitting the Trinity Church.

    The Standard does not apply to Catholics, whose Church has committed criminal acts. While it has also promoted a similar "Liberation Theology" to Mr Wright's. Putting those words to action in many locales in America.

    Why are Catholic church goers not held to the Obama Standard, not required to quit the Church, in the face of these proven criminal activities and the Roman Catholics support of Liberation Theology in Central America, which caused friends of mine to be killed.

    Those words, of the Catholic priests, caused the deaths of many. Directly, much more so than any words spoken by Mr Wright.

    It has been an on going discussion, one that elijah chooses to pick pieces of, to further his point, which they can, when not taken in context.

    But anyone that has read the entire threads should see the point and the connections.

    Or they choose not to

  5. "The Catholics have been found guilty, in US Courts.
    Huge fines have been imposed, due to that guilt."

    Some Catholic homosexual priests and some Catholic pedophiles who were priests have been found guilty of crimes. The administration of some parishes were fined and law suits were filed and settlements and judgments were imposed.

    You can no more make a statement about "Catholics" than you could make a statement about "Americans" with these statistics about American school staff and American students:

    • The best estimate is that 15% of students will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff during their school career.
    • Though, when the American Association of University Women Foundation surveyed more than 1,600 students in eighth through 11th grade, 25 percent of the girls and 10 percent of the boys who said they had been harassed or abused said the harasser was a school employee.
    • The number of K-12 public and private school students in 1996 who have been or will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff is nearly 7 million of 51,331,000.
    • Between 1% and 5% of teachers sexually abuse or harass students.
    • At least a quarter of all school districts in the United States have dealt with a case of staff sexual abuse in the past ten years.
    • Most cases of sexual abuse of students by teachers are never reported.
    • In nearly half of the cases, suspects were accused of abusing more than one student.
    • Only two cases were cases of false accusations; less than 1 percent of the cases studied.
    • No type of school was immune to abuse: public or private, religious or secular, rich or poor, urban or rural.

  6. Many of the Nazis, probably 25% were Catholic. They were hunted down and killed by the US Army which was also 25% Catholic. What is your connection?

  7. The two states with the most KIA's in WWII were New York and Pennsylvania. Both states have Catholic populations higher than the US average. They fought in Italy, Sicily, France, and Belgium, all
    Catholic Countries, against some German outfits that were 40% Catholic.

    North Viet Nam was more Catholic than was South Viet Nam.

  8. The same connection that is made to Obama and Mr Wright.

    It's a goose and gander comparison.

    If Obama is guilty, so then are the Catholics.
    I sumbit that Obama is not guilty, by association. But that if he is, so are others.

    The Standard must be consistent, or it is no standard at all. Just a handy rope to lynch him with.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I believe Roberstson has endorsed McCain.

    The premier Blame America Firster, for 9-11.
    McCain has not repudiated Mr Robertson's endorsement.
    Should he, based upon the Wright Standard?

    Catholic Liberation Theology and Salvador, 100,000 dead. More serious than a few raped choir boys. The Catholic Church working hand and glove with Cuban Communistas.

    John Paul II was Pope five years before he spoke out against it, by your own link. Five years of silence made for a lot of dead Salvadoran peasents.

    How many dead can be accounted toMr Obama's silence?

  11. I could see a relationship if you equated Wright with the Pope. If the Pope were saying the things Wright is saying, then you could criticize the Catholics for not walking out. Or, rather, you might be able to, though the Catholic Church has such a long history, some might say, well, we've had bad popes before, this too will pass, he's an anomaly.

    But these protestant churches, they don't get their identity from Rome, but there's a hundred different flavors, so the local pastor is more important in that sense. It's from that local pastor that the identity of that church comes from. And Obama chose the church(for political reasons, in my view, to sore up his bonafides) and wasn't born into it, like the majority of Catholics.

  12. The defense of the pedophile Priests, that there are other pedophiles in the world, is weak.
    The Church sheltered and protected them, moved them from Parish to Parish. The pedophilia continued, the parishiners never cautioned or warned.

    If others are guilty of that crime, I do not coubt, but it does not excuse the Catholic Church from its' duplicity in its' dealings with those Preists and parishiners

  13. The Pope's silence was confirmation of the Liberation Theology, to the peasents. The silence validated the preaching.

    If he had spoken out against it sooner, the mass of Catholics in Salvador would have listened.

    That he did not, but sat silent, while the preaching continued, is analogous to Obama not walking out.

    The Pope could have spoken sooner, that he did not casts a shasow upon that Church.
    Like Muslims that listen to Osama and the other Radicals, while the "moderates" do not denounce them. For five years the Pope did not denounce the Catholic Radicals.

    Tens of thousands died because of it.
    Enough died that it came to be considered a threat to US national security.

    To have stayed in the Church, knowing that the silence was responsible ...
    Same as Muslims borned into that religion?

  14. On the other hand if he had damned liberation theology he might have been seen to be embracing This Man

    I can't recall what the Pope did or didn't do during that time period, concerning Latin America. The Popes always got a lot of balls in the air. Poland, and Solidarity, etc.

    The Catholic Church has been suffering from a dimished pool of priests to draw from, I have read, which has been one of the problems.

  15. I've noticed that the white crazy preachers tend to blame the Lord as an intermediary reacting to the sins of the people, while the black crazy preachers tend to blame some other group directly. Witness AIDS. Katrina. I doubt this is a rule, though. Might make a good study.

  16. you skipped out on the previous thread and i find you babbling again on this thread

    you are an impostor, but anyone who is observant would have known long ago

    keep up the good work

  17. Conversions to Christianity are upsetting the rulers of Iran

  18. elijah skips the debate, moves to personal slanders, so typical of the itellectually weak.

    The previous thread, HB v Israel, was passed on by the host.

    Just keeping up with the flow, staying on the current curve.

  19. the last thread we were on impostor

    an individualist, libertarian, conservatist with his pom poms for the most far left collectivist for POTUS one could imagine? ok

    but i'll ask again?

    So what does America mean, to Mr Wright? The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States.
    Project your thoughts into his words.

    intellectual sloth again, words have meaning

    Mr. Obama

    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    “The emotion between the races could never be pure, even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.”
    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    “That hate hadn’t gone away,” he wrote, BLAMING “WHITE PEOPLE — some CRUEL, some IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives.”
    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on,to show your LOYALTY TO THE BLACK MASSES, TO STRIKE OUT and name names” Barack Hussein Obama
    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    but rat says he has experienced personal growth, although his remains a member of a church with a race-based religious value system

    Would you also like the specificity of Mr. Wright's comments? (not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    i know, i know you will also have another explanation

    again, show the EB readers specifically where i defended these individuals you spoke of in previous posts - you can do this by copying and pasting from past posts.

    Thu Mar 20, 10:54:00 PM EDT

  20. If you knew the USA was the
    you'd be mad too!

  21. The American Thinker: Obama's Anger.
    While I had been fishing my new black friend had been working as a prison psychologist in Missouri, and he was pursuing a higher degree in psychology. He was interested in my story, and after about an hour getting to know each other I asked him point blank why these Vietnamese refugees, with no money, friends, or knowledge of the language could be, within a generation, so successful. I also asked him why it was so difficult to convince young black men to abandon the streets and take advantage of the same kinds of opportunities that the Vietnamese had recently embraced.

    His answer, only a few words, not only floored me but became sort of a razor that has allowed me ever since to slice through all of the rhetoric regarding race relations that Democrats shovel our way during election season:

    "We're owed and they aren't."

    In short, he concluded, "they're hungry and we think we're owed. It's crushing us, and as long as we think we're owed we're going nowhere."

    A good test case for this theory is Katrina. Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and assorted white apologists continue to express anger and outrage over the federal response to the Katrina disaster. But where were the Vietnamese "leaders" expressing their "anger?" The Vietnamese comprise a substantial part of the New Orleans population, and yet are absent was any report claiming that the Vietnamese were "owed" anything. This is not to say that the federal response was an adequate one, but we need to take this as a sign that maybe the problem has very little to do with racism and a lot to with a mindset.

    The mindset that one is "owed" something in life has not only affected black mobility in business but black mobility in education as well. Remember Ward Churchill?
    About fifteen years ago he was my boss...
