Friday, March 07, 2008

More troubles came today for the Obama campaign as Samantha Power, like too many lefties before her couldn't resist saying too much to the European media while abroad.

Obama Camp Rejects Adviser's Comments


A former adviser to Barack Obama, who resigned Friday after calling rival Hillary Rodham Clinton "a monster," said Obama may not be able to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within a year as he has promised on the campaign trail.

Power, a Pulitzer Prize-winner author, made the comments in two separate interviews with foreign media while promoting her latest book. The comment that led to her resignation came in an interview with The Scotsman, and she immediately tried to keep it from appearing in print.

"She is a monster, too — that is off the record — she is stooping to anything," The Scotsman quoted her as saying. A few hours after the comments were published, Power, an unpaid adviser and Harvard professor, announced her resignation in a statement distributed by the Obama campaign.

"I made inexcusable remarks that are at marked variance from my oft-stated admiration for Senator Clinton and from the spirit, tenor and purpose of the Obama campaign," the statement said.

Power's comments about Iraq came in an interview with the BBC. She said Obama's position is that withdrawing all U.S. troops within 16 months is a "best-case scenario" that he will revisit if he becomes president.

"He will, of course, not rely on some plan that he's crafted as a presidential candidate or a U.S. senator," she said. "He will rely upon a plan — an operational plan — that he pulls together in consultation with people who are on the ground to whom he doesn't have daily access now, as a result of not being the president."

Obama has actually shortened his original 16-month commitment to say he'll end the war in 2009. Obama advisers say President Bush's plan to draw troops down to 15 brigades this year means Obama could complete the removal in a year.

Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said Obama's plan to draw down approximately two brigades a month upon becoming president is "a rock solid commitment."

"He has been and will continue to be crystal clear with the American people," Plouffe told reporters in a conference call.


This is the second major slip-up in two weeks. It's a long time between now and the conventions. Maybe too long for Senator Obama.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As noted at NRO the two Obama advisors that got in trouble for their mouths are Austin and Powers.

    "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
    It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

    The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

    M. Simon

  3. Doug: As noted at NRO the two Obama advisors that got in trouble for their mouths are Austin and Powers.

    But here's the real Mini-Me.

  4. The Fox News Allstars all missed the real significance of the story which is: The candidate who says he will always tell the truth seems to be saying things to get elected but does not actually mean what he says. The Clinton's can get a lot of mileage out of this especially coming on the heels of the NAFTA brouhaha. If the moonbat crowd begins to feel that they cannot trust Obama, they won't go to the polls for him.

  5. Better yet, Hill wins,
    They Sure as Hell
    won't go for her.
    (but I wouldn't bet against the monster)

  6. Who needs trust when they have faith, belief, and no ability to think?

  7. Aenea,

    Looks more like the monster to me tho.

  8. Good old Sam.
    Well, that's off the record.

    Funny thing, some GOP stalwart friends, secure McCain supporters from times past told me and the wife that Obama would be OK, that it'd be "good" for the country to have a "Black" President.

    And just how much damage could he do ...

    If Billary was elected, they'd be moving to a foreign land. Costa Rica or some such locale. These folks could afford it, their daughter same age as mine.

    I'm not sure which would be worse, McCain or Billary, but someone, all of US, is gonna lose, regardless.

  9. whit,

    I agree with you that the Obama 'doublespeak' on NAFTA is biting him in the ass. Nevermind tha Clinton does it as well for it is HE, the saint, that has claimed the higher road and thusly has fallen because of it.

  10. They had to do it tho:
    It was bad for Ohio,
    "Good" (in a Trish/Texican sort of way) for Texas.

  11. Woman makes a perfectly defensible statement about Billary, get her ass axed. Tain't fair.

  12. Don't miss Ashley's well programed critique of Homeschooling in the prior thread.

    Sometimes I think that, like a computer, he has a "bios" in his brain that was permanently flashed with all the liberal programing in the Western World.

    Life is then a pre-ordained set of responses to external stimuli.

  13. "Scotsman journalist shows Pulitzer-prize winner to be a Grade A numpty - and Obama's judgment in selecting advisers to be fatally flawed.

    Take a bow, Gerri. We need more of this courageous - refusing to swallow spinners' claptrap - stuff from your colleagues. At one fell swoop you've demonstrated the total vacuity of the American media. Journalist of the year, for sure.
    A Grade A numpty, eh?

  14. I'm not sure which would be worse, McCain or Billary, but someone, all of US, is gonna lose, regardless.

    Fri Mar 07, 07:55:00 PM EST

    Do you think we'll be looking back at the past eight years as the good old days?

    Perhaps it's just the contrarian in me. I think McCain will be a *better* president that GWB ever was. By far.

  15. That carpetbagging sonofabitch.

    A welcome relief.

    Come to think of it, he's no Boner, is he?

  16. GWB managed to attract to himself every motherfucking right-wing loony
    in the country. There's something to be said, blessedly said, for the guy who doesn't.

  17. You just made me think that I'll bet there's some overlap in some of them looneys for W and looneys for Huckster:
    They were drawn like flies to Shit when Huckster played the religious bigotry card on Romney.
    I'll never get the pictures of all the times devout George layed it on thick, from Pootie Poots Soulful Eyes, to Border-Spanning Compassionate Family Values.
    A Devout, lying, outlaw mf.
    Really a stellar feller for promoting the Devout Brand.

  18. I of course left out "boob" and "moron" wrt to Pootie Poot.

  19. Yeah, that Methane Powered Assertion to the effect that we never Homeschooled.
