Thursday, March 20, 2008

Latest Polls Show That Twenty Years in Front of Angry Black Pastor Matters.

The liberals all loved the speech but the chickens do seem to be coming home to roost. A Rasmusssen Poll shows that most voters, 56%, said Wright’s comments made them less likely to vote for Obama. That figure includes 44% of Democrats. Just 11% of voters say they are more likely to vote for Obama because of Wright’s comments.

Just 8% Have Favorable Opinion of Pastor Jeremiah Wright

This will hurt Obama in the Democratic primary, and unless McCain implodes, may deny him the general election.

Comments by former Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro have caused a stir nationally and 66% of Likely Democratic Primary Voters have been following the story at least somewhat closely. Ferraro recently told a newspaper that "if Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position." Clinton voters are fairly evenly divided on Ferraro’s comment—39% agree and 47% disagree. Obama voters overwhelmingly reject Ferraro’s premise—93% disagree with her statement while only 4% agree.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Black voters believe Ferraro’s comments were racist. Just 23% of White voters agree.

Ferraro also said that Clinton was treated unfairly by a “sexist media.” Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Clinton supporters agree with that statement while 26% disagree. Obama voters disagree by an 85% to 9% margin.

Among all Likely Democratic Primary Voters, 55% believe Obama has received better treatment from the media while 20% say Clinton has received the better coverage. By a 72% to 10% margin, Clinton voters believe Obama has been the media favorite. Obama voters are evenly divided.

Overall, 44% believe Clinton will do better in the fall campaign against John McCain. Thirty-seven percent (37%) believe Obama will be the better general election candidate. By a 43% to 38% margin, Likely Democratic Primary voters in Pennsylvania believe Obama will be the nominee. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Obama voters believe their candidate will win. Twenty-two percent (22%) of Clinton supporters expect Obama to win as well.


  1. Why does Obama support this man?

  2. Was the poll done before or after the speech?

  3. Population of Blacks in the United States? Between 10 and 15%?

  4. Obama's numbers in Pennslyvania are really tanking.

  5. Fox News has become the All Reverend Wright All The Time Channel. So has the Elephant Bar. I'll check back in when we are talking about other things.

  6. Every time the idiots on MSM refer to PA as Philadelphia and Pittsburg with Alabama in between, McCain and Hillary inch up. Philadelphia is majority black, but the black mayor supports Hillary. Watch Chester, Delaware and Montgomery County esp parts of Montgomery which are heavily Jewish and traditionally liberal and Democratic. I am not sure how Obama plays there.

    We only get conservative Jews here at the bar.

    Aenea: the previous post about Lebanon and Hezbollah got two comments.

  7. Totally OT

    I hear my colors, I see my sounds...

    "The Hidden Sense: Synsthesia in Art and Science"

    "I start with the world's most famous synesthetic poet and novelist, the Russian born Vladimir Nabokov. What did he say about his synesthesia?
    'As far back as I can remember I have been subject to mild hallucinations. Some are aural, others are opticasl, and by none have I profited much.. I present a fine case of colored hearing. Perhaps hearing is not quite accurate, since the color sensation seems to be produced by the act of orally forming a given letter..'

    Nabokov's mother was synesthetic too, as is his son, but Nobokov did not inherit all the abilities of his mother , like hearing music in color."

    Other writers with various forms of synesthesia include Faulkner, V. Woolf, Joyce,, Dylan Thomas.

    It seems we are all synesthetics when young, and the problem is the senses don't get separated out in these people as happens in normal folk. Seems to be inherited. The regions of the brain responsible for a sense are still connecting with other regions of the brain concerned with another sense, sending info back and forth. Taste and smell are still mixed up in most of us, hard to tell apart somethimes, whereas seeing and hearing have usually said a firm goodbye.

    Ineresting book, lots of neat pictures of art, painting by these folk.

    There has been speculation that the early Greeks had lesser color sense than we, thus 'Homer's' use of 'wine dark sea' over and over with variation, whereas the Med is really very colorful. Seems to be just a standard poetic gimmick, other people feel, though.

  8. We are always open to suggested subjects that are relevant and important.

    I think it will be a miracle if the Republicans win. However, if the Democrats win, I would prefer Hillary. Obama and his wife are radical progressive leftists.

    The outcome of this election will touch every other subject that we discuss. It is hard to ignore, don't you think?

  9. 2164: Aenea: the previous post about Lebanon and Hezbollah got two comments

    Bingo. And the first comment was mine. Everyone wants to talk about race. There's no races in the bible.

  10. The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan. The sons of Cush: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan. Cush became the father of Nimrod; he was the first on earth to be a mighty man. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, 'Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.' The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, and Accad, all of them in the land of Shinar. From that land he went into Assyria, and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-ir, Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah..."

    The Bible did not cover a lot of territory.

  11. There's no races in the bible.

    1 Corinthians 9:24

    24Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.


  12. Everything I've read says it's mathematically impossible for Billary to catch Obama in elected delegates. Now with Penn. seeming to become a real slaughter, Obama is starting to look not so good, but he's got the delegates. And the supers are starting to wish they'd never of it, I bet. The lefties on KGO were pleading with the democratic party to stop this fight and join together somehow on a single ticket. They're really getting locked in combat, like a couple of elk. On very rare occassions, the antlered ones have been found dead, still locked together!

  13. You are a Catholic right? Yet you are keen on McCain??

    "John McCain yesterday happily received an endorsement from, and then expressed lavish gratitude towards, one of the most hateful and radical evangelical ministers in the country, Pastor John Hagee. As documented in that post, Hagee has a history of making some of the most extreme and twisted statements of any religious figure in the country towards multiple groups of Americans.

    Among the many groups which McCain's new associate has targeted for hateful bigotry are Catholics. As a result, The Catholic League today issued a statement -- entitled "McCain Embraces Bigot" -- which pointed out that Hagee:

    has waged an unrelenting war against the Catholic Church. For example, he likes calling it "The Great Whore," an "apostate church," the "anti-Christ," and a "false cult system."

    The Catholic League demanded that McCain repudiate Hagee and his endorsement, just as Barack Obama did earlier this week with Louis Farrakhan (despite the fact that Obama, unlike McCain with Hagee, never sought out or accepted Farrakhan's endorsement)."

  14. The source for the above quote:

  15. WOW!! Isn't it amazing that McCain holds these views:

    "JH: All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that.

    The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it would was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other gay pride parades.

    So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the Day of Judgment, and I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans."

  16. Why does McCain HATE AMERICA so???

  17. The number of people bamboozled by idiotic pastors in this country runs into the megamillions.

  18. oh my Deuce, he calls your Church a whore, says the apostate system will be devoured by the anti-christ and McCain is proud of this man? I guess the left wing attack machine is just biding its time before releasing a greatest hits edit of this man's pontifications. What is good for the goose is...

  19. See Duece's first comment:

    Why does McCain support this man?

  20. Are you serious Ash? Sometimes it is hard for me to tell.

  21. How about those pedophiles, for more than twenty years the Catholics have supported those monsters, systematicly.
    What would Christ have done?
    - Tue Mar 18, 06:36:00 PM EDT

    ash, with your perspective, your view

    will you repudiate the writer of this bigotry?

    If not, why not?

  22. and if you do not repudiate the writer of those remarks ash

    why do you hate America?

  23. “I repudiate any comments that are made, including Pastor Hagee’s, if they are anti-Catholic or offensive to Catholics.”

    Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented as follows:

    “Sen. McCain has done the right thing and we salute him for doing so. As far as the Catholic League is concerned, this case is closed.”

    Now ash -

    you equated/defined bigotry as anti-catholic remarks

    will you repudiate the writer of the bigotry?


    do you hate America?

  24. Clinton Lied, Jobs Died, Obama Campaign Charges


    The pot is beginning to boil.

    I preemptively repudiate any remarks made by my pastor, now, in the past, or in the future.

  25. "We only get conservative Jews here at the bar."

    Do tree huggers count as conservatives? :)

  26. That's good, Bob. Now, are there any indescretions, etc that we should know about.

  27. ?

    Best to be premptive about these matters.


  28. Bob,

    Re: "The Hidden Sense: Synsthesia in Art and Science"

    Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

  29. None, that you should know about:)



    What a circus.

  31. The nation's press is in seventh heaven--

    Obama church published
    Hamas terror manifesto
    Compares charter calling for murder
    of Jews to Declaration of Independence

    Ferraro resents being lumped with Wright
    To equate what I said with what this racist bigot has said ... is unbelievable'
    --Torrance Daily Breeze, California

    WorldNetDaily Exclusive
    Obama demanded Lott resignation
    Illinois senator couldn't 'forgive' his embrace of segregationist colleague

    Obama: Wright flap has 'shaken me up'
    'I think we were starting to get a little comfortable and conventional'

    WorldNetDaily Exclusive
    Obama website yanks 'Black Panthers' plug
    'It's part of the game,' says anti-white, anti-Jew leader

    Al Sharpton 'quietly supporting' Obama
    'Hillary Clinton has never done nothing for us'
    --New York Daily News

    Bottom drops out! Obama now trails Hillary, McCain
    Gallup reveals statistically significant Democrat deficit

    Polls show Obama far behind in Pennsylvania
    'If he doesn't make an honest effort there, he'll be in trouble'
    --Centre Daily Times, State College, Pa.

    Liberal Democrats overwhelmingly choose Obama in straw poll
    Conference participants divided about role of superdelegates at convention
    --U.S. News & World Report

    Obama speech applauded – by GOP foes
    Republicans say candidate's explanation didn't end Wright controversy
    --ABC News

    Anti-Obama video crafted by talk radio producer
    'I believe he is hiding his Marxism from the American people'

    Obama: Trust me to end war
    'What we need is a pragmatic strategy that focuses on fighting our real enemies'

  32. When did the Roman Catholic Church become America?

    Mexico has not yet been annexed.

    But will soon be, it is part of America, at least on the maps.

    That, is part of the debate, is the election in America, or the United States. The two are not the same.

    So it's easy to hate the idea of "America" and love the United States.

    One is a constitutional republic, the other a masterful piece of markerting.

    A term mostly unused prior to the Civil War, one used in abundence, since.

    The Courts and jurors have decided on the Catholics and the systematic sheltering of pedophiles, elijah. That they did shelter them within the clergy a proven and judgementable fact.

    That the Chuch was held to be judgementable a tribute to the United States.

    It was Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberston who blamed America for 9-11-01. Though they did later apologize, but like Mr Wright, they felt the fault was with the US Government, the Courts and such.
    9011-01 was a direct result of abortion rights in America, according to these two men of faith.

    Then Falwell said, "What we saw on Tuesday, as terrible as it is, could be miniscule if, in fact, God continues to lift the curtain

    and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve."

    Robertson replied, "Well, Jerry, that's my feeling. I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror, we haven't begun to see what they can do to the major population."
    Falwell said, "The ACLU has got to take a lot of blame for this. And I know I'll hear from them for this, but throwing God...successfully with the help of the federal court system...throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools,

    the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad

    ...I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the thing in their face and say you helped this happen."

    Robertson said, "I totally concur, and the problem is we've adopted that agenda at
    the highest levels of our government, and so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do, and the top people, of course, is the court system."

    The Blame America First crowd

  33. Maybe the Lord is visiting all these tribulations upon us in retribution for the errors of Wright, Farrakhan, Hagee, Falwell, and Robertson. That makes some sense to me.

  34. Ideed, bob, all the false preachers.

    Those that claim to speak for God, to know his wants, needs and desires.

    Those special men.

    Self-annoited hypocrites and bigots. On the left and the right of the political spectrum.

    Obama is not worthy of the White House, but neither is John McCain.

    Billary worse than either, a direct repudiation of the Constitution, in a community property State.

  35. MSNBC Keith Oberman is having trouble with saliva control over this news:

    "Obama demands probe over passport breach
    Email|Link|Comments (0)Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor March 20, 2008 08:21 PM
    Barack Obama's campaign tonight is demanding a full investigation of reports that his passport files at the State Department were viewed without authorization.

    “This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years. Our government’s duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes. This is a serious matter that merits a complete investigation, and we demand to know who looked at Senator Obama’s passport file, for what purpose, and why it took so long for them to reveal this security breach,” Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.

    NBC News is reporting that several low-level State Department employees have been fired over the January incident, and the department is conducting an internal investigation"

  36. Not words, but actions.

    Actions are always going to bump mere words from above the fold.

  37. 1
    Is catholicism running for the office of POTUS?

    "When did the Roman Catholic Church become America?"

    Why does McCain HATE AMERICA so???
    Thu Mar 20, 04:39:00 PM EDT
    - so ash is not speaking about the United States of...America

    but have at it with your discussion on catholics, & robertson, and falwell

    which one is the spiritual advisor to McCain?

    catholics support pedophiles as you wrote
    - Tue Mar 18, 06:36:00 PM EDT

    Now focus -
    Does Ash hate America (as in United States of)?
    or do you dislike Christianity (with your inclusion of Falwell and Robertson, in addition to Catholic remarks?

    By the way, didn't you have a funny spelling for America too che rat, staunch defender of conservatism?

    and who are those captors?

  38. i have reread the rat post and am simply not understanding the link between catholicism and Robertson & Falwell

    someone help me

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Religion, amigos.
    The political double standard that is developed with regards Religion.

    The Catholics have been found guilty, in US Courts.
    Huge fines have been imposed, due to that guilt.

    In Mr Wright's case, no crime was committed.

    In Mr Falwells and Robertson's case, no crime was committed. But for the social incompetence of the statements, same as with Mr Wright.

    Posters here hold Obama to a Standard, demand the repudiation of Mr Wright, that McCain is not held to with Falwaell or Roberston, whomever is the sole current survivor of that pair.

    Though both sides have uttered these "hateful" statements. Mr Obama is chastised for not quitting the Trinity Church.

    The Standard does not apply to Catholics, whose Church has committed criminal acts. While it has also promoted a similar "Liberation Theology" to Mr Wright's. Putting those words to action in many locales in America.

    Why are Catholic church goers not held to the Obama Standard, not required to quit the Church, in the face of these proven criminal activities and the Roman Catholics support of Liberation Theology in Central America, which caused friends of mine to be killed.

    Those words, of the Catholic priests, caused the deaths of many. Directly, much more so than any words spoken by Mr Wright.

    It has been an on going discussion, one that elijah chooses to pick pieces of, to further his point, which they can, when not taken in context.

    But anyone that has read the entire threads should see the point and the connections.

    Or they choose not to

  41. "one that elijah chooses to pick pieces of, to further his point, which they can, when not taken in context."

    hateful statements by the Falwells and Robertsons

    by all means please show the EB readers specifically where i wrote that they were not - you can do this by copying and pasting from past posts.

    i have for 4 weeks retained the same perspective... Mr. Obama is a member of a church that has a race-based value system that views another race in American society as the enemy. period.

    you & other Obama supporters have tried to distort that simple fact via

    comparing liberation theology to other congregations
    explaining statements in his own books as in the past....personal growth
    Mr. Obama was unaware of views of his spiritual advisor/mentor
    explaining his wife's views as taken out of context

    For 4 weeks not a single person at EB, Belmont, Tigerhawk, or Guardian's Comments is free can answer a simple question.

    Who are the captors in Mr. Obama's race-based religious value system?

    Well, who are they rat?

  42. If the links were followed, an eye witness to the Salvadoran War, other than me, put the death toll at 100,000.
    Due in large part to the instigation by the Catholic priests, spouting their Liberation Theology.
    More than were killed by Jihadists in Israel and the US, Spain, France and England, combined.

    Liberation Theology and the Roman Catholic Chirch, hand in hand in mass death, from 1975 to 1983/84.

    The 1984 end date based on duece's link, the 1983 date based upon mine.

    100,000 dead at the door step of the Catholic Church.
    What would Christ have said, to that?

  43. The plantation owners, elijah.
    The Democrats that he disdained, Bill Clinton whome he said had "Rode Dirty" the Black community.

    "America", that marketing phrase.
    That word of projection that means everything and nothing.

    A word that has no legal basis in law.
    America is guilty.
    What America is, is open to perspective and perception.

    Every Brazilian I ever met thought they were Americans. They are, same as Mexicans and Canadians are all Americans, too.

    What is America, but the Western Hemisphere, elijah?

    It is not the United States.

    America is a marketing phrase, that means whatever you or the speaker want it to.

  44. Show me the Constitution of America.
    The Bill of Rights for America.

    They do not exist
    The Decalaration, does not mention America.

    It is a strawman
    A marketing term, used to bind a divergent population. Fifty seperate States into a marketable whole.

    Not a nationb but a geographic place. America, from the Tierra del Fuego to the tundra of Canada.
    That's America.

    The United States OF America, just a small part of that geographic space. Not the whole of it.
    Not by any means.

    So what does America mean, to Mr Wright? The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States.

    Project your thoughts into his words.

  45. Perhaps, to Mr Wright, America is the rich, white, ruling class.

    The Senate and the President.

    I don't know what Mr Wright percieves America to be.

    I doubt he sees it like I do.
    Doubt he sees it like you do.

    He could well be right, in his perception.
    America is an idea, it's often been said.

  46. El Salvador is 85% Catholic. That would be Catholics killing Catholics.

  47. So what does America mean, to Mr Wright? The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States.
    Project your thoughts into his words.

    intellectual sloth again, words have meaning

    Mr. Obama

    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    “The emotion between the races could never be pure, even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.”
    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    “That hate hadn’t gone away,” he wrote, BLAMING “WHITE PEOPLE — some CRUEL, some IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives.”
    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on,to show your LOYALTY TO THE BLACK MASSES, TO STRIKE OUT and name names” Barack Hussein Obama
    (note not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    but rat says he has experienced personal growth, although his remains a member of a church with a race-based religious value system

    Would you also like the specificity of Mr. Wright's comments? (not The Governemt, the land, the people of the America, or the United States, but a specific race)

    i know, i know you will also have another explanation

    again, show the EB readers specifically where i defended these individuals you spoke of in previous posts - you can do this by copying and pasting from past posts.
