Saturday, March 01, 2008

How About a Good Spanking?

Spare the Rod?
Spanking may lead to aggression and sexual problems later in life, says a new study. So why do so many parents still believe in it?

By Claudia Kalb | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Feb 28, 2008 | Updated: 12:54 p.m. ET Feb 28, 2008

It's a topic that riles up emotions and opinions the way few others do in the contentious world of parenting philosophies. Spanking. Should you? How could you? Is it right? Is it wrong? Online message boards are flooded with messages on the topic: the confessions, the wrath, the full-on support. "Yes, I've done it, even though I always swore I wouldn't," writes one. "Sometimes spanking works best," responds another. And then there are the vocal opponents. "Spanking," writes one, "is abuse."

The spanking wrangle has a long history in scientific research, and new findings to be reported today at the American Psychological Association Summit Conference on Violence and Abuse in Relationships will intensify the debate yet again. In a provocative paper, Murray Straus, co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire, says that spanking kids increases their risk of sexual problems as adults. Straus, a longtime researcher in the field, analyzed four prior studies and found that teens or young adults whose parents used corporal punishment were more likely to coerce dating partners into having sex or to engage in risky or masochistic sex.

One stat: the 25 percent of university students who ranked highest on a corporal punishment scale insisted on sex without a condom, compared with the 12.5 percent of university students who scored lowest on the scale. Another: 75 percent of college students who'd been spanked a lot said they were sexually aroused by masochistic sex, compared with 40 percent of students who were never spanked. "It's so consistent with so many other studies showing harmful side effects," says Straus. "It didn't surprise me."

The new study has its weaknesses, but so does just about every other paper in the field. For starters, you can't study spanking in the randomized double-blind way you can a medication. It would be ethically inappropriate to divide a bunch of kids into two groups, spank some, spare others and then compare how they fare 10 or 20 years down the road. And double-blind? Impossible to disguise spanking in a dummy pill. So there's no way to absolutely prove cause and effect. The study also relies on students' own recollections of their childhood experiences. Straus says he controlled for people covering up mistreatment by their parents. On the other hand, the students could also have exaggerated. "It's possible," says Strauss, "though I don't find it too plausible."

Elizabeth Gershoff, a researcher at University of Michigan's School of Social Work, says Straus's findings are consistent with the literature. "I have every faith in his research," Gershoff says. "The more children are spanked, the more aggressive they are and the more likely they are to engage in delinquent or at-risk behaviors." Sexual behavior is just one example of that behavior, she says. One lesson kids learn, says Gershoff, is that if you have the power in a relationship, you can use aggression to get your way. Another: "[Kids] may learn that sometimes there's pain and fear involved in loving relationships."

Gershoff, who published a large analysis of the spanking research in 2002 and has just completed a new paper about spanking in the context of human rights and public policy, says spanking may work to gets kids' attention, but it doesn't teach them how to behave appropriately in the long-term. A little tap once in a while is going to have minimal risk, but the risk increases "the more you do it and the harder you do it," she says. "I think everything we know from the research is that it doesn't work and it might have negative side effects."
Need more do you?


  1. Pap took the switch to Huck Finn many a time, and Huck turned out pretty good. A fine tuned moral sense. But that was only in a book of course.

    I was spanked once, not very hard. In Sweden I read, not too long ago, they have made a rule about even raising the voice to the children.

    How does this affect the culture of Sweden and its ability to fight muslims, one might wonder.

    We know how muslims treat the young girls, how about the boys? Pretty rough, all in all, I imagine, unless one is a Saudi 'prince'.

    I don't know how I think about it. Kids are really sensitive, most of them, but really resiliant too. Without anything else to go on, I quess I'd buy into the study.

  2. OT(I think) Kenyan Tribes Demand Apology from Clinton

    I find this to be little short of insane. There may well be too much info flowing around the globe. I'm not sure I want to live in a global village. Maybe it's their upbringing, and spanking, that has to do with this compulsion to avenge every perceived wrong in some way. Nah, it's the koran.

  3. This guy, doing a job most Americans won't, has inflicted his version of corporal punishment on least 80 spoiled American Kids that had it coming.
    Trish says:
    "Who's the Hysteric Paranoid Racist that's counting?"
    Illegal Alien Wanted on 80 Counts of Child Rape Captured in Polk County

    TAMPA – An illegal immigrant wanted on more than 80 counts of rape on children in North Carolina was captured tonight in Haines City, the U.S. Marshals Service announced.

  4. Deported Sex-Offenders return again and again.

    Border Patrol agents report seeing illegal immigrants every night attempting to cross the border, many of them sex offenders.
    Last year, on a small sector of thoroughfare near Nogales, Border Patrol caught nearly 400 offenders trying to sneak across in this one area alone.

    Border Patrol Agent Mike Scioli revealed to 5 Investigates just how frequent these convicts enter back into the country.

    "Within just the last week, we caught three major sex offenders and it was anything from lewd acts with a minor to child molestation; I believe one was a rape victim or sexual assault," Scioli said.

    Agents said they identified sex offenders from North Carolina, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa and California that were deported to Mexico and then turned around and re-entered the U.S. at the Arizona border.

    Police said the Chandler rapist was one of these offenders.
    The Chandler rapist is an illegal immigrant who was deported twice from California to Mexico.

    Sex offenders and other ex-cons caught re-entering the U.S. face new prison terms up to 20 years.
    However, the convicts 5 Investigates interviewed said the consequences of getting caught will not stop them from attempting to re-enter the U.S.

  5. It's not his fault, Doug, he got the crap beat out of him as a kid. He's just acting out, now.

  6. If them kids had learnt spanish like they should, they could have consented, avoiding the rape.

  7. Haven't you heard, like I heard, on KGO the other night, that you are in a lot more danger from Americans than illegal aliens? They are saints compared to us.

    Hey, did you hear the good news? I don't have to run errands for Trish anymore. Sucking up doesn't work with her.

  8. Long as it's not our kids, why should we care?
    Open borders facilitates free trade of sex-offenders.

  9. You better hope she doesn't return as Merlot Madness Trish.
    The episodes have been more frequent.

  10. Just read your link.

    It looks like the states and cities are going to have to be the front line on immigration. If everyone gets tough enough, the illegals will all end up in San Francisco, sancturary city, USA.

    Bernie Ward must have been severely chastised as a kid.

  11. The US Chamber of Commerce is taking Oklahoma to court for their immigration laws.
    I would not doubt that states will eventually be neutered in court.

    Just cause 80% of the people are sick of illegals don't mean nuthin to our Elite Rulers.

  12. Bernie got the "Choirboy Treatment" at Church.
    Gotta feel sorry for the poor guy.

  13. F the Chamber, and I'd like to put the switch to Pelosi's ass. Gotta get some sleep. Night, you lucky dog, I bet it's about 75 degrees there.

  14. One of the links in that Bush Piece:
    "While the border wall will go through her backyard and effectively destroy her home, it will stop at the edge of the River Bend Resort and golf course, a popular Winter Texan retreat two miles down the road. The wall starts up again on the other side of the resort.

    “It has a golf course and all of the amenities,” Tamez says. “There are no plans to build a wall there. If the wall is so important for security, then why are we skipping parts?”

    Along the border, preliminary plans for fencing seem to target landowners of modest means and cities and public institutions such as the University of Texas at Brownsville, which rely on the federal government to pay their bills. "
    Sounds like the Border meant nothing to Texicans.
    I still say the solution is to survey a new, accurate border about 30 miles north, and let Mexico have the Texicans that don't want to commit to just the USA.

  15. Haint it warmed up there yet?

  16. We get a cold breeze off Haleakala at nite this time of year, get's into the 60's.
    Nice dry air down from 10,000 ft makes for pretty good sleeping weather!

  17. The two of you are going to end up simply talking to each other here at the EB.

    Or Doug's going to end up talking to himself.

    Which I imagine Doug already does.

    (Was that a personal attack? My husband talks to himself every day. Just not online.)

  18. The Doug Bar.

    Shit on a stick. Every damned day.

  19. Talk about getting a spanking. it seems as if stopped Larry Sinclair's check and then wiped the entire episode from their website:

    Mr. Dan Parisi, President
    295 Greenwich Street, Ste 184
    New York, New York 10007-1049

    RE: Returned Check

    Dear Mr. Parisi,

    Be advised that Lisa Brooks and Myself were notified by US Bank of Duluth this afternoon that Walden Federal (the bank in which Check Number 2046 is drawn on) has notified them a STOP PAYMENT was placed on your fee payment of $20,000.00 dated 2-21-08.

    I have contacted the Financial Crimes Division of the Duluth Police Department this date concerning this matter. US Bank as informed Ms. Brooks and myself that the check has not yet been physically returned to them unpaid, but that if it is it will be returned to me by March 7, 2008.

    I am asking that US Bank provide documentation showing Walden Federal has notified them the check is no good and I will begin the criminal complaint process against you and immediately upon receipt of the US Bank documentation.

    Ms. Brooks and I will be charged for your dis-honored check and those charges will be included in the criminal complaint against you.

    I have given you more than ample opportunity to honor your word and the agreement we had, especially seeing how you have received and engaged in using the very results of the services you paid for. You have chosen to act as if you are above the law and that sir will no doubt be you down fall.

    Again, you can avoid this criminal action against you and your company by contacting your financial institution and instructing them to honor the check.


    Lawrence Sinclair has removed all images of Mr. Sinclair from there site as of today.


  20. Everything's Groovy, Trish:
    "Free Trade" Agreements Mean we agree to the conditions, Mexico is exempt.
    We pay for Mexico's fence, they export their child molesters, drunks, and wage slaves for free.
    Such a deal!
    Cutler says free trade is the opposite of fascism.
    If "free traded" Heparin from a Chinese Peasant's Pig Sty kills you, are you free at last from ever suffering under Fascism again?
    And those 40,000 deceased on Traitor Bush's watch don't mean nuthin, right?
    Good to see that you are still the supreme judge of all things, tho, even blog comments.
    Carry on!

  21. The Trish Bar - Merlot Madness Outbursts, from time to time.

    Maybe if you would break your silence on illegal immigration and reveal your ignorance from time to time, things would be less monotonous.

  22. The Trish Bar:
    A Trip Down Denial
    Every Damned Day.

  23. Now it's Slimeball V Slimeball
    on the Larry Craig Episode!

  24. The list of No-No's wrt to Obama continues to Grow-Grow:
    Did 'SNL' Go Beyond the Pale With Fauxbama? -
    Washington Post
    Nobody much cared about Armisen's racial background (he is of white and Asian heritage) when he played Prince and Steve Jobs during seasons past of the NBC show. Nor did it seem to matter that "SNL's" Darrell Hammond, who is white, has impersonated the Rev. Jesse Jackson for years. Or that decades ago on "SNL," Billy Crystal played Sammy Davis Jr.

    But in 2008, Obama isn't just any politician or celebrity. Which is why Armisen's DNA became something of an issue when he became "Fauxbama" in "SNL's" first show back since the writers' strike ended this month.

    Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune put the question bluntly: "Call me crazy, but shouldn't 'Saturday Night Live's' fictional Sen. Barack Obama be played by an African-American?" Ryan went on to conclude: "I find 'SNL's' choice inexplicable. Obama's candidacy gives us solid proof of the progress that African-Americans have made in this country. I guess 'SNL' still has further to go on that front."

    Hannah Pool, a writer for the Guardian newspaper in Great Britain, suggested the whole setup had "minstrel" overtones.

  25. Can't use his middle name, can't make fun of his ears, can't mention his racist friends, can't mention muslim crooks and terrorists.
    SNL's skit was pure reality!

  26. Liberal Fascism will truly have arrived if Barry becomes POTUS.

  27. "If we had as many examples of black actors playing white figures, no one would need to discuss it. But when you have a figure as historically important as Barack Obama . . . people can get mighty protective of his image."
    The fact that he is a lightweight leftist fraud, detracts not at all from his significance, of course, given that he is far left, and black, and in favor of US Citizenship for anyone that cares to burrow in and exploit the system.

  28. That link has the Video,
    definitely worth the click!

  29. I think they enhanced his ears.
    I love it!

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