Friday, February 08, 2008

McCain and Romney

McCain needs Romney not Huckabee
Posted: February 08, 2008, 12:10 PM by Diane Francis
U.S. Politics National Post

John McCain’s best running mate would be Mitt Romney (or a Romney endorsed candidate) and a closer analysis of the primary results below show why. Romney, not Huckabee, shores up McCain’s two vulnerabilities: his admitted lack of knowledge about economics and business as well as his age, a concern to many.

On Thursday, Romney nobly stepped aside and established Iraq as the centerpiece issue for the fall Presidential election. To further this, he asked anti-McCain Republicans and conservatives to join him in unity behind front-runner John McCain. It was a non-endorsement endorsement because McCain’s name was not invoked. Then President Bush did the exact same thing and called yesterday for unity to preserve “peace and prosperity”.

This is very very smart, especially in the face of what is developing as a nasty, non-uniting scrap between Obama and the Clintonites. (Hillary’s biggest mistake before Super Tuesday was to try and raise the “swiftboat” issue and that Obama would not be able to stand the Republicans’ withering attacks should he become candidate. This merely raised the issue that there is more dirt against the Clintons to come, witness Obama’s call yesterday for them to release their tax returns and a statement of their income sources.)

Bill the impediment again

Slick Willy has been freelancing all over the place since leaving the Presidency, both socially and financially. So stay tuned. The Republicans will have a feeding frenzy if the Clintons are on the ticket, even as vice president.

Meanwhile, Romney’s withdrawal accomplished four objectives:
  • Romney finessed his fierce combativeness and attacks against McCain in the past few months by talking about the greater good fo fighting "evil" terrorists. Candidates have supporters who develop very strong dislikes for opponents and by saying that the cause trumps their dislike for McCain, he helps keep his people on his side for future purposes.
  • He saved face by presenting himself as a "sacrifice"
  • He has begun the uniting efforts for the party behind McCain.
  • He trumps Huckabee as a potential running-mate.

McCain gets it

Yesterday, McCain hinted at this by saying he was “looking forward to meeting with Governor Romney” shortly. Romney may not have personal appeal but he would strengthen a ticket because he is a hugely successful businessman who understands more of the nuances of the economy and business. McCain admits this is a slight shortcoming and that his strength is military and foreign policy.

Romney also looks and acts the part plus is young enough to put to rest concerns about McCain's age in office. At 71 with some health concerns in the past, McCain may be a one-termer which makes the vice presidential position more enticing than is usually the case.

An analysis of results also shows Romney’s value, or a Romney-endorsed running mate, for McCain:
  • Romney beat McCain in Michigan, Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Alaska, Utah and Massachusetts. Republicans need help in Michigan, Minnesota and Massachusetts, which voted Democrat in the past two contests.
  • Meanwhile, Huckabee won Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia and West Virginia, but these always vote Republican and except for Arkansas (Huckabee’s state) the combined McCain-Romney vote added up to more than Huckabee’s percentages.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. McCain made it clear throughout the campaign that he dislikes Romney, a lot.

    I think we're going to get shit, and like it.

  3. Why would anyone want to be second banana on a losing ticket?

  4. The drums are beating for Archbishop Williams to call it a day. Resign Whatever life the Anglican Church has left in it is in Africa, and to a lesser extent in the USA.

  5. Powell didn't last long. How about Larry Craig. I'd be for that, if it kept him out of the state.

  6. Why don't you like Powell, Trish?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. As the VP pick, cutler, I think it'd be most unwise. Way too much baggage there.

    And Powell himself would say Hell No. In that way, it's moot.

  9. In World War Z, Colin Powell and Howard Dean (unnamed but obvious) are brought together to lead the United States in the World Wide Zombie War.

    I don't know exactly where I'm going with this, but I think there's probably a couple dozen jokes there.

  10. Change (brains)... Chaaaaaange... Chaaaaaaaaaaaaange... Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange...

  11. John Kasich.

    If you think about it, it's perfect.

  12. Contract with America. Remember, bob?

    But without the sheer oxygen-sucking obnoxiousness of Newt.

    Relatively young, too.

  13. Here He Is

    I wasn't paying much attention to politics back in those days.

  14. Conservatives are beginning to amaze me in their inability to see what's really at stake here. This election is about more than McCain and his inability to follow conservative principals.

    How is handing the whole country over to liberals a suitable alternative to McCain?

    There is a serious difference between McCain and a purebread liberal who is bent on destroying ALL conservative values as well as our country with them.

    Anti McCain commentators such as Rush Limbaugh have ventured the idea that perhaps we should sit this election out and let the Dems have a term in office, claiming it might pave the way for a future shot at a candidate he and others will like in four years.

    Imagine the damage our country will endure if Democrats control all three branches of government for 4 to 8 years.

    This would give liberals what they will treat as a clear sign from America that is it ready to move sharply to the left. Not slightly to the left.

    Cherry picking our candidate is exactly what got us INTO this mess, and if conservatives aren’t careful, they will throw the entire country into a liberal free for all...

    There is no such thing as a quick recovery from 4 years of liberalism unchecked. We may be facing what will take years and years of damage to undo. What’s more, there’s no guarantee that it WILL be undone. Have conservatives completely forgotten Roe v. Wade and other extremely important issues? We need an allie on every core issue we can get.

    Questioning McCain was right and highly useful for a time and a season. Many of us wish we had acted sooner to support Romney or Huck....

    But staying home on election day allows liberals a pass to capture all THREE branches of Government. Do you want your kids growing up in that kind of environment?

    I'm not asking anyone to sacrifice their own belief or convictions, but we have a serious serious problem here, that we can't afford to fall asleep on.

    Give it some thought, friends.

    Danny Vice

  15. He's charming. He's inwardly and outwardly principled. He's an energetic and positive thinker. He's conservative in the right mold.

    And again, he's not a geriatric.

  16. Liddy hated him as a sellout.
    Guns, I think.

  17. "The willingness of a President McCain to cooperate with the Democrats would give such issues as an immigration amnesty a better chance of passage than under a President Hillary or Obama even against strong GOP resistance in Congress. Opponents of such policies, despite enjoying majority support among the voters, would find themselves politically marginalized. On the other hand, a united Republican opposition might well stop a Democratic White House from passing these measures because its party would be nervous of finding itself on the wrong side of a popular issue in the next midterm elections.
    I used to think that too.
    Problem is, there's not going to be nearly as many Pubs around Congress.
    22 Pub Seats up in Senate, 12 Dem.
    Most Pubs are retiring on the house side.

  18. 4 out of the first 5 in that little poll are blacks, the other is a woman. Lots of folks think the pubs need something other than another white man.

  19. Better work to get some more anti-illegal Dems elected when pub has no chance.

  20. Why would John not pick the Huckster?

  21. If you win the South, you got a chance, otherwise, no way.

  22. Two bullet Doug, they call me.

  23. Art Bell for Vice President. Actually he wouldn't be so bad, he mostly agrees with me on most issues, which is all important, is wildly popular, is full of life with his new twenty something wife, an inter racial marriage, and brings in the UFO crowd, large and growing, the way a Kucinich never could. And he is a visionary.

  24. How long has he been married?
    How's his back?

  25. Wasn't his first wife a non-wasp too?

  26. Year and a half or so. His back is better, since he's been married.

  27. He'd get that all-important ALIEN vote!

  28. Yeah, I think Ramona(?) was a filipino, too.

  29. Good excuse to take the bottom.

  30. Aliens can influence elections, you know that. Some vote.

  31. Why would John not pick the Huckster?

    Fri Feb 08, 10:04:00 PM EST

    Because he has no conservative bona fides.

  32. Ramona, eligible deeevorceee, half the Bell Empire.

  33. Yeah, but you have to get elected, Northern White Boy won't do that.

  34. To be truthful about it, it was a little odd. Ramona was hardly stiff before they shipped this chick over to him, so he wouldn't commit suicide. It worked. He's happy as a clam, now.

  35. I didn't know she died.
    That's sad.
    The big C, I'd guess?

  36. Maybe I should try that.
    The shipment, not the deceased wife, that is.

  37. You can choose a double shit sandwich if you don't care for bullets.

  38. She had some kind of breathing problem, allergy or something, she had to have meds or a mask or both. Anyway, they were in the big RV parked somewhere, and she died during the night I quess. Or maybe it was in the morning and he found her when he returned. He found her sitting on the davenport, with the apparatus. He really went into a steep decline, he said, until they shipped him the replacement.

    Doesn't sound very romantic to me, but he's happy, a new father, she's happy, a first time mother, things worked out all around. Except for Ramona, who got left in the dust, so to speak.

  39. God, what it the entire condition was caused by all the freaking formaldehyde and crap in those F...... RV's?
    That, and alien droppings would overwhelm most anyone.

  40. Could be Jeb Bush or Charlie Crist.

  41. Could just see old art the fart sealed up in that thing on a cold winter's nite:
    Oblivious to everything but short waves,, AM, and aliens.
    Meanwhile, Ramona chokes to death.

  42. The Art Controvery

    Art didn't bump her off, I'm sure of that.

  43. controversy,
    trying to find a picture

    Jeb doesn't want it. Nobody wants another Bush for awhile anyway.

  44. Bush
    His last name is spelled

    B U S H

    In case you've forgotten, Whit!

  45. Hilarious thread, Al-Bob.
    Art's aliens betrayed!

  46. Art Bell and new wife Here Got to scroll down.

  47. hmmm, I'm not sure wiki has that courtship exactly right. I thought she was sort of offered up to poor old Art as a helpful suggestion, sort of, somehow. Whatever....

  48. "but these (southern states) always vote Republican "
    This election is after 8 long years of GWB.

  49. Don't you agree sealed Doublewides and foam furniture are a health hazard?

  50. Sachiko Toguchi Bell Pontius (dates uncertain; divorced)

    Sukiyaki Sakamoto Kyo Bell, divorced

    Ramona Bell (August 1991 – January 5, 2006 †)

    Airyn Ruiz Bell (April 11, 2006 – present)

  51. Maybe Art is a hazard to women's mental health!

  52. "It was later explained he had left to deal with the aftermath of a sexual assault against his son. Brian Lepley, a substitute teacher, was convicted of sexual assault and attempted transmission of HIV and was sentenced to 10 to 25 years.[20]
    I'd forgotten about that.
    That SOB shoulda been hung on the spot.
    Art looks about 40 in that Pic!
    Maybe all we need is a young wife?

  53. Liddy hated him as a sellout.
    Guns, I think.

    Fri Feb 08, 09:57:00 PM EST

    Hey, it's not abortion, is it?

    Conservatives have gladly swallowed so much public safety BS (and let's talk about Rudy, shall we?) that it's hard to make the case they'd now throw a fit over that. Rat didn't care. Not one bit.

    We need a woman or a minority, bob? If you look at the race, just on the Dem side, that way, you're making a mistake.

    Obama won Iowa, for crying out loud. I know a thing or two about Iowa, and its affection for minorities isn't its hallmark outside of Ames.

  54. He's still a Northern White Boy.

  55. Here I am already telling YOU to eat more shit!
    How quickly things change!

  56. "Filipino Americans are a conservative-leaning electorate. Polls before the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election showed Filipino American support was in favor of George W. Bush by a 56% to 30% margin over John Kerry with the remaining 14% either undecided at the time or voting for other candidates [3]. Filipino Americans are very divided among the Democratic and Republican Parties, with gender being the dividing factor. Most Filipino American males consistently vote Democrat, while their female counterparts consistently vote Republican.[citation needed]"

    Somewhat odd.

  57. While there, he set a Guinness record by staying on the air for 116 hours and 15 minutes. The money raised there allowed Bell to charter a DC-8, fly to Vietnam, and rescue 130 Vietnamese orphans stranded in Saigon at the war's end. They were eventually brought to the United States and adopted by American families.

    Subsequently, Bell discussed off-beat topics like the paranormal, occult knowledge, UFOs, protoscience and pseudo-science. During his tenure at KDWN, Bell met and married his second wife, Ramona, who later handled production and management duties for the program.

    How many wives has Art had, three, or four?

  58. The doublewide did it, Your Honor.

  59. The Flips here are almost all big National Defense Patriots, Cutler, Dem or GOP.
    High percentage serve in the Military at some point.

  60. Heh, you don't need to tell me that part.

  61. There's a certain Navy man keeping a close eye on me and my job prospects.

  62. Shuster Suspended For "Pimped Out" Comment

    On Thursday's "Tucker" on MSNBC, David Shuster, who was serving as guest-host of the program, made a comment about Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton campaign that was irresponsible and inappropriate. Shuster, who apologized this morning on MSNBC and will again this evening, has been suspended from appearing on all NBC News broadcasts, other than to make his apology. He has also extended an apology to the Clinton family. NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks.

  63. danny vice said...

    "Conservatives are beginning to amaze me in their inability to see what's really at stake here. This election is about more than McCain and his inability to follow conservative principals.

    How is handing the whole country over to liberals a suitable alternative to McCain?"

    Danny, first welcome to the EB and secondly, I am as baffled as you are. See the next post.

  64. Kevin James has a great point:

    McCain says he's gonna be tough on border enforcement.
    Kevin says,

    "Why Gonna?"

    Duncan Hunter has new Fence Legislation in the works, we should all be writing McCain, the media, are Congressmen and telling them to start carrying out their promises NOW.

    Otherwise, we're just surrendering to what we had w/Bush:

    He said he WOULD do x,y, and z, AFTER comprehensive reform passed.

    But Bush was already in Office, McCain ain't!
