Sunday, February 24, 2008

Larry Sinclair Update on Gay Sex and Drug Charges


Larry Sinclair's drug test came back earlier than expected. He was tested for any and all chemical substances including illegal drugs that could cause an inaccurate polygraph test result. There were no traces of any such substances found.

We are awaiting for the second polygraph expert to verify the original results and should have an answer by Monday. Video of the polygraph exam will be posted shortly."
I am going out on a limb here, but come to think about it, we don't have any advertisers to lose. It certainly seems as if these guys are painting a picture that will show positive results on this test. Maybe not. Will post the video as soon as it is out.


  1. From

    We will be releasing results of Mr. Sinclair's 2 polygraph tests done by first expert at Noon Today
    2/24/2008 11:45 AM

  2. I took the poll: I actually do think McCain probably gave her a shot. I don't care.

    WhiteHouse Quick Poll:

    Thank you. Your answer has been recorded.
    Here are the results up to 15 minutes ago:

    Do you believe than John McCain had a romantic relationship with Vicki Iseman?

    Yes 48%
    No 52%

  3. But did Larry Sinclair have a 'come to Obama' moment, or did Obama have a 'come to Sinclair' moment, that is the question of moment.

    McCain would have been, what, about 62 at the time? Sure, I give it some credibility.

  4. We have just received word that the second polygraph expert's results will be done in about an hour. We will just wait until then to post both results at the same time as we said we would do in the first place. It will be between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM EST.

  5. While we are waiting to rake Obama over the coals, we might as well bring up The Rezko Trial

  6. In June 2005, Obama bought a 98-year-old Kenwood mansion from a University of Chicago doctor for $1.65 million, using a $1.69 million advance he received from publishers Crown for his book, "The Audacity of Hope." The same day Rezko's wife Rita paid the doctor $625,000 for the empty lot adjoining Obama's property.

    Even though at the time Rezko was under federal investigation for influence-peddling in Illinois Governor Blagojevich's administration, Obama did business with him, buying for $104,500 a 10-foot wide strip of Rita Rezko's lot, ostensibly to provide space for a fence. The deal left Mrs. Rezko's lot too small to build upon, thereby lifting the value of Obama's home.

    While I can understand buying 10 ft for a big price, no seller in their right mind would ruin the value of a lot by selling a portion, making it unusable.

    The dotor, it seems, at least, came out smelling like a rose. The Rezko rose has faded.

    All those state jobs being traded around sounds like business as usual for Chicago and Illinois.

  7. And, a President Obama would squander our hard earned Gains in both Afghanistan, and Iraq.
