Thursday, February 14, 2008

Define Obama. Burst the Bubble.

Bobal posted below a more compelling list than my original. I moved his post from below to here:

bobal said
  1. He has no sense of the real world. He doesn't have a clue how rough it is out there. He thinks dialogue by itself would bring results. He wants to go on some apology tour. Why? For what?
  2. He wants to pull the troops out of Iraq, damn the consequences, right at the time things are turning better.
  3. He doesn't preach any personal responsibility. He preaches collective responsibility.
  4. He belongs to a church that is racist and antiAmerican.
  5. He is sympathetic to muslims. His muslim past is a big worry.
  6. His program is tax and spend, tax and spend.
  7. He didn't experiment with drugs. He used with regularity. He is a felon.
  8. He will absolutely swamp the country with immigrants, with zero understanding of the consequences for the country. His nonchalant attitude to law breaking as evidenced by his drug use carries over to law breaking of people just walking into the country.
  9. He has no economic experience.
  10. He'll trash the constitution. He'll trash the second amendment.
  11. He pumps up peoples expectations in a fraudulent and irresponsible manner.
  12. His undefined cry for change is a mask for a coming imposed socialism.
  13. He thinks pouring more money into social programs will lead somewhere when we have been at the point of diminishing returns for decades.
  14. He jumps on a bandwagon of global warming when the science is still undetermined and throws out wildly impractical and impossible 'solutions'.
  15. He's more power hungry than even Hillary.
  16. He is the most left wing person in the senate, and rather than bring people together he will lead us into a simmering class war. Added all up it equals to one magical charismatic charlatan, which may flourish for a season only.


  1. If the primary season taught me anything, it reinforced my natural inclination not to trust ironclad predictions. Just about anything can happen.

  2. Even successful predictions are often right due to externalities that couldn't have been predicted, and weren't by the prognosticators.

  3. 1)He has no sense of the real world. He doesn't have a clue how rough it is out there. He thinks dialogue by itself would bring results. He wants to go on some apology tour. Why? For what?
    2)He wants to pull the troops out of Iraq, damn the consequences, right at the time things are turning better.
    3) He doesn't preach any personal responsibility. He preaches collective responsibility.
    4)He belongs to a church that is racist and antiAmerican.
    5)He is sympathetic to muslims. His muslim past is a big worry.
    6)His program is tax and spend, tax and spend.
    7)He didn't experiment with drugs. He used with regularity. He is a felon.
    8)He will absolutely swamp the country with immigrants, with zero understanding of the consequences for the country. His nonchalant attitude to law breaking as evidenced by his drug use carries over to law breaking of people just walking into the country.
    9)He has no economic experience.
    10)He'll trash the constitution. He'll trash the second amendment.
    11)He pumps up peoples expectations in a fraudulent and irresponsible manner.
    12) His undefined cry for change is a mask for a coming imposed socialism.
    13)He thinks pouring more money into social programs will lead somewhere when we have been at the point of diminishing returns for decades.
    14)He jumps on a bandwagon of global warming when the science is still undetermined and throws out wildly impractical and impossible 'solutions'.
    15)He's more power hungry than even Hillary.
    15)He is the most left wing person in the senate, and rather than bring people together he will lead us into a simmering class war.
    16)Added all up it equals to one magical charismatic charlatan, which may flourish for a season only.

  4. He has Zbig Brezinski as a foreign policy advisor.

  5. I'd hammer also on the theme never have we had in the nation's history a candidate less prepared to take on the responsibilities of the presidency. A candidate who carried what responsibilities he has had by voting 'present'.

  6. And I didn't mention the true havoc to be imposed on the court system.

    This guy is a disaster. A train wreck.

  7. Another thing that comes to mind about Obama--he never seems to ask anything of his followers. Hillary is this way too, as witness her Christmas ad dishing out neat little wrapped gifts to all and sundry. The Italian fascists and the German nazis at least made it plain that this effort is going to require--WORK.
    It's just--take from the rich, simple as that. Not the middle class, o no no no(this big whopper of a lie) we'll just play the resentment game, Christmas gifts from the rich to you and me. And from the nasty corporations, those evil demons, who have brought us computors and airplanes and cars and tractors and food and medicine and housing and highways and armaments to protect us all.

  8. So, do we still want Billary for a McJaws faceoff?

  9. A Solar Grand Plan

  10. Let Obama run free for now, do not challenge him on any of the points. Let Billary do it, if they want to. Let Billary alienate the Black vote, it will stand the GOP well in November.

    The "experience" issue has not served Billary well in the Primaries. In the General Election there could be a different result, as the electorate differs, greatly.

    The GOP, McCain in particular needs to present the lack of differences between Billary and Obama. That their policies are joined at the hip. Saving the Obama bullets until the Democratic intramural fight has blooded both of their candidates to the greatest extent possible.

  11. Yeah, but Bobal, the women cry when he speaks.

    Like the Barry Manilow song...

    How can you NOT vote for that?

  12. you've built up quite the straw man there bobal

  13. if Jesus wins the Democratic nomination, oh did I say Jesus? I meant Obama, Scoop Jackson Democrats (all 3 of us) will vote GOP

  14. If the Left Wing of our nation thinks that peace signs will win over hezbollah & their like they are sadly misguided

    I see McGovern, I see Dukacus, I see Obama

  15. dRat sez...
    The GOP, McCain in particular needs to present the lack of differences between Billary and Obama. That their policies are joined at the hip. Saving the Obama bullets until the Democratic intramural fight has blooded both of their candidates to the greatest extent possible.

    Damned straight. Whoever wins the Dem nom will win it weakened.

    A party built on victimology and identity politics always has to explain defeat away to oppression by someone else. In either case, one identity group will go home butt-hurt and may sit out the election.

    Al Sharpton is already gearing up his rent-a-mob to threaten violence if the super delegates throw the election to the white woman.

    I love it.

  16. here is a shock:

    Former GOP Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chaffee endorsed Barack Obama today, because he believes Obama to be “the best candidate to restore American credibility, to restore our confidence to be moral and just, and to bring people together to solve the complex issues such as the economy, the environment and global stability.”

  17. here is a shock:

    Are you being sarcastic? The former RINO Chafee is now an Independent. I predict he'll declare himself as a Democrat before too long. It won't be much of a shift as he voted with them enough when he was in the Senate. He's just another liberal from the very Blue State on Narragansett Bay.

    He must be who Obama was referring to when he said Democrats, Independents and Republicans were supporting his campaign.

  18. Let the Bit Dog Holler
    Hizbullah's chief on Thursday vowed to retaliate against Israeli targets abroad after accusing Israel of taking the fight beyond Lebanese borders with its assassination of one of the group's top commanders, Imad Mughniyeh in Syria.

    "You have killed Hajj Imad outside the natural battlefield," Hassan Nasrallah said, addressing Israel and referring to Hizbullah's longtime contention it only fights Israel within Lebanon and along their common border.
    Nasrallah warned that Israel's killing of Mughniyeh was a "very big folly" which Israel will eventually pay for it.

    "Mughniyeh's blood will lead to the elimination of Israel. These words are not an emotional reaction," he said, drawing roars from the crowd which raised fists into the air

    "You have crossed the borders," Nasrallah said in the fiery eulogy at the funeral of Mughniyeh in south Beirut. "With this murder, its timing, location and method - Zionists, if you want this kind of open war, let the whole world listen: Let this war be open."

    The scum don't like it when somebody pushes back. Do they?

  19. I used to be a Scoop Jackson democrat for a awhile. I thought they had gone extinct, but I see there's three left, well four, if you count me.

    For those too young to know, Scoop was the democratic Senator from the state of Boeing.

  20. A book can be radically wrong in its conclusions and devilishly selective in its presentation of evidence yet still be useful. Blacklisted by History sketches the fellow-traveling milieu of postwar Washington, populated by eggheads who, for reasons both idealistic and sinister, were attracted to the Sovietophilic fringes of the left.

    But since it does not set this scene in a broader context, present McCarthy in his own words, carefully distinguish between those sympathetic to left-wing causes and those paid to do Stalin’s bidding, or consider the effect of McCarthy’s very un-American assault on civil liberties, it is not a book to be read in isolation.

    As in the case of Hiss and the Rosenbergs, consensus is often wrong. But no matter how hard M. Stanton Evans might try, Joe McCarthy will never be rehabilitated as an American hero.

    McCarthy and his Friends

  21. I, personally, am lookin forward to the Obama Presidency.

    Carter was horrible; but, he gave us Reagan. Any one of the three will be a disaster, but Obama could give us our Next, Great Republican leader. Hillary's just slick enough to hang around 8 years. Obama? Probably not.

    McCrazy will just give us four years of "don't pour water down a terrorist's nose," "Open Borders/Amnesty," and THEN a Democrat.

  22. Sensenbrenner and McCain are at opposite ends of the GOP spectrum on the hot-button issue of immigration, but Sensenbrenner said that wouldn’t stop him from supporting McCain if he is the nominee.

    "I hope at some time in future to sit down and talk with Sen. McCain on this issue. He’s been quite stubborn in his advocacy of an immigration plan that I have strongly disagreed with,” said Sensenbrenner, who has assailed the McCain immigration bill as “amnesty” for illegal immigrants.

    But Sensenbrenner said, "John McCain or Mike Huckabee will make a much better president than either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.”

    McCain Parade

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