Saturday, January 26, 2008

Obama Wins South Carolina With 80% of Black Vote


Fox declares Obama the winner in South Carolina. It looks as if it all comes down to race. Tribalism is after all the natural state of things. If white liberals would understand that, than at least we could have an honest understanding of reality. The key will be black woman voters. If they break solidly for Obama, then Obama is the black candidate, for better or worse. this is probably good news for Republicans. They never get black voters anyway and politically owe the blacks nothing. The more Obama becomes the black candidate, the more he loses that special thing he started with in Iowa.


  1. How did the white male vote break?

    The white female vote?

  2. Obama got 24% of white voters

    Edwards and Billary split the balance

  3. Obama gets 24% of white vote with most from those under 30.

  4. In the "Old South" with the Battle Flag still an issue

  5. 60% of Billary votes were white

    100% of Edwards were white

    Second place is still to close to call

  6. If I were a cynical Republican strategist, I would let this baby gather steam.

  7. If it were only blacks voting for Obama and whites for the other two in such a racially polarized state as S.C. then there might be some steam to gather but the fact that so many white voters voted for Obama in a State such as S.C. with a woman and a native son competitor really doesn't suggest that this is a racial thing.

    It really is quite appalling (especially given Cutler's sensitivity to his being asked for a religious affiliation) that the race question is such a big issue in America. I guess that speaks to how racist the place still is.

  8. p.s. My Cutler reference was pertaining to the fact that I'm surprise so many readily state whether they are white or black to exit pollers.

  9. or do exit pollers quiz them verbally and then note the race?

    bottom line though, it is really quite atonishing living here in Canada how much folk are concerned by a persons race.

  10. Senator Martinez and now the Governor of Florida, Mr Crist
    have endorsed McCain.

  11. Canadian discrimination is ethnic and lingual, rather than racial.

    But the discrimination exists, none the less. That signs in English are not allowed in Quebec, boogles the mind.

    No multi-culturalists there, just mono-cultural discrimination.

  12. Rat, you took the words off my screen. tribalism begins with language and the Canadians are tribal by practice and law. Selective vision.

  13. oh ya, Canada isn't immune by any means and the Quebec 'protecting' of their french culture is notable. I do find it depressing that race is such an issue tonight on CNN and Fox. It reflects on a reality.

    It was spoke of before the race how a SC win for Obama would be spun as one pertaining to race and hopefully used as a wedge against him in the subsequent races. Obviously Whit and Duece (to a lesser extent) are concerned that Obama is black. Ironically he is pretty dang oreo, or, what would a black on the outside hawaiian/indonesian/whatever on the inside? Hardly what you would stereotype as a typical black (african american)

  14. ...and there does seem to be a distinction between categorizing people because of their language/cultural/sectarian nature and a category based on the color of ones skin.

  15. Fellow I built a three day event course with, he designed and built the one used in the Canadian Olympics.

    He told me of the anti-English discrimination and the language police and how even if a large sign in French was in place, no sign of any size could be put up, in English.

    That there were special police to enforce the sign law, just like the Mussulmen use in Iran and Saudi Arabia to enforce female dress codes.

  16. Not to me, if I am the one discriminated against.

    Seems equally ill mannered, to me

  17. Yep, the french sign law in Quebec is the most blatant of many discriminations in that province. They refused to ratify the Canadian constitution and there is a strong separatist sentiment there.

  18. ...and sometimes the French Canadian argument trying to protect 'their' culture is very similar to the 'english only' laws in the US and the fear of being engulfed by hispanics.

  19. And in South Carolina there is still a strong seperatist movement.

    147 years after the first shot was fired in their attempt to succeed from the Republic

  20. There are no "English Only" laws similar to those in Quebec.

    That is a falsehood, pure and simple.

  21. It's no secret that blacks vote en bloc but Obama only got 80% of the black vote in SC. It's not as racial as one would believe although this is what the Clintons will wish everyone to believe.

    BTW - Ash;
    "Obviously Whit and Duece (to a lesser extent) are concerned that Obama is black."

    Would you like to explain what you mean by such a statement?

  22. I'm not surprised that Crist endorsed McCain. They're both moderate and climate concerned. They both go after big business. McCain after Big Pharma and Crist after the insurance industry.

  23. Think it's an indication that the Establishment is falling in behind McCain?
    Martinez was the RNC Chairman, selected by Mr Bush.

  24. Whit, I was thinking of your post about Obama's church as expressing a particular concern of yours.

    rat, I only know of movements to institute english only as a means for the government to communicate. Have no state passed such a law. I honestly don't know. And, no, even if the government should choose to institute a government only communicate in English law it would not be as draconian as the Quebec sign law. What motivates the pequistes is a feeling of being overwhelmed by the English on the North American continent and if they don't actively move to protect the language (and the culture) english will make their language obsolete. sorta (but in no means exactly) like some in Arizona might feel threatened by the influx of Hispanics.

  25. or, should I say, some, like in Texas, feel threatened...or is it the taco bellers in california?

  26. There are some in population that advocate such positions, but there is no law. In fact the law requires bi, tri and even more lingual ballots to be printed.

    Polar opposite to the Quebec situation. Any business can place signs in Spanish, many do. They can cater to that minority market, if they wish.

    In Canada discrimination is the Law

    Codified, not just the feelings of individuals, feelings which cannot be regulated, regardless.

  27. Crist endorses McCain.

    This is probably the day I became a "Democratic" voter.


    I will definitely vote for either Obama, or Hillary before I vote for the Shamniac.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I always wanted this country to turn out like this, but the Rockefellers, Bush's and other warriors against citizenship and paid labor won the day.
    Ari Tai said...
    Recently I was at the Hilton Parmelia, which reminded me how short a time has passed between our comforts of today and an era where every day was a challenge, with few safety nets save the generosity of our companions. Puts the notion of government in a very different light. Though they have the same rot as every other 1st world government – Perth just finished a passenger train to no-where. And found themselves with a billion dollar surplus (thanks to their energy and minerals business) that they’ve already spent.

    A very nice place, irrespective of having so much wealth that children don’t need to finish high-school but can enter the trades after 10th grade and earn a good living (for now).

  30. Globalism is soo much better.
    ...for the elite, and for buying unneeded chinese junk.

  31. Gaza beach
    Richard Landes revisits the Gaza beach explosion of June 9, 2006 in which 8 Palestinians were said to have been killed, first supposedly by naval shelling from an Israeli warship and then subsequently, when accounts changed, by a 155 mm IDF artillery shell fired from an Army battery. Landes has produced a video in which he argues that a) the deaths were unlikely to have been caused by an Israeli artillery shell and that b) the Palestinians authorities may have been trying to blame Israel for an accident arising an unexploded beach mine.

  32. aren't those assembled in china iPhones the cat's ass?

  33. Ash said...
    oh ya, Canada isn't immune by any means and the Quebec 'protecting' of their french culture is notable. I do find it depressing that race is such an issue tonight on CNN and Fox. It reflects on a reality.
    Funny, isn't it Ash, but in the All White North of Iowa and NH it wasn't, and this carried on to a large extent UNTIL THE CLINTONS (and maybe Barry) MADE IT AN ISSUE!
    Cheap fucking white trash that they are, always have been, and always will be.

  34. I-Phones Assembled in the USA BY CITIZENS would cost more, but hospitals would be open and cheaper, crime would be down, welfare and poverty down, and it would still be a coherent country.

  35. doug, I think you are definitely right there - the Clintons have done their best to make it an issue. ya gotta give 'em credit for their knowledge of politics and the media. Cheney knows the 'insider' game on capitol hill and he has made use of that knowledge well.

    It doesn't put any of them on the right side of 'right' though...

  36. Yeah, and it makes the country that much less right.
    As has Bush's entire term.

  37. Ash, I value your input here and rarely agree with it. It is welcome and it is a rare moment that anyone gets tossed from the bar. You can think that I am obsessed with race. I admit that I am a tribalist but more of a social tribalist. Racist is a cheap shot and the last argument of the PC crowd. I don't really care. I say what I think. Blacks get no more of a pass with me, if they choose to be defined as black, than do liberals if they choose to be defined that way and for that matter Republicans. No one has been more excoriated on this blog than white male Republican politicians. I think you will agree.

  38. I can't wait to have Rufus tell me how wrong I am, ignoring slave labor in China, Florida, destroyed Black Families, Black Male unemployment and crime, the illegal invasion and it's many victims, etc etc etc.
    WSJ the Bible of Bullshitters.

  39. Obama is giving a speech to write home about.

    He certainly is no George Bush,
    in more ways than one.

  40. Blacks were on their way up after WWII, then came liberalism in education, welfare, illegal employment, black "leaders" like Jesse J and Bubba and LBJ, trash "black" "culture" and here we are.

  41. Obama just burned down the barn with that speech.

  42. Caroline Kennedy sees the magic

    She will endorse him in the NYTimes, tomorrow.

    When I was in the Army, Can do!
    was the motto of us Combat Engineers.

    Awfully close to -
    Yes we can!

  43. Hell of a lot of liberals are sick of Bill and Hill.

  44. Lotta people thinking about the CoPresidency, too.
    All Bad.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Jeez, Doug; Give me a break will you? I'm "burying" my party, tonight.

  47. Rufus,
    I had to crack up on your post a couple of days ago. My father after discharge in 1945 got us temporary GI housing while he worked in a factory making toasters for GE. Our first house was$4000, financed by the GI bill. We had a hand pump at the kitchen sink, and if memory serves me did not have the Rufus luxury of a second hole. To be honest I cannot remember using it but must have for a couple of years till my father plumbed the house.

  48. Snowed in at CdA, Idaho, but did score a Ron Paul bumper sticker at the gun show. Only candidate out there that values the redneck vote.! Almost all these motels have computers nowadays.

  49. Saw a nifty Russian 30.06 with an over/under setup and double triggers. No Thompson machine gun to be found. Also a long .22 automatic pistol with a tripod.

  50. 22 pistol with a tripod. thats a real plinking gun.

  51. I'm hearing all over the news about the big Obama speech. Must have been a barn burner. Somebody is hovering, back to the room.

  52. That thought only coming to them now.
    Dense folk out there, I must say.

    Billarys' been the obvious scenario from the get go.

  53. Watched Obama speech and Hillary's pathetic offering from Tennessee.

    It's all over...I see a Barack tsunami coming.

    The man is absolutely the best orator from either party and races were won on speeches, he would smoke 'em all.

    It's scary.

  54. 2164th,

    we probably agree on more then we would care to admit. I appreciate your somewhat backhanded compliment. No, I do not think you a racist but I think the tendancy does prod you. Like with racial profiling there is much that is true, and common, amongst broad definitions of groups but I think it important to differentiate between going from the general to the particular. Free speech is good!

    It has been Obama's oratory and his penchant to tell Americans what they want to hear that has prompted me to suggest that he will go all the way. I haven't heard today's speech though.

    If the man can get guys like Rat, and now Whit and Duece to go 'hmmm' then he will prevail. Add to that Hillary being no one's second choice (where will Edwards support go?) and we are witnessing something new in US politics. McCain's got a chance, the only chance, of any to challenge the man.

    Mind you, a skeleton in the closet could scuttle it all but I doubt it exists.

  55. "It really is quite appalling (especially given Cutler's sensitivity to his being asked for a religious affiliation) that the race question is such a big issue ?in America. I guess that speaks to how racist the place still is."

    There's about 3-4 levels of irony here.

  56. "Racist is a cheap shot and the last argument of the PC crowd."

    Who've, of course, done their own best to race a perpetual, hot button issue. And are the reason I get questioneers asking for my religion - and race - for their little Nuremberg law-ish statistics games.

    Live by racialist politics, die by racialist politics.

  57. to race

    "to make race"

    Speaking of which, the deuche-bag Jesse Jackson spoke at my alma-mater today.

  58. Lucky you didn't have some white boy like Justice Thomas, Tom Sowell, or Ward Connerly!

  59. Kids going to Beale AFB for some kind of security class, on Monday, Cutler.
    What are you shooting for if we may ask?

  60. Sowell's latest on PC and Age is classic.

  61. I should have said you should be thankful the helpful folks keep red-neck white boys like them 3 from pollutin the purity of the dialog there.

  62. Sorry, Ruf, never could pass up an opportunity to kick a guy when he's down!
    (sounds like a non-politicians answer to the "what is your biggest fault" question!)

  63. Obama Weathers Attacks to Win

    Senator Barack Obama proved he could endure all that the Clinton campaign threw at him this week.
    FP NY Times:
    Cat is definitely out of the bag on the Billary.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Doug,

    Don't be despondent about McCain. Whoever wins Florida will win the nomination. (This btw, applies both to the Republican and Democratic candidacies). Giuliani is still competitive in Florida. McCain's support is luke warm at best.

  66. Yeah, BUT what if F...... McCain DOES win?

  67. AND if Obama beats Billary it could be all over for the Pubs. cool if he had some black advisors that hated the illegal invasion for what it does to blacks, but being uber liberals that's probly pie in the sky.

  68. Cutler, as one gets older one seems to appreciate irony even more.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. "Yeah, BUT what if F...... McCain DOES win?"

    We sacrifice bob to our new pagan gods.

  71. So you don't know what a sandlapper is either?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. sandlapper
    A native of South Carolina
    Etymology: Upon visiting Columbia/Lancaster, SC, in 1791 George Washington dubbed the people living on the sands near the river shores as "sandlappers."

  74. See, 'Rat:
    He knows more about this place than me!

  75. I think 'Rat has Palio Envy!

  76. The Counterfeiters

  77. I'll take the Babe he was in bed with!
    Who's that?

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