Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Did This Man Find Osama bin Laden?

This would make for a real banner week for American intelligence.

Did Super Size Me man find Osama bin Laden?
Daniel Sankey | December 6, 2007 - 11:38AM
Brisbane Times
Rumours continue to spread that documentary-maker Morgan Spurlock, of Super Size Me fame, has found Osama bin Laden.

At the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year, Spurlock invited a select group of potential buyers to view footage of his latest film - Where In The World Is Osama bin Laden?.

Weinstein Co bought the rights to the film - but apparently not until all other invited buyers were forced to sign confidentiality agreements regarding the contents of the preview footage.

The movie, which tails Spurlock on his quest through the Middle East, will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival next month.

Whether rumours circulating on film websites about him finding Bin Laden turns out to be true - or whether it is simply a cunning ploy from Weinstein Co's marketing gurus - remains to be seen.

However, Daniel Marracino, the film's director of photography, was quoted in Variety recently as saying: "We've definitely got the Holy Grail."

Weinstein Co has released films such as the Bob Dylan biopic I'm Not There, starring Cate Blanchett, and Transamerica, starring Felicity Huffman.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Osama, the film star.
    Why not?

    All it'd take is brass balls to go into Pakistan and find him, film him and get out alive.

    But then again, Osama's minions could also have delivered tape, which could be edited into a film storyline, the balance of the movie, done on green screen and locations in the deserts of anywhere.

    Be a hit in a lot of locations around the world. Big money maker in Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Syria, Eygpt ...

  3. It'd be at least as good as a dead Bruce Lee in the "Game of Death" which actually was on the telly, last night.

    How about that couple from England, seems the fellow got tired of the tropics, wanted to get back to merry old England.

    Says he can't remember nothin', since he paddle out to sea, over five years ago.

    He and his wife were photoged in Panama, put online on a realtors page, I read, a realtor trying to convince other Brits to relocate.

    He can't remember a thing, the Missus, still in a Panama condo, doubt if she'll be headed to London, volunteerily, soon.

  4. OT

    Jesus's reported fondness for life afloat was typical of his restlessness. It would seem as if he had not been all that long in Capernaum before his impatience with the place erupted. Having paced around the neighboring Galilean town of Chorazin, and having performed many works of exorcism and healing at Capernaum, Jesus is reported to have been dismayed that they did not understand the significance of these miracles. "And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be exalted unto heaven? thou shalt go down unto Hades: for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom which were done in thee, it would have remained until this day. Howbeit I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee." 1

    1Matthew 11:23,24 It is of interest that Jesus's curse of Capernaum seems to have been effective, since it is now a derelict ruin. Sodom(or Sedom as it is named in the new Israel) is a flourishing 'health resort' where Scandinavian tourists and others, undeterred by the infernally sulphurous smells, go for saline cures, mud baths and immersion in the waters of the Dead Sea.

    from Jesus, A life---A.N. Wilson


  5. Some people have made Jesus out to be a commie. Others that he was a nationalist, a freedom fighter against the Romans, a zealot, and that he was hanged with two of his buddies. This is unlikely.

    --When Jesus said that the girl was not dead, he was laughed to scorn. Undeterred, he cleared the house of people and went to the young girl's bedside. "Talitha cumi! Damsel, arise!" When the little girl opened her eyes, Jesus realised that she would be hungry. He told the family that they should keep the healing a secret and that they should give the girl something to eat.

    The words of Jesus to the daughter of Jairus were taken up as a rallying-cry among nineteenth-century feminists. "Damsel arise!" were words which emblazoned colleges and schools which, for the first time in history, had been founded with the specific purpose of educating women. This was not completely fanciful. Bt contrast with St. Paul and the early Christians, Jesus neither feared women, nor treated them as a sub-species. (the writer is misreading St. Paul here,bob) It would appear that he was prepared to defy convention in this regard and to befriend women in a time and place when the sexes were not supposed to mix on socially equal terms. Some of his closest associates were women.

    Near to Capernaum was the town of Magdala, now a small village, but in Jesus's day numbering 30 or 40 thousand people. The woman known to history as Mary Magdalen came from this town. Luke's Gospel tells us that he cast 'seven devils' out of this woman. Presumably, this means that she was subject to epileptic fits. She became one of his followers, and she was to be with him in Jerusalem at the time of his death.

    Unfairly to his woman's memory, she was identified in the early church with the prostitute who, in the seventh chapter of Luke, anointed the feet of Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee. She was further identified with another Mary, who came from the village of Bethany, near Jerusalem. There is no evidence in the New Testament that Mary Magdalen was a prostitute or a sinner. Still less is there any evidence that she and Jesus were lovers, or that they got married, as has been claimed in various absurd quarters. Nor is there any evidence for the ninth-century legend that she emigrated to France and is buried in Aix-en-Provence. But her presence in the Gospels, and her importance as a supposed witness of Jesus's Resurrection, are testimony to her closeness to him. The fact that he had so many women in his entourage of followers is one indication that Jesus was not planning to found a paramilitary movement to overthrow the Romans. Had he done so, he would have chosen male followers exclusively.--

    Jesus, A LIfe

    Would that mo had done so well.
