Friday, December 07, 2007

7 December 1941. Sixty Six Years On.

Burying the dead after the attack

Pearl was one of those truly transitional moments in US history. A singular event dragged America onto the World stage, where it remains today. To put the times in context, look at this Dept of Interior Film from 1937, four years before Pearl.

The US South on the eve of WWII


  1. R.I.P

    Rufus' uncle

    Able hand on the W. Virginia

  2. Russia really has a security problem in the Med and North Atlantic.

  3. Those Barbary Coast pirates, duece, they're a problem for all free trading nations.

    And the Vikings in the North Atlantic.

  4. It's the Swedes the rooskies are worried about. They are awakening from a long slumber.

    Hey, Rufus, what do you make of This?

  5. Ash, I'm a big booster of nuclear power. What's your take on that?

  6. That's what's going to save our ass, Bob. The "Doom and Gloomers" just don't comprehend the Exponential effect of technology.

  7. The Other Nevada Senator calls bullshit on the NIE, demands an investigation.

  8. Deuce, your favorite actor is doing his hair right now, preparing to make a Major Political Announcement In San Francisco, too. But Bernie won't be in this picture.

  9. Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor lives in the hearts of it vets. LATimes article.

  10. That Amero link was an interesting "find." and I thoroughly enjoyed the look back at Auburn, Alabama.

    Did you see the size of those timbers they were putting into that little house? Those things would have supported a train trestle...

  11. I had to go back through the posts to see if I missed something...Does Deuce owe Trish something?

  12. Whit: I had to go back through the posts to see if I missed something...Does Deuce owe Trish something?

    He was supposed to get her 24 Midol gelcaps.
