Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Two-Bit, Tin Horn Dictator

Pat Robertson was right about Chavez. He just should have kept his opinion to himself
The Meltdown Of Hugo Chavez

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, November 26, 2007 4:20 PM PT

Latin America: Hugo Chavez's reaction to being fired as mediator between Colombia and his narcoterrorist pals shows the evil game Venezuela's dictator has played against his neighbor. It also signals trouble at home.

Related Topics: Latin America & Caribbean

In telling Chavez that his services would no longer be needed, Colombia President Alvaro Uribe was firm but polite. He thanked Chavez for his "help" in seeking a swap between 500 FARC guerrillas in jail in Colombia and some 45 "high value" hostages being held by the same terrorists who've been at war with Colombia since 1964.

But as a mediator, Chavez proved he could keep neither a promise nor a secret, mainly because it was a fiction to think he could be partial. But the blow to his ego obscured any knowledge of that. "Colombia has spit in our faces," he said.

In theory, a mediator should persuade two sides to each give up something to achieve a common end. The only one who gave up anything, however, was Uribe, who watched Chavez cavort with terrorists before TV cameras, giving them a legitimacy in Caracas they never had known.

Even worse, Chavez proved to be acting as an agent of the terrorists. Uribe's sudden cutoff of the mediation effort at a hastily organized press conference last Wednesday suggested disturbing new information.

On Sunday, Chavez confirmed it: "I think Colombia deserves another president, it deserves a better president," he said.

That followed a discussion in a U.S. prison between extradited FARC terrorist Ricardo Palmera, aka "Simon Trinidad," and another mediator and Chavez ally appointed by Uribe, Senator Piedad Cordoba. They discussed "a transitional government" with the terrorist as a bargaining chip for the hostage swap.

On Monday, Chavez repeated what he had in mind to make sure Uribe understood. "Reconciliation is impossible," he said. "We have to wait for a new government in Colombia we can talk with. I hope it arrives sooner rather than later."

No wonder Uribe lashed out, saying Chavez was less interested in mediating than in overthrowing Colombia's government. That may have sounded far-fetched, but it's what the guerrillas have been fighting for since 1964, and Chavez's admiration for them is no secret. Uribe, who has come down on the guerrillas harder than any other Colombian leader, is the president they want gone.

"You seek continental domination" Uribe said, and "a Marxist FARC government" to replace Colombia's elected one. He also pointed out that it was prime time for Chavez to be trying this, with the Venezuelan's public support at home flagging just one week before a constitutional referendum to grant him absolute power.

What better way to make Venezuelans forget their problems than to whip up populist sentiment against Colombia. It also is noteworthy that he's rousing military support against the neighboring state, something he may really find use for as rebellion grows at home.

Weekend polls showed that ever since the king of Spain publicly told him to "shut up" in Chile two weeks ago, support for Chavez's move to seize absolute power in Venezuela has fallen below 50%.

Student protests have engulfed Caracas and other towns in protest against his dictatorship. Chavez has denounced them as "rich spoiled brats." But in reality, they often are a pivotal political force, particularly since they include young people from Marxist and lower-class backgrounds.

Meanwhile, the shelves at food stores are empty and TV shows run by shuttered station RCTV have been canceled.

For Chavez, this could be a long, hard winter of discontent. Globally, he's become a laughingstock. He's fighting with Chile's socialist leader, Michelle Bachelet, over high oil prices while at home he is facing some of the strongest challenges yet to his iron rule.

To achieve absolute power, he likely will resort to coercion and political-machine tactics. Yet there's growing likelihood he won't be able to cheat his way out of defeat against a sizable margin.

What's left, then, but to jealously whip up sentiment against Uribe, a neighbor who has always paid him undeserved courtesy and whose free market policies have made Colombia a star in the hemisphere. Don't be surprised if he looks to destabilize or confront this nation as testimony to the ruin of his own.
Chavez is a clown. Unfortunately, he's a clown with a lot of money and a lot of support from the Left. Compare the treatment he gets from the MSM to that given Pervez Musharraf. Chavez has been given wide latitude in order to serve as a socialist counterbalance to the heretofore unchecked capitalist juggernaut. The problem is that Chavez is a thug. A brute. He's like a Tony Soprano. At times you like the guy but then, all of a sudden, out of the blue he snaps and in an instant someone is dead or brutally maimed. How many times does the world have to witness the outbursts before the allure of Chavez is completely dispelled.


  1. let's deal with the "boy" by his own rules....

    I suggest a bounty of 50 cent to kill the out of control dictator...

    after all, this is in the spirit of Che, Mao, Arafat & Fidel....

  2. Does Columbia get it's Trade Deal or not.

    If not, the US supports the Hugo position. Simple as that.

    Despite the rhetoric

  3. WiO: I suggest a bounty of 50 cent to kill the out of control dictator...

    Inciting murder, is that a Jewish thing, or a Christian thing (Pat Robertson), or a Judeo-Christian thing?

  4. teresita said...
    Inciting murder, is that a Jewish thing, or a Christian thing (Pat Robertson), or a Judeo-Christian thing?

    I'd say it's not inciting MURDER, it's advocating the KILLING of a MURDERER.

    It is NOT murder to Kill a Murderer, it is simple to define it as trying to SAVE untold thousands of lives....

    To advocate the KILLING of Hitler, Arafat, Stalin, Pol Pot would have saved millions of innocents...

    Now from my own POV, Mr Hugo advocates the murder of millions of my cousins... Thus HE has started the debate, I am only advocating finishing it.

    But since I lost my ZOG card, we cannot claim it's a "jewish" thing...

    thus if you had READ my post, you would have seen the 1st line read.. (read to actually read something before responding too))

    "let's deal with the "boy" by his own rules...."

    His own RULES... not Jewish or Christian RULES... His, the same rules that others of his cut of cloth actually live by...

  5. Pagan, Ms T. Through and through.

    It's not eye for an eye, as Hugo has not taken an eye, he just has a big mouth, a crude man in a uniform.

    King Carlos had it right.

    But if someone disagrees, killing does rise quickly to the top of some folks list of options.

    Pre-emptive murder

    Pagan to the core.

  6. desert rat said...
    Pagan, Ms T. Through and through.

    It's not eye for an eye, as Hugo has not taken an eye, he just has a big mouth, a crude man in a uniform.


    Your usage of the phrase "eye for an eye" just shows you do not understand the actual concept.

    If doesn't fit in this discussion, nor is your understanding even close to it's actual meaning...

    You state:

    "Hugo has not taken an eye, he just has a big mouth, a crude man in a uniform."

    So Mr Hugo is innocent of any violence or murder?

    just google chavez and murder...

    No DR, he has CAUSED directly the DEATHS, Beating and imprisonment of many. Hardly an innocent.

    DR: King Carlos had it right.

    Yes, even a broken clock is right 2 times a day....

    DR :But if someone disagrees, killing does rise quickly to the top of some folks list of options.

    Pre-emptive murder

    Pagan to the core.

    Not quite DR, Mr Hugo HAS already started the killings, so it's not pre-emptive, it just doesnt fit your schedule...

    but do you know what is Pagan?

    Worshipping Man as G-d, that's pagan...

  7. In case anyone missed it, George Will's latest collumn on 'National Greatness' Conservatism was very good.

  8. i missed this gem..

    dr: But if someone disagrees, killing does rise quickly to the top of some folks list of options.

    Pre-emptive murder...

    this is not about "disagreeing" this is about dictators who cause murder.

  9. The US has not accused Hugo of murder, he has not been indicted, anywhere. Unlike Mr Rumsfeld, who's case has since been dismissed.

    The US could be making your case wi"o", but does not. Because there is no case to be made.

    I'm all in favor of killing Mr Chavez, but I'm not particularly Judeo-Christian in my outlook, nor do I claim to be a member of any such religious sect.

    I do not have to look to find legal loop holes in Noahic law, just to force fit it to my personal believes.

    One who does, is not truely religious, always looking for the loopholes to assure their salvation

  10. Not even the Israeli have indicted Mr Hugo for his verbal support of Iranian goals.

    The Israeli readily capable of doing so, if there was such a legal case to be made.

    But then they could try Abracadbra in abstenia, but don't. He has committed no indictable crime, either.

    It's time to listen to swaps of land for peace. Moving forward. forty countries have gathered to discuss the Israeli problem in the Middle East.

    300,000 Palistinians in Lebanon, moving to the West Bank, that'll be something to see.

  11. desert rat said...
    The US has not accused Hugo of murder, he has not been indicted, anywhere.

    i was not speaking as a spokesperson of the USA, i was speaking as a single private citizen of the world who has 50 cents to offer as an bounty for his ass...

    dr: The US could be making your case wi"o", but does not. Because there is no case to be made.

    your assuming there is no case... how do you know? but we move off topic... I do not wish to waste of taxpayer dollars on OJ like trials... I wish to sponsor, for 50 cents, the bounty on Mr Hugo. He has done enough already to cause death and destruction to those I deem worthy of life & liberty to motivate me to finance his downfall. I have 2 quarters waiting for him... Playing by HIS rules, not mine, in the spirit of Hugo, Che, arafat, Iran and such... a Fatawa of sorts...

    DR: I'm all in favor of killing Mr Chavez, but I'm not particularly Judeo-Christian in my outlook, nor do I claim to be a member of any such religious sect.

    I did not bring up the Judoe-christian angle, i wish him dead by his rules... your usage of the "eye for an eye" phrase harkens back to the misunderstanding of Jewish scriptures, and something again i did not raise.

    DR: I do not have to look to find legal loop holes in Noahic law, just to force fit it to my personal believes.

    It aint a "legal loophole" to kill a dictator who advocates and supports genocide aint a loophole.

    dr: One who does, is not truely religious, always looking for the loopholes to assure their salvation

    You really dont understand Jews if you think even the words "assures our salvation" ever comes out of our mouths, that's the christian influence in you coming out...

    We jews are trying to survive, we have had plenty of run ins with dictators that support our destruction...

    so if a world leader, like hugo, kills people in his own country, targets jews in his own country, aligns himself with countries actively at war with israel, supports, aligns and helps those who seek me and my cousins destruction, advocate his destruction..

    Its not about heaven, it's about staying alive....

  12. Population of Israeli West Bank settlements (2006)

    Just about the number of Palistinians that are in refugee camps in Lebanon.

    Fancy that, the housing is already ready, for those Palistinians, soon as the '67 Borders are reacclaimed as legal.

    Who owns the buildings,
    Let alone the land.

  13. desert rat said...
    Not even the Israeli have indicted Mr Hugo for his verbal support of Iranian goals.

    The Israeli readily capable of doing so, if there was such a legal case to be made.

    your really hung up with this legal thing? I seek to use HUGO's own rules to play against him... fuck the courts...

    DR: But then they could try Abracadbra in abstenia, but don't. He has committed no indictable crime, either.

    again, the likes of arafat, che, stalin, hugo pol pot dont USE real courts...

    DR: It's time to listen to swaps of land for peace. Moving forward. forty countries have gathered to discuss the Israeli problem in the Middle East.

    Excellent, I'd like to see the lands stolen from 900,000 jews of the middle east returned! (from 1948)

    Dr: 300,000 Palistinians in Lebanon, moving to the West Bank, that'll be something to see.

    Excellent, all palestinians should be given the chance to return to Palestine in the West Bank, Jordan and Gaza...

    Does Israel also compensate them and if so, do the arab governments compensate the 900,000 jews exiled and their descendants?

  14. We're discussing Judeo-Christian wi"o" not Jews exclusively.

    Whether Jews are saved or not, what ever, fine by me.

    We're speaking of murder in the face of the God's Law. From Noah and Moses.

    Do not murder.

    Not the same as kill, but you strech self-defense beyond the law.

    Hugo is a threat, but not to a legal standard, worthy of execution. Any more then Menachem Begin or Anwar Al Sadat were

  15. desert rat said...
    Population of Israeli West Bank settlements (2006)

    Just about the number of Palistinians that are in refugee camps in Lebanon.

    Fancy that, the housing is already ready, for those Palistinians, soon as the '67 Borders are reacclaimed as legal.

    Who owns the buildings,
    Let alone the land.

    Excellent Idea... As long Jewish Refugees from the arab world are also compensated, that 900,000 + 2.1 million descendants

    or are you only giving the arabs a reward for the 1967 war that they started and lost?

  16. The Palistinians got the green houses, to do with as they will.

    Same on the West Bank.

    Gonna be grand.

    Then the Golan ...

    While Lebanon self-destructs

  17. desert rat said...
    We're discussing Judeo-Christian wi"o" not Jews exclusively.

    Whether Jews are saved or not, what ever, fine by me.

    We're speaking of murder in the face of the God's Law. From Noah and Moses.

    Do not murder.

    Not the same as kill, but you strech self-defense beyond the law.

    Hugo is a threat, but not to a legal standard, worthy of execution. Any more then Menachem Begin or Anwar Al Sadat were

    YOU miss my posts point...

    We should play by THEIR rules of law not ours...

    so again, i got 50 cents....

  18. DR: Do not murder.

    Not the same as kill, but you strech self-defense beyond the law.

    Hugo is a threat, but not to a legal standard, worthy of execution. Any more then Menachem Begin or Anwar Al Sadat were

    And yet you support giving palios israeli built homes and the the paleios shoot rockets on a daily basis at civilians on purpose...

    they try to murder and you feel appeasement is the right course to act against murder attempts?

    i am confused...

    I advocate the death or killing of a dictator and your panties get in a wad...

    you are gleeful about uprooting 200k jews from their ancestoral homes to give to arabs that caused a war and lost...

    should we give germany lands back too?

    should the usa give back manhattan?

    should the chinese get out of tibet?

    the british out of south america?

    the arabs out of the entire world and back to arabia?

  19. Just reading the news from Maryland.

    The price of peace.

    Moving forward, on the Saudi Peace Plan.

    That's where we're at.
    I support the US.

  20. No, not the killing, but doing it in the name of GOD's Law

    Like any radical jihadi.

  21. No, not the killing, but doing it in the name of GOD's Law


    I want hugo dead, not because of any ole g-d's law....

    i want him dead cause he seeks my personal destruction...

    let's be clear...

    i got 50 cents for hugo's head...

  22. desert rat said...
    Just reading the news from Maryland.

    The price of peace.

    Moving forward, on the Saudi Peace Plan.

    That's where we're at.
    I support the US.

    I support the USA as well...

    But the US has laid out a plan...

    It started in 1948 when the USA supported the creation of 2 states..

    let's be fair, the arabs rejected the US'S SUPPORT FOR THE UN's plan/

    thus repeated over and over again, with numerous arab attacks along the way...

    now we sit 60 years later in annapolis, the site of AMERICA"S 1st war memorial, that pays tribute to the men (and women) who paid a price against arab/islamic attacks, cruelty and enslavement

    let's all remember that our nation BEFORE it was a nation was attacked by the very same people who have fought against the state of israel, since BEFORE it was also a modern recreation.

    The Saudi Arabian peace plan is a fine starting point... What compensation will the oil rich arabs pay to the Jews they have displaced?

    Dont want to go biblical? (the rape and thief of medina by islam over the jews)


    Dont want to go back to WW1


    Want to start over in 1967?


    but the UN resolutions in 1967 do not even MENTION the word PALESTINE, since it never was...

    Gaza back to Egypt, and the West Bank Back to Jordan

  23. He does not want your personal destruction, what blather...

    He wants the US influence in the world diminished.
    He wants his influence enhanced.

    If your so sure he's out for you, call your Sheriff with the evidence. Get a restraining order, at least.

    Stay away from Citgo Stations when airing up your tires.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. We're not going back, wi"o"

    We are going FORWARD!!!

    That's why your vision lacks clarity, you're lookin' out the rear window.

  26. desert rat said...
    He does not want your personal destruction, what blather...

    Spoken like a true optimist

    Hugo is a threat, I want to see him rubbed out by his own rules and by his own people. I got 50 cents

    DR: He wants the US influence in the world diminished.
    He wants his influence enhanced.

    He wants alot of things, dont limit him by your peaceful pov...

    DR: If your so sure he's out for you, call your Sheriff with the evidence. Get a restraining order, at least.

    Your just a OJ Simpson trial type... Nope no Sheriff, I will advocate playing by Hugo rules.. I got 50 cents, it's a WIO fatawa....

    DR: Stay away from Citgo Stations when airing up your tires.

    Trust me, Every time i pour 5 gallons of veggie oil in my tank, i say a blessing from my religion...

    the WIO faith...

    Dear Oil Gods, Please allow my rusty old diesel benz to run smoother, quieter, less pollution and of course....

    FUCK YOU... Amen

  27. I've been listening to Mr Bush, two States, moving forward in peace.

    No mention of Gaza to Eygpt.
    No mention of West Bank to Jordon.

    Both reasonable ideas, I've supported both in the past, but ...
    the United States of America supports a Palistinian State.

    So then, as a citizen, do I.

  28. desert rat said...
    We're not going back, wi"o"

    We are going FORWARD!!!

    That's why your vision lacks clarity, you're lookin' out the rear window.


    the arabs vision is backwards to 1967...

    it's 2008 of our common error calendar...

    Israel is...

    Why should Israel give up one square inch of land to a violent non-peaceful group of camel fucking inbred murderers who's signatures on treaties makes the USA's bad past (with treaties) looked blessed?

    My solution to the "palstinian" issue?


    the US need to get off oil.

    Israel should not be restrained from fighting back against any and all attacks.

    Israel should cede any and all major populations of arabs the UN at once, including major arab populations INSIDE of the 1948 borders.

    Israel should classify all lands outside her self declared defensive lines as hostile.

    Thus any and all attacks coming from gaza, west bank, jordan, egypt & lebanon will be seen as acts of war and treated as such...

    Israel should expel all hamas member it finds within it's borders as well as stripping citizenship and expelling any citizens who do not pledge to support the State of Israel.

    The arab world has 649/650th of the middle east, israel has 1/650th

    that is a forward looking peace proposal.

  29. That's forward looking?

    You not on the same boat as the rest of US.

    We are not getting off oil, until 2025, at the soonest.

    Just the current fleet of gas burners, 4% salvage rate, there's a couple hundred million cars, median age is 9 or 11 years, as I recall.

    So, your first solution is a non-starter. In real life.

    That Saudi tail, keeps waggin' the dog.

  30. desert rat said...
    That's forward looking? yes... I have been advocating this since 1973....

    dr: You not on the same boat as the rest of US.

    well that is not surprising, but then again most of america loves madonna, britney fast food and football (as religion)...

    DR : We are not getting off oil, until 2025, at the soonest.

    Nonsense... all it will take is ONE iranian sponsored nuke attack on Israel and we will be off middle-east oil in about 4 nanoseconds.

    and if appeasing iran and the arabs world continues this will infact happen sooner than later...

    dr - Just the current fleet of gas burners, 4% salvage rate, there's a couple hundred million cars, median age is 9 or 11 years, as I recall.
    So, your first solution is a non-starter. In real life.

    That Saudi tail, keeps waggin' the dog.

    oil is now at 100 bucks barrel, that's a 70% fear premium, so we are all set to hit iran so that Israel wont....

    as for the rest of the arab world, we are currently making a deal... allow the usa to deal with iran, hezbollah & hamas and we'll beat up the jews and get more land for you...


  31. But there won't be a nuclear strike on Israel.

    Any more than there was a Soviet strike at London or Paris.

    If the Israeli are assured that Israel will be attacked with nuclear weapons, best evacuate all the civilians or at least the children to Nevada, post haste.

  32. Worshipping Man as G-d, that's pagan...

    Tue Nov 27, 10:01:00 AM EST

    I want hugo dead, not because of any ole g-d's law....

    i want him dead cause he seeks my personal destruction...

    let's be clear...

    i got 50 cents for hugo's head...

    Tue Nov 27, 10:59:00 AM EST

    Putting one own desires above Gods Law, puts a man in the position of worshipping himself.

    Quite Pagan.

  33. Hugo:
    Just a good ol' boy,
    Never meanin' no harm,
    Beats all you've ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day he was born.

  34. "But there won't be a nuclear strike on Israel.

    Any more than there was a Soviet strike at London or Paris."

    See the Cuban Missile Crisis and Able Archer (1983). Less dangerous was the Suez Crisis, although the Soviets did explicitly threaten to nuke London and Paris.

    It might not happen between Iran and Israel. Nevertheless, all of these people who have convinced themselves that nuclear weapons have some sort of magic, uber-rationality-inducing effect on human behavior (based on the glossy analysis of a few case studies) are going to wind up with egg on their faces sometime in the future. People are going to wonder just how such educated people believed such stupid things.

    Ultimately, I think they'll probably come to the conclusion that these people simply wanted to believe, because the alternative was too ugly to grasp in the face of pretty much inevitable nuclear proliferation.

  35. "People are going to wonder just how such educated people believed such stupid things."

    They'll stack it right beside the expert analysts 30 years ago that looked a couple decades of experience with groups like the PLO and IRA and decided that by nature international terrorists did not want large numbers of people dead.

    Smart, educated people - who are boneheads when looking at the big picture.

  36. I think someone's got a burr under his saddle and likes putting them other's saddles too.

    Somedays, not always, but somedays, you say "day", he says "night".

    Ornery Ombre.

  37. Changing the subject a bit--Rampaging 'youths' in action in France

    The fellas have escalated to firearms, pissing everybody off.

  38. Here, This gets the mind off one's own problems a little. Never have I imagined such a thing.

  39. Annapolis. We're Suckers For Any Fat Guy In A White Robe With An Oil Can

    This writer seems realistically pessimistic that anything good will come of this, now, or forever.

  40. Politics 'in our time'. Oprah To Tip Iowa To Obama says Gingrich. And by a surprising margin too.

    Oprah Winfrey, political godmother.

  41. About the muslims 'youths', by Hugh-----------------------------

    Not a single word about the "youths" being Muslims in this account.

    Not a single word about the "youths" being Muslims in the account in The Times, though there the names of the two boys riding the motor-bike --no longer described, as it was initially (was that initial account false?), as being stolen -- are at least given, and a careful reader will figure out who those "youths" are.

    Not a single attempt to ask if just possibly the attitudes and atmospherics of Islam, which come from the texts and tenets of Islam, and which affect those who may never have attended a madrasa, may never have attended a mosque, but nonetheless know that they are "Muslims" (they've been told that, they are keenly aware of that), and so have a grievance against all those non-Muslims who thwart them, do not give them their due, do not treat them with the respect they deserve, and they have, as Muslims, every right to steal, to rape "les sales brigittes" who have it coming to them, anyway, don't they, because they are not good Muslim girls?

    Of course the criminal behavior of a debased and hopeless underclass is hardly limited to Muslim boys in France. But those outbursts lacked an ideological justification systematic and durable enough to last, to keep on lasting. Islam provides a Total System, a way to understand and explain everything that happens, and above all, to offer up, forever, an Enemy: the Unbeliever, the Infidel, the Non-Muslim. It's very convenient. Islam's texts and tenets, its attitudes and atmospherics, are shared by hundreds of millions, and those within that world, the morally and intellectually advanced, who become the skeptics, the doubters, the Muslim-for-identification-purposes-only Muslims, and then, in some cases, become open apostates, but along the way are hounded and and made fearful and punished, so that almost all remain quiet, outwardly conforming to the requirements of totalitarian Islamic demands for loyalty and expressions of loyalty.

    Islam provides that justification for the criminality of this particular underclass, criminality against Infidels and the Infidel nation-state, and its symbols of authority, the police, and its institutions, such as the municipal library (full of those hideous Infidel books, so unnecessary and so insulting for young Muslims to have to read or even know about), and so is not merely one more instance of the criminality of the semi-demented young to be found in various Western countries, particularly among those who are led to believe they can take out their grievances in any way they can. No, they can not.

    In the case of Muslims, the grievances are not merely, or even mainly, those of "unemployment" and "discrimination" and so on -- both prominently mentioned in the full article above. Employed or unemployed, Muslims in France have, in opinion poll after poll (see "Muslims in Europe," ed. Bernard Lewis, 1990), shown worrisome attitudes toward Infidels. The hostility to non-Muslims, the believe in Islamic supremacism, is a permanent feature of Islam, inculcated by the texts, by the clerics, by everything in Islam, and also by the mere fact of being told one is a "Muslim" and therefore one has a duty to offer one's sole allegiance to the umma and Islam -- in other words, while mosques and madrasas may be sufficient to spread and maintain the hold of Islam, they are not always necessary. It is the mere fact of self-idnetification as a "Muslim" that can lead so many to think and behave in a way that, naively, Western elites think can be ended if only government-sponsored "good" mosques (presumably on the model of those sermons, or khutbas, that, when Kemalism was at its self-assured height, the Religious Affairs Ministry would write for delivery in Turkish mosques).

    The self-assured hatred of, not all, but far too many, Muslims in Western Europe (where they have been treated far too leniently for far too long, with unendurable behavior being endured), their belief that they need not owe allegiance to the Infidel nation-state nor even show it the slightest respect, the belief that it is they, and their belief-system, that is superior to all else (for no one suggests otherwise, no one dares to point out that the political, economic, social, moral, and intellectual failures of the Muslim lands, the places that they or their parents or grandparents came from, are the result of Islam itself; no one dares to spell that out, and to keep pointing it out, until the Infidels realize it, and then the Muslims themselves will be forced, through the implacable self-assurance of the Infidels, to question Islam, for the link, between Islam and the failures of Islamic states, societies, and individuals, is, when presented properly, overwhelmingly convincing, impossible to refute).

    The belief of many young Muslims that Infidels are inferior, that Infidel institutions are without value and the Infidel authorities can be disgegarded, attacked, even shot at at will, that it is great fun to destroy Infidel property, even greater fun to rape "les sales brigittes" -- those French girls who, of course, as loose Western women, have it coming to them, don't they? and then the belief, which the non-Muslim authorities in France have done nothing to discourage or disprove, that eventually France will be Muslim, as demography works inexorably in favor of a larger and larger Muslim presence, and in the meantime, long before that happens, they can behave as they wish, secure in the belief that the frightened or demoralized Infidels, whether it is the police, or French lyceens being assaulted and robbed and beaten by Muslims as they participate in a march (as happened two years ago), or merely some Frenchman who, for some reason, dares to yell at or stand up to some Muslim vandals, and for his pains is beaten to death.

    It is this attitude by Muslims, young and in some cases not so young, that has to be destroyed, crushed, and it can only happen with methods, and attitudes, far different from those visible today.

    Posted by: Hugh at November 27, 2007 9:40 AM

    I wish I could write like Hugh.

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    Fears of violence over Venezuelan referendum
    AFP - 1 hour 8 minutes ago

    CARACAS (AFP) - - President Hugo Chavez and his critics warned Tuesday that violence was looming over a weekend referendum that, if passed, would overhaul Venezuela's constitution and allow Chavez to tighten his already strong grip on power.

    The dire forecast came amid rising opposition to the reforms by students and other opponents -- including an ex-wife of the president -- who want to see the controversial reforms defeated on Sunday.

    One of Chavez's chief critics, former defense minister Raul Baduel, warned the government was creating "a climate of conflict with the aim of generating violence and instability in the country."

    He told students at Simon Bolivar University the constitutional reforms were "a gimmick" by Chavez to concentrate powers in the presidency, but predicted they would be blocked by voters.

    Chavez himself showed no doubts, telling a stadium filled with women supporters the referendum would be passed easily. He roused them with a mix of homilies and strident sloganeering before capping his speech with a crooning song that brought laughter and applause.

    But he also claimed the other side was fomenting violence, led by the United States, which he refers to as "the empire."

    "The empire has already hatched its plot. On Sunday, when the electoral commission announces the results I'm certain that they won't recognize them -- they are going to cry fraud and they are preparing violence," he said.

    "We will try to neutralize them."

    Chavez has reason to worry about Sunday's outcome, however. Recent polls suggest his referendum could be defeated. One, published on Sunday and carried out by the Datanalisis firm, showed 45 percent against, 31 percent for, and 19 percent undecided.

    Many in traditional Chavez strongholds -- particularly the slums ringing Caracas and other cities -- are doubtful over the need for the plebiscite, even though they still declare their fondness for the president.

    And the opposition spearheaded by university students, originally unstructured, is becoming more organized.

  43. i just love the "iran wont nuke israel" crowd...

    now my dear ostriches

    Iran has in public, called for the complete destruction of the state of israel...

    iran has murdered many american, brits, israelis both indirectly and directly..

    maybe you actually think these clowns WONT try to fry but your "great kumbuya" spirit wont save the jews (again)..

    As a modern Jew, I talk threats seriously from those who murder jews, after all MY PEOPLE have been murdered by BOTH those peaceful Euro types to the descendants of Haman...

    So pardon me when I dont excuse the hamas, hezbollah, syria, iranian DEATH threats...

    I take these MAGGOTS at their word...

    they do not care if they LOSE 50 MILLION of their own, they are the TRUE PAGANS, all for the collective, nothing for the individual life...

    So if given a chance to "take out" a nuke program that SYRIA or IRAN is building with the express purpose to cause the Jewish people genocide again, I vote for making iran a glass bowl...

    and fuck the world if they get in the way...


    I do not accept the right of syria, iran, hamas, the plo, the PA, hezbollah to murder Jews in either small amounts or large...

    and if the tin horn Hugo "the shithead" chavez decides to HELP these same pricks achieve their goals, the let's shove a boot up his ass too...

    What a bunch of ball-less wonders some people have become...

    it reminds me of "peace in our time" to the same arguments that rung throughout our lands in the late 1780's when the SAME islamic retards attacked us then..

    this fight will not go away until the concept that allah is blessing them is dead..

    for this to happen? a very large boot must be inserted into the rectum of islam....

    if america doesnt have the balls to do it, fine get the fuck out of the way, Israel will...

    because, we will not die and easy death ever again, and if it costs you at the pump, too bad...

    you have had the chance to stop iran, you dropped the ball...

    Just like in 1967, american COULD have prevented the 1967 war, just by LIVING UP TO HER TREATY and sailing a single ship up the Straits of Titran.. But LBJ was ball-less... and Nasser walked all over him
