Sunday, November 04, 2007

Musharraf Prefers to be a General. Pray He Not Become a Shah.

General Musharraf has crossed the Rubicon. Unless he wants to end with a rope around his neck or a bullet in his brain, he needs to be more ruthless and determined to see his coup completed. Pakistan is not going to be ruled by an elected president. If Musharraf listens to the US and the West, Pakistan will become another Iran after the Shah, only worse. It will be an Iran with nuclear weapons. A democratic change in Pakistan will only weaken the central government and play into the hands of the Islamists. US pressure on Pakistan to become a democracy, by the Bush Administration, is right out of the Jimmy Carter play book on losing.

Musharraf would be wise to look at the mistakes made by Batista in Cuba or the Shah in Iran and copy what the Chinese Communists did after Tiananmen Square. There is no democratic alternative for Pakistan as long as the Islamists infiltrate Pakistan society. Waziristan is ungovernable. Musharraf would be wise to recognize Waziristan as an independent state, let the crazies go there, and allow the West to figure out what to do with them. Musharraf has the worst job on the planet. He deserves our sympathy.

Musharraf declares martial law in Pakistan

By Massoud Ansari in Islamabad Telegraph
Last Updated: 2:16am GMT 04/11/2007

President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan last night declared a state of emergency, suspended the constitution and was expected to halt planned parliamentary elections for at least a year.

In a dramatic move ahead of an expected ruling by the Supreme Court to disqualify him as president, General Musharraf ordered soldiers into the court building to tell the country's chief justice, Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry, that he was sacked.

Just 30 minutes after news was broadcast that the government was imposing emergency law, eight judges of the Supreme Court met and declared Gen Musharraf's orders "unconstitutional" and "illegal". But even as they did so, police and soldiers began detaining lawyers.

They also took most television and radio stations off the air and disrupted mobile telephone networks in the capital, Islamabad, and other cities.

Armoured vehicles moved into Islamabad soon after sunset and soldiers took over strategic buildings, including parliament. The streets emptied rapidly as residents returned to their homes.

Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister and opposition party leader who returned to Pakistan from exile last month, last night flew back to Karachi from Dubai, where she had been visiting family. She was escorted from the airport towards her house - itself surrounded by troops - by more than 100 police guards.

She said she believed that emergency rule was designed to delay elections by "at least one or two years".

Nisar Khuhro, a senior PPP leader, declared: "We cannot accept the derailment of democracy and will definitely resist and rally around people against it. Otherwise we will be back to square one."

Aitzaz Ahsan, a leading opposition lawyer who is president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, said outside his home: "One man has taken an entire nation hostage. The time has come for Gen Musharraf to go."

Fellow lawyers shouted "Go Musharraf, go!" as Mr Ahsan was arrested and driven away by police, giving a defiant victory sign to his supporters.

Gen Musharraf blamed the imposition of emergency law on the need for a crackdown which had been prevented by the judiciary. The proclamation order claimed that militants, extremists, terrorists and suicide bombers were being released from prisons on the orders of the judges.

It added: "Some members of the judiciary are working at cross-purposes with the executive and legislature in the fight against terrorism."

In a recorded television address last night, Gen Musharraf said emergency powers were needed to defend Pakistan from Islamic fundamentalists.

"Extremists are roaming around freely and they are not scared of law enforcement agencies," he said. "They want to run a parallel government and impose their extremist views on the rest of the country. It is a direct challenge to the stability of Pakistan."

After giving the majority of his address in Urdu, he gave a special message in English, asking Western nations to give Pakistan time to implement democracy.

"Please do not expect or demand your level of democracy which you learned over a number of centuries. Please give us time," he said.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned that Gen Musharraf's decision was made secretly on Friday. Soldiers were discreetly deployed across the country in preparation for yesterday's move.

In a television address Gen Musharraf said emergency powers were needed to defend Pakistan from islamic fundamentalists

Sources at the country's broadcasting authority, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, said they had orders to keep the dozens of independent television channels off the air indefinitely. Only the official state station was broadcasting subdued news reports last night.

The Supreme Court had been expected to rule this week on whether or not Gen Musharraf's recent re-election by MPs to a third term of office was valid. It forbade the election commission to declare the result officially until the case had been decided.

The plan - encouraged by America and Britain - had been for Ms Bhutto to support Gen Musharraf as president in return for the freedom to contest parliamentary elections, from which she hoped to emerge prime minister.

Gen Musharraf made up his mind to declare emergency law after hearing that the chief justice planned to summon the head of Pakistan's intelligence agencies this week to ask why hundreds of people were being held without charge.

Constitutional experts said the fact that eight of the court's 13 judges had immediately ruled the declaration of emergency illegal suggested that they would refuse to swear a new oath of loyalty.

Baz Khan Kakar, a lawyer at the Supreme Court, said: "The country will be in chaos as there will be no courts functioning." But the government said last night that another judge, Hameed Dogar, had been sworn in as the new chief justice.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is smokin hardball, high and inside:

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistan police on Sunday began a roundup of 1,500 lawyers, judges and political activists on a list of people to be arrested one day after Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency, police sources and witnesses said.

    Musharraf on Saturday suspended the country's constitution and dismissed the chief justice. The government also issued new rules forbidding newspapers and broadcasters from expressing "any opinion that is prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or integrity of Pakistan."

  3. Go after the modertes, the democrats, when pressed by Islamic radicals.

    He'll lose US support and with the loss of the funding, then he'll lose the Army.

    Say hello to General Gul and the ISI taking the helm. The father of the Taliban.

    Professor Lewis will be proven right, again.

  4. At westhawk, the thread is of a similar vein

    By casting aside these pleas from the U.S. government, General Musharraf did what he thought was in his best interest, as is his right. But the U.S. also has the right and the duty to pursue its interests. General Musharraf’s imposition of martial law delivers a ripe political opportunity to the U.S. to finally do just that.

    What the U.S. needs from Pakistan is the round-up of al Qaeda leaders like bin Laden and al-Zawahiri who have found sanctuary there; the termination of the Taliban sanctuary in Pakistan that maintains the war in Afghanistan; and the shutdown of the terror pipeline that runs from Pakistan to Europe and the West.

    For years, General Musharraf has played a double-game on these issues. His imposition of marital law will not improve the Pakistani army’s performance in Waziristan, or remove Islamist sympathizers from his intelligence services, or result in the apprehension of Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants.

    Nor is General Musharraf’s rule resulting in Pakistani political reform or the return any time soon of anything close to democracy. So what is General Musharraf good for?

    The U.S. and the West need a new strategy for Pakistan. Exactly a month ago, I suggested what it should be: ...

  5. He already is the Shah. We should support him and if starts to go down we should attack the nuclear weapons. We should have attacked the developing nuclear weapons in Iran long ago. Which we should do now.

  6. Musharraf during his speech switched into English for a bit and reminded us that during our civil war Lincoln suspended our constitution. A little plea for understanding there:)

  7. My dear sir,

    With that line of yours, let me quote "would be wise to recognize Waziristan as an independent state, let the crazies go there, and allow the West to figure out what to do with them" do you really suggest that the West should deal with the "crazies" after the creation of an independent state?

    And if I may ask – do you mean by "figure out" same type of figuring out as it was with Kosova, Iraq et cetera?

  8. We might have been better off letting Saddam take Saudia Arabia. At least we wouldn't have all these goddamned madrassas all around the world:)

  9. Here's a heartening story! Never give up!

  10. Are the Eggs acting up now? Am trying to find out.

  11. My Dear Ioni,

    Musharraf has a survival problem, his own and then saving Pakistan from falling into an Islamic abyss. He does not have the support to pacify Waziristan. IMO, he can cut his losses by giving Waziristan independence and then drive the Taliban and Islamist out of Pakistan. He appeals to a Pakistani nationalism and takes an internal enemy and makes it an external enemy. If the West chooses to take on Waziriztan, it is no longer a Pakistani problem. The West is then in a position to reevaluate the Afghani campaign, and not be hindered by an artificial refuge which Waziristan provides.

    The goal is to maintain a stable state in Pakistan. Waziristan affects stability in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I do not see a comparison with Kosovo where we supported and bombed the wrong side.

  12. Ditto Deuce, everything you said.

    It's time to bring this boil to a head.

    Rat, you may be right about the effect, but I suspect/hope/pray that Musharraf was right about the need to do what he has done. I would like to think he did it for the right reasons but lately have begun to wonder about all politicians and rulers...

  13. "habu and Pelosi
    More concerned with the long dead than with living.

    Both are correct in their historical perspective.

    But why be all that concerned, are the mussulmen ascendent in Japan?"

    DR..I see you're still as big an asshole as you were when I quit posting here.

    FYI Asshole, the freeworld has a long and distinguished history of hunting down and prosecuting those who have performed war crimes...but then your fixation on Geo Bush as the center of evil and some other headcase gremlims you have obviously have don't allow for such thought.

    You are one overweening prick with the same slimy characteristics that Bill Clinton happen to be glib.
    So from time to time I'll throw in a comment and you can do what you do. Asshole extremeis.

    I guess you'd rather throw a cheap shot at me than talk about the article and the atrocities....well I assure you had Jr. been tortured ,mutilated, and hung from a bridge overpass you'd feel differently...exactly how..unknown might go the Code Pink, Cindy Sheehan route ..seems doubtful you have the balls to do otherwise.

    But I also assure you that the still living sons and daughters of those the Japanese tortured would like to see some are such a prick.

    Go ahead an write a reply so your fan club can read it. I won't be. Not worth the time getting in a pissing contest with a truly fucked up individual.


    November 04, 2007
    Real Wartime Torture
    Ethel Fenig
    A few Democratic senators nearly ambushed Michael Mukasey's nomination for Attorney General because he didn't condemn waterboarding, while many liberals wrung their hands and sniffed that Paul Tibbetts expressed no apology for bombing Hiroshima on his death bed. And while European and Moslem nations scream about the evil of US torture at Guantanamo, a new book makes the accusation that the perpetrators of some of the worst atrocities of the Second World War remain alive and unpunished in Japan:
    Painstaking research by British historian Mark Felton reveals that the wartime behaviour of the Japanese Navy was far worse than their counterparts in Hitler's Kriegsmarine. According to Felton, officers of the Imperial Japanese Navy ordered the deliberately sadistic murders of more than 20,000 Allied seamen and countless civilians in cold-blooded defiance of the Geneva Convention.
    Here is just a small example of their evil as told by a survivor, British radio operator James Blears.
    From the conning tower, Commander Shinji Uchino issued the ominous order: "Do not look back because that will be too bad for you," Blears recalled. One by one, the prisoners were shot, decapitated with swords or simply bludgeoned with a sledge-hammer and thrown on to the churning propellers. According to Blears:

    "One guy, they cut off his head halfway and let him flop around on the deck. The others I saw, they just lopped them off with one slice and threw them overboard. The Japanese were laughing and one even filmed the whole thing with a cine camera."
    British historian Mark Felton's book Slaughter At Sea: The Story Of Japan's Naval War Crimes, details many long forgotten atrocities by the Japanese Navy and those who got away with it:
    "The Japanese murdered 30million civilians while "liberating" what it called the Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere from colonial rule. About 23million of these were ethnic Chinese.

    "It's a crime that in sheer numbers is far greater than the Nazi Holocaust. In Germany, Holocaust denial is a crime. In Japan, it is government policy. But the evidence against the navy – precious little of which you will find in Japan itself – is damning."
    Sixty five years later people should still remember; some actions are too awful to be ever forgotten, ever forgiven.

    You wanna piss on the graves of those dead DR go right ahead. Hopefully their sons and daughters of grandchildren can piss on yours.

  15. There you go, habu.
    Once again you dip into name calling, as your standard approach. You again fail to explain the difference between your obsession with dead Japanese toturers and killers, pardoned by Ike and MacArthur, and Ms Pelosi's obsession with the dead genocidists in Turkey.

    Obsessing with the Japanese does not advance our current position, as the enemy is not ascendent in Japan, as they are in Turkey.

    We should stick the Turks in the eye, for numerous current geo-political and internal US political reasons, dating back to 2003 to the situation of the Kurdistan border, today.

    Unless the War on Islam, which you always beat the drum for, is over in your opinion and we can now concentrate on history lessons.

    Why beat the drum of Japanese crimes, when the criminals are dead or dying of old age.

    If Jr had been captured by the jihadi or 1920 Brigades In Iraq, they'd have cut off his head. As they did with US troops and contractors that were captured.

    That was a given, with military service, in Iraq. Part of the reason that the civilians of the State Dept. don't want to serve, there.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. It it is a historic fact that Japan and Germany committed terrible crimes under the leadership of fascist regimes. Both countries are now allies and the crimes committed were the crimes of their fathers and grandfathers. I happen to detest General William Tecumseh Sherman. Many consider him a war hero. I do not, but that is history.

    I opposed the Pelosi and Lantos sponsored bill going after Turkey over Armenia. I also oppose any thoughts on reparations to black American descendents of slaves or reparations to native Americans or apology to Mexico over Texas and California. There is no going back in history to change the unchangeable. It is more important to fight present enemies with willing allies from any quarter.

  18. As for pissing on graves, Truman, MacArthur and Ike made the decisions as to how to handle the Japanese war crimes.

    That you have problems with their behaviour in securing the United States position in Asia, during the '40's and '50's, all to clear.

  19. I agree, with you duece.
    Excepting that I think that by aggrivating the Turkish mussulmen we advance the greater conflict against the Islamofacists. The Islamofcists that are gaining power by the ballot, in Turkey.

    The US public, as is the norm, are not up to speed on that advancement. Ms Pelosi is not advocating the Armeneian Genocide Resolution for the "right" reasons, but the end product could be productive. As the Turkish response would take the mask off the Turkish mussulmen, for most of US.

  20. 2164th: I happen to detest General William Tecumseh Sherman. Many consider him a war hero. I do not, but that is history.

    Sherman shaved at least a year off the war, and saved maybe 150,000 soldiers on both sides from becoming casualties. He was the "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" of the 19th Century.

  21. Why Putin Wins
    By Sergei Kovalev

    Written by a Russian, it gives an interesting view of the situation in Russia.

  22. As predicted, the US is going to "reevaluate" aid to Pakistan, FOX reports Ms Rice as saying.

  23. Just one of those weekends I guess:

    RIGA, Latvia: Several thousand peaceful demonstrators poured onto the streets of Riga Saturday to rally against government corruption and demand the dissolution of Parliament.

    It was the second large protest against the Latvian government since Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis in late September decided to suspend the country's top anti-corruption investigator, Aleksejs Loskutovs.

    The decision prompted anger from critics who viewed it as being politically motivated. Loskutovs had been investigating alleged irregularities involving donations to Kalvitis' People's Party.

    The four-party governing coalition survived a no-confidence vote over the issue, but the mounting political crisis has resulted in the government losing three of its ministers.

    President Valdis Zatlers has also called for the government to step down after a Nov. 8 vote in Parliament on next year's national budget.

    Police said the protest, staged at Dome Square in Riga, was one of the largest political demonstrations since Latvia regained independence in 1991. It attracted between 7,000 and 9,000 people.

  24. Yes, Musharraf is in a bind and the liberal world order-US with him. Can one fight the evil of radical islam with kiddie glove methods?

    Comparison with the axis of WWII is inappropriate, the Japanese in particular did no harm to their own citizens.

    A better question is this : If the Wehrmacht had mutinied in 1938 after Hitler's fraudulent removals of von Fritsch and Beck, would widespread and vicious repressions of the Nazis have been justified?

    Musharraf is in the same position as Franco and Pinochet were. A man has got to do what a man has got to do. Of course, those two fascists cleaned out the political left (which in retrospect, during todays cultural marxist death spiral, seems entirely justifiable), while Musharraf helped create the monster that now threatens to swallow Pakistan whole. From that angle it is hard to see what exatly Musharraf himself is.

    A bustup in Pakistan will almost certainly spread. A caliphate or breakup along ethnic lines? Either will certainly affect Afghanistan, since Waziristan is Pushtun. A redrawing of borders like Ralph Peters proposed last year would replace P-stan and A-stan with Pushtunistan, the northern bits splintering to central asia while the Paki states of Sind and Punjab break apart. Just for fun add in multiethnic Iran, who the US might simultaneously stomp for other reasons.

    Dangerous business, since borders are screwed up across ethnic lines from Turkey across Syria (Kurds), Iraq (Kurds, Shia Arabs), Saudi (Shia Arabs), Iran (Kurds, Azeris, Shia Arabs, Baluchs), Azerbaijan (Azeris, Lezgins who are split by the Azer-Russia border), A-stan (Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Tadjiks, Baluchs), Central Asia bordering A-stan (Uzbeks, Tadjiks), P-stan (Pahstuns, Baluchs). And we're not talking small relatively happy minorities of a few tens of thousands or so like in modern Europe.

    Pakistan - alone - has a population of 170 million.

    Mr Musharraf should do whatever he needs if he can keep the lid on, but the US will probably not tolerate that.

    Ain't ideology fun?

  25. As mat often advocates for, a redrawing of the Status Que maps, into a new world of ethnic and tribal nationalities, which is 180 degrees from the historical norm.

    A rethinking of the results of 19th and 20th century western colonialism and empire would be required of US.

  26. DR, Redrawing the map of the ME would make a whole lot of sense, but it'd be better if it were done without rivers of blood, chaos across two continents, nukes, and 100+ million casualties.

    Deuce, but it was an exemplary peacefull and civilized protest. Our corrupt business faction government (aka "people's party") has finally provoked a popular counter-reaction after putting a squeeze too many on the anti-corruption bureau which was doing its job too well. Very healthy for democracy and good governance - too bad we couldn't vote in a clean government in the first place. Not that that's a unique problem to Latvia. I mean like, Musharraf would sell his children to have our government problems.

  27. That would be good PK, but unlikely.

    The Iranians, Turks, Syrians and Iraqi not ready to give up Kurdistan.

    Nor is the General President ready to rule a rump of the former Pakistan.

    The Sauds, giving up the oil, without a fight, I don't see it.

    Meanwhile ...

    Egypt hopes to head ‘Arab nuclear family’

    By Alain Navarro

    Calling civilian nuclear technology ‘a right for all Arabs’, Mubarak impliedly suggested at the Arab summit in Riyadh in March that it was time for ushering an ‘Arab nuclear family’

    Egypt has emerged at the forefront of a new push by Arab nations to build nuclear power plants in the volatile Middle East even as the West is locked in a standoff with Iran over its atomic drive.

    President Hosni Mubarak announced on Tuesday that Egypt planned to construct a series of nuclear power plants, relaunching a programme shelved 20 years ago following the Chernobyl disaster.

    Egypt’s move follows similar announcements by other Arab nations including the oil-rich Gulf states and former international pariah state Libya - despite growing tensions between Iran and the West over its own nuclear programme. “There is an internal political dimension to the decision by Mubarak, who is telling Iran that they will not allow Tehran to be the sole regional power to control the atom,” said Antoine Basbous, director of the Arab World Observatory based in Paris.

    Cairo’s announcement that it would seek nuclear capabilities to ensure its future energy security while ruling out any military ambitions, received the immediate backing of Iran’s arch-foe Washington.

    “It is a right for all Arabs,” Mubarak thundered at the Arab summit in Riyadh in March, sparking talk it was time for an “Arab nuclear family”. Among those seeking nuclear power are Algeria, Jordan, Libya, the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council including OPEC powerhouse Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.

    GCC heads of state are due to report on the feasibility of a regional nuclear programme at their annual summit in Qatar in December. The United States has 103 nuclear power stations, followed by France with 59, Japan with 55 and Russia with 31 fully operational facilities and seven being built. Asia is also investing heavily in atomic energy and experts argue that should an alliance develop between Egypt and China - and possibly including Russia - this could weaken Washington’s ties to Cairo, its traditional ally. While Egypt, the most populous country in the Arab world with 76 million people, and energy-poor Jordan could justify the switch to nuclear energy, the choice is more difficult for the Gulf countries, sitting on huge oil and gas reserves.

    Another Islamic nation that is going to develop the capacity for, at the minimum, dirty bombs. When the US, with Mr Cheney as the President's Cheif of Staff, approved 24 nuclear reactors for sale to Iran they could not see months, let alone years, into the future.

    The Shah gone and the Ayatollahs firmly large and in charge. Within months of the decision.

    Who knows what lies ahead for Eygpt?

    Who in DC has the crystal ball?

    Israel, Egypt, Turkey.
    First, second and third largest recipients of US largess.

  28. How Humans Spread Across The World Interactive. Stolen from Maggie's Farm. Interesting.

  29. You know, come to think of it, rounding up the lawyers, judges, and various political activists is just what Michael Savage has been advocating for us:)

  30. The writer of bob's link said that
    People are well aware that Pakistan, which is now the third highest recipient of US aid (after Iraq and Israel), could not get away with the emergency if the US truly did not wish to see it happen.

    Which got me to thinking, that I thought the listing was Israel, Eygpt, Turkey.

    So I googled it and found this little bit of data. which doesn't put Turkey on the list for '05 and only 12th for '04.

    Pakistan in the top ten, but not breaching Eygpt's position.
    There could be payments not listed as aid. As Iraq went from #1 in '04 @ $18 billion to not on the list of top 16 reciprients for '05.

    Here are the top 16 recipients of U.S. foreign aid for 2005:

    1. Israel 2.58 Billion
    2. Egypt 1.84 Billion
    3. Afganistan 0.98 Billion
    4. Pakistan 0.70 Billion
    5. Colombia 0.57 Billion
    6. Sudan 0.50 Billion
    7. Jordan 0.48 Billion
    8. Uganda 0.25 Billion
    9. Kenya 0.24 Billion
    10. Ethiopia 0.19 Billion
    11. South Africa 0.19 Billion
    12. Peru 0.19 Billion
    13. Indonesia 0.18 Billion
    14. Bolivia 0.18 Billion
    15. Nigeria 0.18 Billion
    16. Zambia 0.18 Billion

    CRS Report for Congress: Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S.
    Programs and Policy Updated January 19, 2005, page 14

    Here are the top 16 recipients of U.S. foreign aid for 2004:

    1. Iraq 18.44 Billion
    2. Israel 2.62 Billion
    3. Egypt 1.87 Billion
    4. Afghanistan 1.77 Billion
    5. Colombia 0.57 Billion
    6. Jordan 0.56 Billion
    7. Pakistan 0.39 Billion
    8. Liberia 0.21 Billion
    9. Peru 0.17 Billion
    10. Ethiopia 0.16 Billion
    11. Bolivia 0.15 Billion
    12. Turkey 0.15 Billion
    13. Uganda 0.14 Billion
    14. Sudan 0.14 Billion
    15. Indonesia 0.13 Billion
    16. Kenya 0.13 Billion

    CRS Report for Congres:: Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S.
    Programs and Policy, April 15, 2004, page 13

  31. Dear 2164th,

    But we can only tell what side was right after the winning shot, can we?

  32. It was habu that brought to my attention General George C Marshall's role in "Losing China".

    He and Mr Truman.
    Freemasons both.

    Have to wonder why the did not crush the ChiComs when they had the proxies, had the strength.
    Instead of forcing the Nationalists to stand down, while the Russians resupplied the ChiComs with Japanese weapons stores.

    Boners to the core.

  33. Bobal: You know, come to think of it, rounding up the lawyers, judges, and various political activists is just what Michael Savage has been advocating for us:)

    Mercifully, Michael "Savage" Wiener is off the air in Seattle, replaced by one Glenn Beck, who is only marginally better. Unfortunately he is on opposite Dr Rachel Maddow, so I don't get to listen to him.

  34. Winners get to write history Ioni.

  35. Ms. T., of course Lars Larson down in Portland is the very best of all, so you might try him! Who is this Dr. Maddow?

  36. I don't see that this man precisely answers his How To Prevent claim in this headline about stopping the Iranians.

  37. Rachel has a doctorate in political science (she was a Rhodes Scholar) and a background in HIV/AIDS activism, prison reform, and other lefty rabblerousing. She shakes a mean cocktail, drives a bright red pickup, hates Coldplay, loves arguing with conservatives, spends a lot of money on AMTRAK tickets, and dresses like a first-grader.


  38. shakes a mean cocktail, drives a bright red pickup

    sounds good to me

  39. By the way, here is the projected US political map after the rapture:

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Looks like the Election Night results from the Clinton v Romney Election of 2008.
