Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Why is Chris Matthews Moderating a Republican Debate?

"Let's play hardball."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Because he's not African-American, Hispanic, or gay?

  3. Because the GOP is the Stupid Party. Writ large.

    50 bucks says Thompson comes off a doddering old fool tonight.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Admiral Stockdale, who passed away in 2005, was a patriotic and in many ways was a "great" American.

    To bad that today folks cannot even remember his name, let lone who he was.

  6. I remember Admiral 'Why Am I Here' Stockdale.

  7. I'll bet 50 virtual bucks Thompson doesn't come off as a doddering old fool tonight. He's been practising for this moment. But how well?

    When you bet virtual bucks you aren't sure of your position.

  8. I think Michael Savage ought to be moderating the democratic debates.

    Mat, Mathews is a lib on TV, CNN I think, who is in love with himself.

  9. There's a wonderful picture of Hillary on Drudge, but I don't know how to bring it here, for your entertainment.

  10. Bob,

    In that case, I think Tes should be the moderator.

  11. There you are, bob.
    Mr Fox, not a deciever.

    But forthright and honest.

    One people, one land, Isthmus to the Artic.

  12. Thanks, Teresita.

    I swear with that hat on she's a dead ringer for my cousin Sally.

    Makes my day. Keeps the belly jiggling. Good for the digestion.

  13. My cousin Sally would like to run the Americas, also the World, also the Universe, the WITCH.

    Oh, that feels good.

  14. I think the GOP is being smart by having Matthews moderate. Having a liberal moderator will add validity to the debate.

    I also think Thompson will come off looking good. He is very accustomed to toeing his mark and saying his lines.....

    On another note, and referring to a previous topic, Al Gore will get a Nobel. Hollywood has already christened him god in two other venues...

  15. Michael S. Steele should be moderating the debates, but of course conservatives with Black Skin aren't Black thus even tho the Pubs would show up, it would only be more proof of their "racism."
