Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sophie Anderton, Super Model and Hooker

A super model, Coke user and hooker. If you like it, you have to pony up the $20K. The dollar just does not go as far as it used to.


  1. Doubt it'd be a value, at $20,000

  2. As for me, I've died and gone to heaven. Crystal Gayle, part Cherokee, coal miner's daughter, last of 8 kids, sister of Loretta Lynn, married her high school sweetheart, sent bob to heaven this evening.

    Jesus, flashing eyes, beautiful red dress, flashing earrings, lapels, black hair to the floor, skin like cream..o my.

    56 years, she is, beautiful voice, like an angel, humorous too, great back up sax player named Blue Jay. Kind of music I like.

    Great evening. Thanks, Crystal!

  3. Crystal Gayle

    Like fine wine, time has been nothing but kind to Crystal Gayle

  4. Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue.

    Listened to it over and over after school. And over and over. And over and over.

    My dad still has the albums.

  5. Trish, I'm still here. She was GREAT

  6. What I'm currently listening to:

    "Oh here you are, there's nothing left to say
    You're not supposed to be that way
    Did they push you out? did they throw you away?

    Touch me now and I don't care
    When you take me I'm not there
    Almost human, but I'll never be the same

    Long way down, I don't think I'll make it on my own
    Long way down, I don't want to live in here alone
    Long way down, I don't think I'll make it on my own

    I never put you down, I never pushed you away
    You're not supposed to be that way
    And anything you want, there's nothing I could say

    Is there anything to feel?
    Is it pain that makes you real?
    Cut me off before it kills me

    Long way down, I don't think I'll make it on my own
    Long way down, I don't want to live in here alone
    Long way down, I don't think I'll make it on my own

    I never put you down, I never pushed you away
    Take another piece of me
    Give my mind a new disease
    And the black and white world never fades to gray

    Long way down, I don't think I'll make it on my own
    Long way down, I don't want to live in here alone
    Long way down, I don't think I'll make it on my own"

    Too topical, I believe.

  7. The hair. Oh my God, I would've sold my little brother for the hair. Never mind the voice.

    I do believe that she was just that, bob. Great.

  8. Who's it by, cutler?

    The lyrics don't Google.

  9. Goo Goo Dolls.

    Video'll give you a headache though.

    I'm a big rock guy.

  10. Didn't give me a headache. I remember the Goo Goo Dolls for some wildly popular song back in, oh, 99 - the title of which I cannot for the life of me recall.

    "Too topical"?

  11. It's just like Anbar, trish, out there in Warizistan.

    All them Arabs, tribes and such, all of 'em one and the same, aye?

  12. "All them Arabs, tribes and such, all of 'em one and the same, aye?"


    But in order to make it work there has to be, above all, some facility for...political sustenance. The thing that's going to kick our ass in Anbar and we can't even straight-face going in, in Waziristan. It's your number one hurdle and you're not going to get over it.

  13. It's not a serious proposal, Rat.

    Someone in the administration just thought it a good way to meet criticism of the Pakistan policy and voila! there it is. In the WaPo.

  14. Who in the hell is Sophie Anderton?

    What you want in Pakistan are straight-up mercenaries. Present rules don't allow it. Present rules can be changed.

  15. I doubt we ever needed more than one thousand mercenaries to fight the global war on terror.

    Sophie Anderton is a serious anlaysis of the falling value of the dollar. That was never worth more than a franklin and cab fare home.

  16. Their most popular song was this one, 1998-1999 - so that's probably it.

    Re: Topical.

    In short, groping in the dark, slowly grasping the extent of potential problems through a fog of ideology, with so much to lose and so far to fall.

    My pessimistic view of us today.

    Can't help it, I've always seen eccentric things in songs.

  17. *tempered by the fact that human history has, of course, always been that way.

  18. "I doubt we ever needed more than one thousand mercenaries to fight the global war on terror."

    We like The Big Show.

  19. "...groping in the dark, slowly grasping the extent of potential problems through a fog of ideology, with so much to lose and so far to fall."

    Didn't Churchill say God protects idiots and Americans? Lucky for you.

    And me.

  20. It was Bismark actually.

    And no, I don't believe it.

    I think that the first bias is thinking that you, your people, or your times are somehow special. Billions of others have thought the same. Speaking as an American nationalist, there is no intrinsic, special quality that'll somehow save our bacon and make everything alright in the end.

  21. "Billions of others have thought the same. Speaking as an American nationalist, there is no intrinsic, special quality that'll somehow save our bacon and make everything alright in the end."

    Well then, cutler, you're stuck with the Goo Goo Dolls.

  22. Me, I'm hangin' with Bismarck.

  23. Better than a security blanket. Don't get the impression I'm the sort who walks around in doom and gloom simply for the sake of itself. I don't think that either affected optimism or pessimism helps anybody, just brings you farther away from the truth.

    Or to quote Robert Heinlein,

    "The secret of correct prediction is to shun wishful thinking and think coldly. Shun pessimistic thinking, too. Treat the world the way a research scientist treats a problem - examine the data, try to organize, try to predict coldly and logically. Not what you want to have happen - but what can happen and what is most likely to happen - and then, and only then, what you yourself can do about it, to make things easier or better or safer for you and your kids."
    -Robert Heinlein"

    Albeit, with a lot of Socratic/Derbyshire intellectual modesty thrown in.

  24. I'll pass on Heinlein, thanks, though he does appeal to the males of my immediate acquaintance.

  25. From what I know, I like Mencken, though I admit I haven't read enough (plan to in the future though). I had a Libertarian-Monarchist professor in undergraduate, a real odd-ball obviously, who was a big fan. I still keep in touch with him via letters (he hates modern technology).

    I tend to like iconoclasts in general, even if they make me pound the table at times. Perhaps because I hope that someday someone will cut me me the same slack.

  26. I tend to like iconoclasts in general, even if they make me pound the table at times.

    - cutler

    So do I.

  27. You folks should like the Taliban, then, blowing up statues of the Buddha :) But, I know that's not what you mean. You be talkin' intellectual, cultural icons.

  28. When she hits 56 years of age, like Crystal, the girl at the top of this post won't be looking so good, if she doesn't change her ways. Time will be unkind to her, if she even hits 56.

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