Tuesday, October 09, 2007

al-Qa'eda and Iran Get an Eviction Notice

A new face for Iraq?

There is a very interesting series running in the Telegraph about the amazing turnaround in Anbar, Iraq. It really is a victory. I refer to the ending of part two of the series:

Iraq insurgency: People rise against al-Qa'eda
By Damien McElroy in Husaybah
Last Updated: 2:31am BST 09/10/2007

Damien McElroy spent a week in the heart of the insurgency in Anbar province in Iraq. In the second of seven exclusive reports he describes how peace and prosperity have returned to a town formerly riven by sectarian killings.

One of the leaders of the tribal revolt, Shiekh Kurdi Rafi Al-Shurayji said there was nothing to distinguish al-Qa'eda and the regime in Teheran. "They are no different," he said. "Al-Qa'eda relies on Iran's support, just the same as every evil force in Iraq."

Police Col Obaida Sueidi Khalif said Anbar's gains will remain dependent on the Americans until the government in Baghdad is capable of representing the entire nation.

"A lot of people from outside Iraq are trying to destroy our country," he said. "The people have to let the Coalition Forces not just here but in the capital help us because Baghdad can't run Iraq until it reconciles with the competent officials who served under Saddam Hussein."

A reduction in extremist intimidation has brought a flood of officers and men from the army disbanded after the 2003 war, back into Iraq's security forces. Anbar's main training academy this month held the first class devoted exclusively to Saddam era colonels and majors who have joined the new army's 7th Division.

Symbolically the class was the first to receive instruction in the workings of the US M16 assault rifle, which is to be the new weapon of the country's armed forces.

"I decided to rejoin two years ago but I live in Ramadi and the insurgents would have killed me and my family if I signed up until now," said Lt-Col Hamid Adwas. "As soon as the city was safe, I came back."
Read the rest


  1. Add Blackwater to the eviction list. Or maybe its just a shakedown for some more money.

  2. At one time I thought they would run out of assholes that were willing to blow themselves up. That was obviously wrong. Any insurgency has to have active or compliant support of the local population. The Petraeus strategy seems to be cracking that.

  3. Iraq insurgency: Fighting on the beaches

    Damien McElroy spent a week in the heart of the insurgency in Anbar province in Iraq. In the first of seven exclusive reports he describes the daily battle to drive out al-Qa'eda.

    US Marines in Iraq's Anbar province have taken the battle against al-Qa'eda to the unlikely setting of a beachside resort in the desert.

  4. The Iraqi Vice Prime Minister whoever he is, is reported to have said there won't be any reconciliation, it's a struggle for power. The Sunnis, needing some help, may be sucking up to us. Maybe we ought to take them up on the offer, if such it is, and back them, along with the Kurds. Back the weaker powers, like Churchill said the English always used to do, in European affairs. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

    There seems to be an unending end of bombers, for sure, just like thistles, blowing in from where ever they blow in from, some homegrown, some not.

  5. Old AlBob is waxing all poetic and philisophical again,
    "an unending end "
    An end without end!
    Tell me THAT's not a heavy concept to consider.

    Maybe he ran into some of his Olde Potatoe wine while snoozing in the Barn?
