Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Saltwater Burns - John Kanzius

This sounds too good to be true and according to the skeptics it is. ht: Tiger at Observanda.


  1. One killjoy at youtube posted:

    People, the radio ionizes the water(H2O) to break it into its components (2 H2 and O2) in the same way x-rays damage DNA. The gas bubbles float to the top where they are ignited and recombined. But the energy created from the flame is FAR LESS than the energy it took to break the water apart. There is no magic here. The energy comes from the power plant, not the water.

  2. Money for nothing
    energy's not free.

  3. Build those nuclear power generating plants, then go into the business of splitting water molecules.

  4. Just spin big steam turbines.

    Just build the plant, or the distilleries. There is need for about hundred thousand of those "big" distilleries, growing switchgrass or algea or whatever is best on marginal lands.

    Just start.
    Or it's more eyewash, on 9-11-01 plus 6, just more blather about bullshit.

  5. Uranium Burns

    New nuclear power plant applications, from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

  6. "alQ will not attack CONUS any time soon."

    - brother d-day

    Roger that.

    They don't need to.

  7. There is no need to attack the Emporer, only the outposts of Empire. Beyond the security frontiers
    Beyond need for plausible deniability.
    but straight to the heart

    MEXICO CITY — A small guerrilla group took responsibility Tuesday for attacks on oil and gas pipelines that forced factories across the country to scale back or close for lack of energy supplies.

    A communique sent to Mexican media from the People's Revolutionary Army, or EPR, said the attacks were intended to force the release of two of the group's leaders, whom the rebels believe are held by President Felipe Calderon's government.

    "Our political-military action will not stop until our disappeared/detained comrades are presented alive," said the communique signed by the EPR's "General Command."

    Demands for release of the two men followed similar attacks in central Mexico in July against pipelines owned by the government petroleum monopoly Pemex. State and federal officials have said they have no knowledge of the men's whereabouts.

    Scores of factories in Mexico City and the nearby city of Puebla were forced to shut down Tuesday for lack of natural gas as repair crews scrambled to fix the bombed pipelines and valve stations in Veracruz state.

    The explosions idled more than three-fourths of the 11,000 workers at Volkswagen's manufacturing plant in Puebla. Other factories shut down in the Mexico City area and as far away as Guadalajara and Monterrey.

    Jesus Reyes Heroles, Pemex's chief executive, said in a nationally broadcast radio interview that Mexico's 30,000-mile network of energy pipelines are vulnerable to similar attacks. About 2,400 miles of that grid, included the large natural gas line hit Monday, is considered strategic to the Mexican economy.

    "To think they can be protected though the presence of the company or the armed forces is impossible," Reyes Heroles said of the pipelines.

  8. A large 20 million gallon per annum distillery produces 456,000 barrels per year. US imports from Senor Chavez 1.1 million barrels per day, year to date average.

    So annual production from two+ distilleries equals one day's import from Hugo.
    Need 750 of those 20 million gallon distilleries and the required farmland ready for cultivation.
    We only have 10% of that number in the pipeline, and construction production of those plants is slowing, beginning to fall behind previous schedules.

    No National Will

  9. Only 120 operating distilleries spikes corn prices.

    Part of the conspiracy, rufus, using food stocks for ethanol, when other plant substitutes are available.

  10. He left out the CHILDREN!!!

  11. Is that really Rufus?

    If not, my second guess is Charles,

    Third, AlBobAl after a 24 hour Marathon Session with recordings of his favorite Late-Nite shows.
    See, AlBob:
    You're not as obsessed as at least one person, and not as nutz as another!

    Think Positive!

  12. The Big Damn Back Yard, Rat.

    Europe has theirs; we have ours. And some trouble we both may be in, 'tween the two.

  13. I finally figured out a way to describe the Weirdness of Trish in Words:

    She alone among us has never expressed an opinion or response to the Question of the Importance of Al-Arabia.

    Likewise the subject of illegals, where she claims ignorance of a subject that has been at the top of the news for the last 3 years!
    Easy to mock others when their predictions come out wrong:

    Simply make NO PREDICTIONS on today's thorniest issues!

    Have at it, Trish!
    Your favorite 9 year old.

  14. I see Mr. Kanzius's borderline racism rejects Oaxacan, Pagan and Islamic science out of hand.

    He seems quite guilt free as he parades his moral equivalent to a whites-only drinking fountain in front of the gleeful Corporatist newscasters, who are all too happy to buy American racism and sell it back to them.

    What we need is a Cultural Neighborhood Watch that could have helped Kanzius improve his methods by drawing broadly from the richest traditions the world has ever known.

  15. Hugo waits on the Panamax tankers and the refineries to be finished in China.

    Mexico is ruled by the PAN, with about 36% support, the PRI, a bunch of old Socialists, in the Arrafat mold.
    The rest, outside the mainstream leftist. Explosive situation, to say the least.

    Ecuador, will sell its' oil to China, when Hugo flips. Will also fund the radical left in Mexico, twice removed, of course.

    Africa, Nigeria, the pipelines burst there every quarter or so, without help from the terrorists.

    Still the jingoists rattle the sabres, thinking the Iranians vulnerable, while we stand safe & secure. Behind those fabled oceans.

    It'd be funny,
    if it weren't so damn sad.

  16. "Simply make NO PREDICTIONS on today's thorniest issues!"

    Making predictions is overrated, especially when prediction-making tends toward just-like-today-only-more-so, which it generally does.

  17. Yeah, Free Energy from Pig Urine!

  18. Materials: 1 x Quran
    Methodology: Inshallah etc.
    Conclusion: Allahu Akbar!

  19. Perfect answer Trish!
    ...only you would dare write it down!

  20. And then there's the follow up study commissioned by NIH with a larger sample size of Qurans.

  21. Maybe you should get a job at CIA to Replace Larry or the Phoney "Expert" at CIA?
    (forget his name, big mouth, 'Rat cited him two days ago)

  22. That's even better, Alderman:
    Reduce Solid Waste, Co-Generate!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. General "Patey Pate" Hayden?

  25. Part of the conspiracy, rufus, using food stocks for ethanol, when other plant substitutes are available.

    Unless developing those substitutes conflicts with pre-existing Forever Wars, such as the War on Hemp.

  26. Naw, he and the Irishman that died in 9-11 were considered to be our two best experts by no less than Lawrence Wright:
    He was head of CIA group tasked to get bin Laden.
    Since he has made a cottage industry of blaming everyone else from Bill Clinton, to god knows who.
    Perfect CIA ad material!
    He's Antisemitic to boot!

  27. Non-Aligned Science could teach Americans alot, such as how to cope with Compassionate SNAFU policies.

  28. John O'Neil

    Have you read Looming Tower? I got the audiobook and listened to it during the commute - it was amazing - especially re: O'Neil

  29. Other was John O'neille, a REAL expert.

    Taken out by state dept darling Barbara Bodine.

  30. No, the other guy, I'll remember yet.

  31. Wright was on Hewitt today:
    I think he's about the best commentator on alQ and etc.
    Should be up in Archives so, with transcript, I bet.

  32. Hugh says the Audio is worth listening to even after reading the book a couple of times.

  33. Big Takeaway today:

    Poverty DOES Contribute to Violence!
    ...not in the usual bs liberal way, but consider this:

    Muslims consist of 1/5 the population of the World.

    Muslims add up to HALF the poorest people of the World.

  34. Thus, plenty of disaffected dumb shit Muslims with nothing better to do or believe in.

  35. Maybe you should get a job at CIA to Replace Larry or the Phoney "Expert" at CIA?

    - doug

    Trish would have to give up goofing off for a living.

    Where's the payoff?

  36. Write a book, get rich.
    Undermine the War Effort.
    Leak Secrets.
    ...usual stuff.

  37. Downplay risks like it's 1999!

  38. (or simply refuse to come up with an analysis.
    Alertatively, produce a fake one, and when disaster strikes, chuckle and say:
    "Just Kidding!")

  39. I saw Trish goofing off at $.10 wing night at the Funny Bone

  40. "Alternatively"
    Keep those options open.

  41. Get on board the band wagon, doug!

    Troops home for Christmass

    6,000 ready to redeploy!

    the World DID CHANGE
    on 9-11 ...


  42. This is the land of the nine fingured people through which my thoughtless wife drove me, sans spare tire, sans gun, sans phone, sans anything. Nuke Warizistan, nuke the W. Virginia hill country, I say.

  43. Trish thinks that land is alive and well right here at the EB Well, AlBob!

  44. Do not need those 6,000 troops in Basra.

    Like General Simmons said, those poor reports, they were MSM fabrications.

    Home For Christmass

  45. Those poor muslims dream just as the poor oaxacans do: to finally administrate a land beyond their dirt-worshipping sovereignty.

    If American mothers think history will remember them, they should try their juggling acts while on the lamb from the gestapo, where they can't even turn a crank at the fish stick factory without the ominous threat of internment and rendition to eastern europe.

    Imagine raising a family and coaching your kids so they can be martyred by a competent terrorist organization, not some fly-by-night English doctor comedy of errors. That's even tougher, because the jews team up with the capitalists, whereas the mexicans have the jews in their corner.

  46. Task for EBers:
    Come up with name for EB drink that becomes the equivalent of
    Jim Jones "Kool Aid"
    in the lexicon of the ages.

  47. I commute all about my Ward thank you very much.

    Its how I make sure the City Council keeps their regulatory distance. Constant vigilance.

  48. I think that's the house Chuck Yeager grew up in, AlBob.
    Nothin but the Right Stuff for us folks.

  49. We need them on patrol, in Big Creek W.Va.

    The six suspects were arrested Saturday and Sunday. Frankie Brewster, the 49-year-old woman who owns the home where the suspected attacks occurred, is charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and giving false information during a felony investigation.

    Her son, Bobby R. Brewster, 24, also of Big Creek, is charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and assault during the commission of a felony.

    Frankie Brewster was released from prison in September 2000 after serving five years for voluntary manslaughter and wanton endangerment in the death of an 84-year-old woman, according to court records.

    Karen Burton, 46, of Chapmanville, is charged with malicious wounding, battery and assault during the commission of a felony.

    Her daughter Alisha Burton, 23, of Chapmanville, and George A. Messer, 27, of Chapmanville, are charged with assault during the commission of a felony and battery.

    Danny J. Combs, 20, of Harts, is charged with sexual assault and malicious wounding.

    All six remained in custody Tuesday in lieu of $100,000 bail each, and all have asked for court-appointed attorneys.

  50. Pardon me, Aldie:
    I thot you were a Traditionalist -

    "An alderman is a member of a municipal assembly or council in many jurisdictions.

    The title is derived from the Anglo-Saxon position of ealdorman, literally meaning "elder man," and was used by the chief nobles presiding over shires.

  51. Blended Cheeseburger & Jim Beam Black

  52. Come up with name for EB drink that becomes the equivalent of Jim Jones "Kool Aid" in the lexicon of the ages.

    Surge on the rocks.

  53. That's what my folks consider to be the equivalent of a Top-Gun excercise, 'Rat.

  54. Some play on Urge on the Rocks.

  55. Blended Cheeseburger & Knob Creek w/ a rim of Mrs. Dash

  56. I'll have mine neat on the
    Rocks of Ages.

  57. Terrorists threaten Brittany, Madonna Here but exempt Paris Hilton, for now.

    some name with suicide in it...Painless Suicide and Mountain Dew, nah,

  58. What do you think Trish drinks?

    When she's goofy?

    When she's totally serious.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. "Percy D. Brewster inventor of motion picture color process Brewstercolor "
    And his cousin Pete "Brewster" Coors.

  61. Milk of Magnesia and Tequila so you'll accelerate to a Mexican aesthetic at a 2nd Order Rate, so to speak.

  62. There was a Brewster Brewsterson, but he was a swede.

  63. Aldie's Commute:
    Brewster is a place in southwest Polk County, Florida, located at 27°45′9″N, 81°58′47″W.

    It is at an elevation of 143 feet above sea level. There are a total of 0 people residing there.

    The village of Brewster was founded in 1910 and for decades flourished from phosphate mining. It was largely a company town for the American Cyanamid Company.

    The town had its own schools, movie theater, medical clinic, post office, and swimming pool. It was set up with "White" and "Colored" people living in separate sections.

    The village was officially closed down by the company in 1962.

    Much of Brewster was demolished at the time, but some abandoned buildings remain, including a smokestack which rises prominently in the area as a landmark.

  64. Can you imagine testing the Saintly tolerance of your liberal friends by becoming a miserable spasming shit and vomit factory?

    What a rush that would be...

  65. Then there was the Gunslinger:
    "Bat" Masterson Brewster.

  66. Only Rufus knows how that feels, according to Trish.

  67. That majestic stroll through Brewster ends with the imposing phallus that so centered all Brewsterian psyches.

  68. Well, if Cat Vomit counts, at least.

  69. What does Trish - or anyone - have against Rufus?

    I just want to go herd sheep with Rufus for a summer or two.

  70. Bourban with a Spritz of Phallus Springs Water.

  71. At first I thought the pool was divided into racial sections.

    Thank god us moderns know you ONLY separate society when it pleases Allah.

    I don't know how people lived back then...

  72. Far as I know, she's unique in having that opinion.
    Along w/many others!

  73. Ruf is working on a way to get clean renewable energy from stinking piles of hot cat vomit.

  74. And of course the controversial radical ornithologist,

    William Brewster

    Who used his radical ornithology to critique the legacy of colonialism in the developing world, and its lasting effects on gender issues.

  75. Lemonade outta Lemons!
    Gotta give the guy credit.

  76. Victor Ocoha credits Ornithology with giving him the inspiration for the
    Revolutionary Ochoaplane.
    " Victor Ochoa
    Victor Ochoa was the Mexican American inventor of the Ochoaplane.

    And the inventor of a windmill, magnetic brakes, a wrench, and a reversible motor. His best known invention, the Ochoaplane was a small flying machine with collapsible wings. Mexican inventor Victor Ochoa was also a Mexican revolutionary.

    According to the Smithsonian, Victor Ochoa had a reward of $50,000 offered for his delivery dead or alive to Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico.

    Ochoa was a revolutionist who sought to overthrow the rule of Mexico’s chief executive in the early nineties.

  77. Forget the Cheeseburger - or perhaps just create another drink with Carnival food in place of the ground burger

    I'm disappointed no human has uploaded a video of a cheeseburger blending. Bet the Chinese will beat us to it.

  78. Oops:
    He was the Revolutionary, not the plane.

  79. That's all they can do out in the Hinterlands:
    Beat It.
    Makes a serviceable drink, however.

  80. Hey! Maybe we can work Beat It into the drink name!

  81. Bartender,
    Beat Off one for me!

  82. I'll have a Double Beat Off on the rocks.

  83. Wow.

    I'm not sure how i even feel about this, a real life vomit-in

  84. I'm only going to the trouble of doing all this for Trish.

  85. Yeah, the Mayor's already imposed a new tax so they can have their very own Vomitorium.

  86. Ms. T couldn't order it - unless her cultural ideas of "beat" are different than my ahistorical white ones.

  87. Where is Trish?

    My wager is she's watching Tivo'd America's Most Wanted, criticizing John Walsh's pathetic methods.

  88. My Wager is somebody just might know the EB is about to go up!

  89. All's well, fellas,
    and that's a Slam Dunk!
    See Ya!

  90. Doug, have you ever seen Dog the Bounty Hunter at the super market?

  91. Last time she was bitching about what a Wuss his kid is.
    Or Was.

  92. No such luck:
    I should go live in Honolulu for the chance.

  93. Discussing Myers-Briggs.


  94. Naw,
    As in Jelly Up,

  95. How long does it take a Saltwater Burn to heel?

  96. Walsh's Kid?

    She also criticized Clapton for not sufficiently rubberizing Connor.

  97. Not sure - howd you go and do that?

    Dog isn't a member of your country club doug?

  98. Maybe she harbors secret Beliefs that some Mexican Illegal is bound to come up with an Unlimited Source of Clean Energy.
    Top Secret Stuff.

  99. His wife has breasts as rich as Palestine's pre-1947 harvests used to be - olives the size of durians and feta cheese fields stretching across the horizon...

    Islam needs a Willy Wonka in addition to a Martin Luther.

    Any other Western celebs you can think of?

  100. Naw, I suggested 'Rat's son might become a PI undercover as a National Gaurd Recruiter, tho:

    'Rat, and his son,
    Dog Junior.

  101. No, but my wife found a great Fat Free Feta cheese.
    Such a great product, I buy it even tho it's French.

  102. Or they could try to compete with the MilfHunter and be a dynamic father & son combo.

    Take pron back from the degenerates and back into the hands of the moral majority. Beat them at their own game.

  103. Internet Exploder just crashed, and the last page to go was that Provoke War Site.
    Anybody know if Trish has computer skills?

  104. One day in the afterlife you may meet a french peace activist who will thank you for your feta cheese purchases.

  105. Trish may be an AI. She passes the Turing Test but barely. Talking to her feels like a Chinese Room, alright.

  106. Teresita is a more advanced version. Her heuristics have mastered sexual innuendo and while its wielded clumsily, it is sufficient to warm hearts and win friends.

  107. Question is: What comes after Teresita?

  108. Plus, my Dick starts feeling like it's stuck in Ash's finger trap.

  109. LMAO

    Ash's brain can reduce anything to its elemental chinese finger traps.

  110. I never woulda thot of it w/o Trish, tho.

  111. Sonia - her ridiculous paintings especially - an attempt at mimicking human creativity? She's a test model for a search engine's cultural analytic software?

    Her reviews are so sweeping in scope so as to be daunting. Only a machine could do that...

  112. What will W do after the presidency? I wonder if he can help transition the NFL to Global Football?

  113. I think he's going to promote even MORE harmony with the Muslims with a
    Goat Football League.

  114. "What will W do after the presidency?"

    Win the Nobel Prize.

  115. That could be the Drink!
    Boy, the stress of the Campaign has really aged Rudy!

  116. Are you watching Rudy somewhere?

  117. Still have to come up w/a name, tho.

  118. Edwards get's thousand dollar haircuts, and Rudy doesn't even have time to get his head shaved.

  119. He has plenty of time to apologize for law-breaking immigrants, surfing the historical inevitability he and his urban republican cohorts.

  120. lmao ok i was wondering if it was a topical reference

  121. I think he has to put a topical steroid on that Pate.

  122. There's more to Finger Traps than you might think.

    They don't mention the finger traps that aren't street legal - the ones the pros like Trish use.

  123. Does Fred Thompson look part Klingon from head on? Could you imagine him wielding that Klingon bladed weapon, the bat'leth

  124. Damn, I was hoping I could catch her in a moment of weakness and she'd turn me on to a source.

  125. I think Klingon's with Deep Tennessee accents have extra special powers.

  126. "Total surface area remains constant, so the more you pull the more the diameter shrinks
    (i.e. the trap tightens).
    Boy, that describes the feeling Perfectly!

  127. What kind of source? Your own Sandy Berger that will follow you to the ends of the earth?

  128. Sometimes when comments are comin hot and heavy, I unzip just to make sure it's still there.

  129. What, you're either born with a Chinese Finger Trap Mind, or you're not?

  130. I get that feeling when I read the news.

    Trish says her best diarrheas produce the opposite: a sudden and explosive loosening and dilation of bowel, loosing a violent deluge of waste with a sulfur and tannin composition as well as remarkable legs (you need low-flow toilets to observe this).

  131. I should try out the chinese finger trap epistemology at some open mic night.

  132. Thanks, Bobal,
    Now Trish will use my LMFAO for Aldie as proof that I'm Curtis LeMay retured.

  133. Well, America will just have to produce a bomb that at least does not reinforce historically oppressive gender roles.

    Tie two MOABS together with a thick rubber hose?

  134. Maybe Vacuum Bomb for the name?

  135. "One day after a fiery truck accident killed dozens in Mexico, the Senate approved an amendment to a transportation spending bill that would cut off funding for the test, which the administration authorized last week to run for one year."

    Wow. WTF.

  136. The Fiery Mexican Truck

  137. Great, Now W will just figure out a way to open the border to ALL trucks, tested or not!

  138. The NAFTA: tequila combination with beer chaser?

  139. Our Tequila Drink:
    "Fiery Mexican MF"

  140. Yeah, I used to think welfare was the worst government could do. Silly me!

  141. We'll save the er version for it's effect on the Bar's Patrons.

  142. I just hope facial tattoos won't keep those skilled drivers from this land of opportunity and our circus of values.

  143. It sure woulda been a shame if that dynomite truck had been one of W's first pets, and it went up outside MOAB Utah.

  144. "A tractor-trailer loaded with explosives blew up in a huge fireball on Monday after hitting a pickup truck in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila. At least 29 people were killed."


  145. The Crater was impressive, to say the least.

  146. Howbout 'The Headless Madonna' for a drink? I reference my 9:28pm.

  147. Said three reporters might have been among the dead, so maybe there was more than one boom?

  148. China is taking its Mexicans and making them produce strategic valuables in factories etc it seems.

    Why are our Mexicans picking effing flowers and vegetables?

  149. Hey, you gotta copy and paste that time Bobal, otherwise we caint find it w/cntrl F

  150. What an operational boon to our enemies. They can scale by the truckload - reefer truckloads even. They can chill their guns as they bring them across the border.

  151. That's what so endears them to Trish.

  152. Hell, just quick freeze a load of illegals in a nitrogen atmosphere:
    What's a Semi Full of Frozen Wetbacks worth?

  153. Trying to not die violent deaths is like pissing in the wind during the end of history.

    I could see W lead that charge, with Aristides explaining how we're actually tipping atmospheric moisture levels in a radical plan to attack Iran with Katrinas.

  154. You can grind them up and feed them to the precious children in Chicago Public School systems.

  155. Man, I wish I still had his URL:
    I feel so out of the loop.

  156. I was planin on not gettin caught, 'Rat.

  157. If you got caught, you could just claim it came from China, and you had no idea.
    If a share of the profits from previous loads had already been bundled to Hillary, you'd be home free.

  158. Did Bush choose his policies from the warm goodness of his heart or is he accessible like Hilary?

  159. I wonder if China could import & export more Mexicans here better than Mexico can export them.

  160. We'd soon find out they were Chinese with different soccer jerseys on.

  161. Damn, my post got ko'ed by yours:
    "Just quote an article from a Chinese Newspaper about Mexicans only lasting 20 years in the Nike Factories"

  162. Hillary's already got a plan to extort them.

  163. They are not appreciating
    the GOOD NEWS of 9-11-07

    over at the BC
    Seems they do not believe that we've won!

    Wonder why they are bummed that Basra is the Model, especially now that Omar is movin' to NYCity!!

    Think those folk would appreciate the fruits of success!!!

    But they ssem depressed, not jouous in celebtation of our Victory, such defeatism.

    Still trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
    Still not believing Mr Bush could have charted the course to here. That this is the "End State"

    Basra the Model.

    Worth the ride, just to see it.

  164. Maybe some of those by-products would be for the "cultural" set:
    "Food most Americans Aren't Willing to Chew"

  165. We can make things better than Nikes but instead we let this human refuse remain human refuse. Not even full citizens. Not expected to be our equals. But we'll get something from them. Forget about investing in their productivity. Languish they will. The republicans' re-invent the welfare state. And now we need more dynamite trucks. Isn't shipping dynamite a big no-no?

  166. Thanks, Rat:
    My Keyboard batteries are givin out:
    Back on topic, Aldie!

  167. That's such a Pre 9-11 thing to say, Aldie.
    Hell, Normie Mineta liberalized all that stuff.
    Ship On!

  168. What, you gonna have "wetbacks" carry it all by hand?
    The Kingdom will have none of that.
