Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Paris Hilton Tilton

Paris Hilton

That is not Alan Greenberg holding her, is it? Perhaps not.

paris hilton

The girl does have some very nice legs.

Paris Hilton

The Hilton heiress forgot her keys?

The Daily Mail on line


  1. I was going to post a photo of Putin poutin but chose Hilton Tilton for the overnight crew.

  2. It's Alan Greenspan, you Idiot!
    Anbar Awakens Part II: Hell is Over
    Michael Totten
    Michael Totten Ramadi blog post
    With Hugh Hewitt
    Hewitt: Hour 2 - Hugh spends much of the hour reading the superb blog entry of embed reporter Michael Totten about the turnaround in Ramadi, and takes calls from listeners about it. 33 min

  3. From Radicals for Capitalism:

    "Journalist Rick Perlstein, writing on the origins and development of the Barry Goldwater movement in his book Before the Storm (2001), summed up the mentality that fed into fascination with Goldwater and the likelihood of agreeing with Leonard Read and his work: You were likely to live in the Midwest, in a smallish town with factories on the outskirts of town; to work in a business your father or grandfather started, with old friends and associates in the local bank that loaned you money when you needed it; to admire Coolidge and think people ought to work for a living. But you were watching times change, watching unions shatter the old bonds of comity that your father had built with his workers; you had to go to New York for loans; you watched Franklin Roosevelt bankrupting the country and imposing all sorts of rules that seemed a lot harder on you than they were on your bigger competitors.

    And you wondered why the heck it was the United States that had to fight England's quarrels in a war that FDR was elected to an unprecedented third term swearing he'd keep us out of, and why swarms of bureacrats were now dogging your every move, eating out your substance. And then after the war you watched what you probably thought of as Your Party, the Republicans, buying into the same controlling, bureacratic one-worldism you hated in FDR."

  4. Michael Totten isn't to be trusted.


  5. Imagine if the Pro-Border Security movement won over Paris Hilton

  6. Aldertman, Listen to Michael Totten while looking at Hilton for a different perspective.

  7. Totten Spent a lot of time in Lebanon, and Lebabnon suffers the misfortune of sharing a border with that Jooish State.
    So he's certainly picked up a serious case of the
    Cooties by now.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Syphlitic Brain disease is one thing:
    Jooish Cooties on the brain, quite another!

  10. I'm routinely deceived by Jooish voices in my head that tell me its OK to speed.

    It's like the instantiated Rabbis are making Jenins out of my sovereign agency...

    I can't find any support groups.


  11. Wonder if Wretchard ever at Balut

  12. I have the cure, care of der Fuhrer:
    The People's Car!
    In 1933, Adolf Hitler submitted sketches[1] to Ferdinand Porsche of a proposed "Volks-Wagen" ("People's Car"), a basic vehicle that should be capable of transporting two adults and three children at a speed of 100 km/h (62 mph). The People's Car would be made available to citizens of the Third Reich through a savings scheme, which set the price of the car at an impressively low 990 Reichsmark, which was about the price of a small Motorcycle at the time, an average income being around 32RM/week. [2]
    Just try an extended high speed loop down some curvy road:
    The mental concentration required to keep the swing-axeled beauty upright will leave no room for those bothersome instantiated Rabbis.
    The Fuhrer vibes will ward off any future intrusions.
    Free at last!

  13. "Führer (help·info) (Fuehrer when the ü-umlaut is not used, but never Fuhrer)

  14. Bush not only squandered the support of Paris Hilton, but he's also given a cool response to Curtis "50 Cent/Fitty" Jackson.

    What's a republic to do without its actors and actresses?

  15. Hilton and Jackson have famously used America's health services. Both could become advocates for Bush's Universal Health Care.

    Hilton will inspire women to liberate themselves from motherhood, while Jackson will glorify men getting shot by increasingly wanton violence perpetuated by its profit opportunities.

  16. What happens when ms13 makes a hedgefund?

    Mobile capital w/ guns and knives.

    Still we waste our time with Islamists, history's prostrate lil' liabilities.

  17. How malicious could a hedge fund get? Couldn't you buy up all a towns' carbon footprint-causing products and ship them elsewhere? That town could be taught a lesson by such mobile capital. The efficiency of the market?

  18. Whole Bunch of folks here not to be trusted, I mean how could you when Trish knows there WAS no other plan!
    So many people, so little trust.
    Charles Ferguson, a filmmaker, presents a rebuttal to claims made by L. Paul Bremer III that top American officials approved the decision to disband the Iraqi army.

  19. Whole bunch of Kristoff Videos of Korea/China and etc now that Times has become our benefactor of greatness again:
    New York Times to end paid Internet service
    The power of the Internet prevails.
    Now you can not read Maureen Dowd for free.

  20. Hey, we can read their token "conservative" again!

  21. Party like there's No Tomorrow gentlemen, caused there ain't, and Paris has been right all along.

    God I wish she'd join the Romney Campaign.

  22. That fellow from the University of Washington atmospheric sciences department was talking about the permafrost melting. Methane. Sky to turn red at noon, or was it green. Hell we might as well drink ourselves to death. Under these circumstances I don't see why it would really be wrong to just kidnap Paris for awhile. Situational ethics.

  23. I like the red head. She's got red fingernails too.

  24. Go well with the red sky at noon, from the methane.
