Friday, September 14, 2007

Madonna and Britney Spears to have their "heads cut off"

Two heads are better than one?

(My apologies for this post: Desert Rat made me do it.)
Los Angeles - Madonna and Britney Spears will have their "heads cut off" if they continue to spread "Satanic culture", Muslim terrorist leaders have warned.

Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesperson and senior leader of Palestinian terror group the Popular Resistance Committees, warns the two pop superstars face death unless they change their evil ways, which includes acting like "prostitutes" to sell records.

In new book, Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans - to a Jew!, Abdel-Al rages: "If I meet these whores I will have the honour - I repeat, I will have the honour - to be the first one to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam."


  1. Sabado gigantw to the rescue



    Export the US's most popular variety show to the Mussulman world

  2. i have said it for years...

    send porn and condoms to the crazy black rock worshippers.

    islam as it is, needs a swift boot in the ass.

    the best way? rock n roll, girls gone wild and a woman's right to get laid without losing her head

  3. "...I will have the honour - to be the first one to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam."

    And I want sloppy seconds. Everyone else who wants to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears can get in line.

  4. That immortal moment cries out to be captured in stone. "The Kiss", by some aspiring sculptor. A permanent affront to the muzzies. Put it up in some Dearborn park. Drive most of 'em crazy, with loathing, or desire.

  5. BOBAL: That immortal moment cries out to be captured in stone. "The Kiss", by some aspiring sculptor. A permanent affront to the muzzies. Put it up in some Dearborn park. Drive most of 'em crazy, with loathing, or desire.

    It's hotter than toe tapping in the shitter at the airport, I think we can all agree.

  6. Larry Craig would demur that's for sur.

    It's too early. I need a Headless Madonna to wake up.

    Washington State University is going to clobber the University of Idaho tomorrow. I'm afraid to even listen.

  7. I'll be in my bunk.
