Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why do we have sex? Why do you have sex?

Top reasons for men:
1. I was attracted to the person.
2. It feels good.
3. I wanted to experience physical pleasure.
4. It's fun.
5. I wanted to show my affection to the person.
6. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
7. I was "horny".
8. I wanted to express my love for the person.
9. I wanted to achieve an orgasm.
10. I wanted to please my partner.

Top reasons for women:
1. I was attracted to the person.
2. I wanted to experience physical pleasure.
3. It feels good.
4. I wanted to show my affection to the person.
5. I wanted to express my love for the person.
6. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
7. I was "horny".
8. It's fun.
9. I realised I was in love.
10. I was "in the heat of the moment"
Source: Archives of Sexual Behaviour/AP


  1. Because I can,
    without the "little blue pill"
    doug's "Vitamin V"

    Which has changed it's meaning, since my youth in the day of 714

  2. Because if I don't she misses it so much she messes around with that fire hydrant.
    Hosing around with a similar caliber weapon.

  3. 5 Ministers Threaten to Leave Iraq’s Cabinet

    Mr. Allawi, a secular Shiite and former member of the Baath Party of Saddam Hussein, criticized the government last week for being “built on the philosophy of sectarianism.” In the past, he has faulted the government’s policies regarding former members of the Baath Party and hiring quotas based on sectarian groupings.

    Iyad Jamal al-Din, an Iraqiya lawmaker, denied that the suspension was related to the Consensus Front’s recent pullout. He maintained that it was a protest against Mr. Maliki’s failure to respond to Iraqiya’s demands for reform five months ago.

    Describing the move as a “first step,” he said Iraqiya would wait to see how the government reacts. “Everything is possible, all doors are open,” he said.

  4. What was the question again? oh,


  5. An Islamic community leader from Tampa, Fla., who’s been in touch with the families of the two detained college students, told The Post and Courier that Megahed and Mohamed are not troublemakers and that they a were simply on a weekend trip to North Carolina.

    Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights organization for Muslims, said family members have told him they think the materials were leftover fireworks Megahed kept in his trunk since July 4.

    “Both of them are really naïve kids,” Bedier said.

    He said Megahed is a permanent legal resident of the United States and Mohamed was the passenger. Mohamed’s legal status is not known.

  6. I can't understand why sex with a female would cause a Gag Reflex.

  7. Olfactory my dear tWatson, olfactory.

  8. Speaking of a Gag Reflex:

    "In this country, the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure is liposuction: doctors vacuum out something like two million pounds of fat from the thighs, bellies, buttocks, jowls and man-breasts of 325,000 people a year. What happens to all that extracted adipose tissue?

    It’s bagged and disposed of as medical waste; or maybe, given the recent news about socially contagious fat, it’s sent by FedEx to the patients’ old college chums.
    - NY Times

  9. ...like a fish out of water.

  10. Ahmed Mohamed is from Kuwait and entered USF in January as an engineering graduate student. He did his undergraduate studies in Cairo.

    Yousef Megahed is from Egypt, but he is a permanent U.S. resident. He enrolled in USF in 2004.

    Lt. Ross says USF Police have had only minor contact with the either student.

    Explosives Charges

  11. hmm,..

    "News that explosives were found Saturday shocked residents in Goose Creek, home to the Naval Weapons Station, which houses the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig, a military prison where enemy combatants have been held."

  12. Hope the library doesn't catch this:

    Squashed to the side a fat cell’s cytoplasm may be, but it nevertheless spins out a steady supply of at least 20 different hormones. Key among them is leptin, an essential player in reproduction.

    Scientists suspect that a girl enters puberty when her fat stores become sufficiently dense to begin releasing leptin, which signals the brain to set the pulsing axis of gonadal hormones in motion.

  13. "Fat is no rutabaga."
    In case you were confused.

  14. Go give Yousef Megahed, if you're so horny.

  15. "“At this point, it is too early in the investigation to say there is any link to terrorism,” Kolko said."
    Probly a gift for a lover.

  16. Fireworks, doug, left over from the 4th of July.

    Nothing but a nothin', most likely.

    Or, a crack team of mufsidoon.

  17. As Michael E. O'Hanlon and Kenneth M. Pollack put it in their New York Times op-ed on July 30:

    Viewed from Iraq, where we just spent eight days meeting with American and Iraqi military and civilian personnel, the political debate in Washington is surreal. . . . Here is the most important thing Americans need to understand;

    We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms. As two analysts who have harshly criticized the Bush administration's miserable handling of Iraq, we were surprised by the gains we saw and the potential to produce not necessarily "victory" but a sustainable stability that both we and the Iraqis could live with.

    What's more, the public debate will move from a referendum on Bush's conduct of the war over the past four years to a discussion of the choices ahead, as Gen. Petraeus's testimony in September draws near. The public will finally have to consider seriously the implications of giving up on Iraq, as opposed to supporting the continued prosecution of a war we might well win.

    The Turn

  18. As projected last January, the US miltary could supply a higher level of security then they had.

    That keeping the force on the battlefield, instead of withdrawing to Base, after each raid would be tactically successful.

    But it is of little matter, if the majority of the factions in Iraq are merely reinforcing and waiting.
    Which they are. Both sides with US assistance. Those 100,000 weapons the US lost, in the hands of the Shia militias, more than likely.

    Arming the 1920's just evens out the local balance of terror.
    Mini MAD
    Maxi bloodshed.

  19. Because there is no more agreeable pastime than that one.

    "If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right."

    - Jeane Kirkpatrick

  20. Pat Lang:

    Bernard Fall was perhaps the greatest historian of the era of counterinsurgency. He was French, a veteran of World War Two and acted as a consultant/professor for the US Army in the sixties. I had the privilege of listening to him lecture at the US Army Special Warfare Center at Ft. Bragg in 1964.

    I watched Fall write his formula for counterinsurgency on a pad or blackboard or something. I have written of this before, but repeat the message here for a purpose. Fall's formula was: CI (counterinsurgency) = PA (political action) + CO (counter-guerrilla operations) + CA (civic action).

    Today on Fox News Sunday (FNS) I watched O'Hanlon and Pollack seek to elaborate the perforce abbreviated message of their NY Times oped last week.

    What they said (again) was that during their recent trip to Iraq they saw a pronounced improvement in security in Anbar brought on by greatly improved CO (counter-guerrilla operations) in both Anbar and in parts of the big towns. In Anbar the tactic of helping the Sunni Arab tribals clear their zones (dirah) of AQinM interference has prospered thus far. It would be interesting to know who the Americans are who are "brokering" the deals. In the big towns the sheer military weight of increased US combat forces is "holding down" the level of visible warfare among the factions. Continued success in this "urban" effort will depend on the possibility of transferring responsibility for these newly quiescent neighborhoods to the Iraqi security forces. So far, that has not been possible in more than a few places.

    They both said that for them success in Iraq now amounts to enough stabilization to allow our orderly departure.

    Towards the end of the FNS interview both men said that in the part of Fall's formulation that concerns PA (political action) there has been NO, ZERO, NOTHING. In other words the Maliki government has not made any progress at all towards national reconciliation. They further say that they see no prospect for movement towards national reconciliation in Iraq under Malikis rule but that it would be folly for the United States to attempt to cause his removal.

    In other words, they and I have much the same opinion. People on the left who greeted the NY Times oped with great agitation were mistaken in their reaction. The piece and the FNS interview today should be seen as deserved praise for long awaited comprehension of "this kind of war" by the US military. At the same time the esoteric meaning (attention straussians) of their exposition is that without an Iraqi government that wants inter-communal reconciliation there will be no peace in Iraq. pl

    PS. Bernard Fall died in Vietnam, in the field with US troops in 1967. He stepped on a mine in the Street Without Joy.

  21. Assessing the causes of the problem, congressional investigators cited the Pentagon's inadequate accountability procedures and "the lack of a fully developed network to distribute the equipment."

    Deputy Assistant Defence Secretary Mark Kimmitt said in response that the Department of Defence was "reviewing policies and procedures to ensure US-funded equipment reaches the intended Iraqi security forces under the Iraq programme."

    But both the GAO and the Pentagon have sidestepped the larger question of what has happened to the unaccounted weapons-and whether some of them could have found their way into the hands of anti-American insurgents.

    Iraqi Forces

  22. We know that some of the weapons reached the PKK, acknowledged terrorists.

    One can assume that the Shia, who were in control of the distribution of weapons for the ISF may have armed their local militias from those stores.

    Could be one reason that many ISF units are reported to be under-equipped

  23. I saw the comment below during a dennis prager article in reference to what the founders meant by happiness as in the "pursuit of happiness" as a right of man.

    The Founders’ definition of “happiness” came from Sir William Blackstone’s 1765 biblically based definition: “[God] has so intimately connected, so inseparably interwoven the laws of eternal justice with the happiness of each individual, that the latter cannot be attained but by observing the former; and, if the former be punctually obeyed, it can not but induce the latter.”

  24. The "Main" reason I ever had sex was I was able to get some gal drunk enough to have sex with me.

    Of course the Generals sold the guns on the black market; that's how they do it in the third world.

    Remember the funny stories about how the CIA bought the AK-47's from the Russian Generals to arm the Afghanis - to fight the Russians?

  25. The crime ring canvassed truck yards from Oxnard to Chino, sneaking in at night and lumbering away with tractor-trailers full of fancy TVs, children's clothes, new tires - even a $55,000 shipment of Gatorade.


    The most recent arrest was Artur Sargsyan, 29, a convicted burglar accused of leading the cargo ring
    and running a counterfeit cigarette operation.


    Police got their big break in the case in February after getting tipped off about a band of cargo thieves targeting Southern California truck yards.

    Ring Uncovered

  26. After all these years of hot sex with my one and only wife, I ain't sharing no secrets.

    Ask Romney.

  27. Sex that will make the moon fall from the sky, mind you....

  28. Bless them all, O my God and Savior. Bless them all.

    Bless my mother who gave me birth, and left me to grow up half the time with my Swedish aunt, there in grandpapa's house. There where we had coal to heat, and my mum after work would come get me, after school.(Every one should have a great Swedish aunt.)

    My mum was secretary of the court. She could play DeBussey on the piano.

    Bless my aunt who raised me, my mother who birthed me and my wife, who I met me on a plane going to Hawaii. We talked and never looked back.

    Bless my wife, who gave birth to my daughter.

    Bless my mother in law--I said come out here, live with us, but she didn't, and then died.

    Bless my sis, and her two kids.

    Bless these women, O My Lord, I would not be here without them.

    I think they should be allowed to vote, though I know that is going quite far.

  29. "At the same time the esoteric meaning (attention straussians) of their exposition is that without an Iraqi government that wants inter-communal reconciliation there will be no peace in Iraq. pl
    Well, whoop de friggin do,
    "Pat Lang,"
    most of us were well aware, course we were only thinking with single syllable words.
    "inter-communal reconciliation:"

    Maybe that's what the chick is thinking about at the fire hydrant?

  30. Let's keep prosecuting our own. See how long we get applicants for the job.

    "Judge rules Border Patrol agent to stand trial on lesser homicide charge

    BISBEE, Ariz. — A Border Patrol agent accused of fatally shooting a Mexican who sneaked into the U.S. will stand trial on a second-degree murder charge, a judge ruled Monday as he dropped a more serious count.

    Agent Nicholas Corbett was booked on first-degree murder in March, but the prosecutor took an unusual route when he asked a judge, rather than a secretive grand jury, to rule on the charge to keep the high-profile case open to the public.

    Cochise County Justice Court Judge David Morales' ruling came after a hearing involving testimony from 10 witnesses, including two brothers of the victim.

    Morales said prosecutors had not proven premeditation in the shooting death of Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera.

    "We just put the evidence on and let the judge decide," Gerald Till, a deputy prosecutor, said of the charge.

    Corbett, 41, who claims he shot Dominguez because he was threatening to throw a rock at him, declined to comment on the ruling. One of his lawyers, Sean Chapman, said "This is what was expected."

    Dominguez, his two brothers and a friend crossed the border near Naco but spotted the Border Patrol agent on Jan. 12. They attempted to evade capture as they ran toward the Mexican border a few hundred yards away but were stopped by Corbett.

    Corbett drove his Border Patrol vehicle in a circle around them to cut them off.

    Rene Dominguez Rivera, 21; Jorge Dominguez Rivera, 24; his girlfriend Sandra Vidal Guzman, 20, each testified Corbett had jumped out of his vehicle ordered the four to the ground.

    Francisco Dominguez did not immediately comply but as he started to kneel, Corbett hit him on the side of his neck, pushed him downward and his handgun discharged.

    Defense attorneys tried to expose inconsistencies in the witnesses' accounts, but each held firm that Francisco Dominguez did not try to throw a rock or make any threatening gestures when he was shot.

    Corbett will be arraigned on the new charge later, but remains free on his own recognizance."

  31. Bush's greatest shame, here, and in Iraq.

    Pathetic record of sucking adversaries ass, screwing Patriots in the same orifice.

    Only cronies need apply for the inside jobs, only friendlies get the shaft from same.

  32. AlBobalAl,
    Run for President:
    You'll be the only one advocating Women's Sufferage as a campaign promise.

  33. WTF, da swedes got to suckle on Job's tits first?!


  34. Separately, we received this statement from Major Steven F. Lamb, the deputy Public Affairs Officer for Multi National Division-Baghdad:

    An investigation has been completed and the allegations made by PVT Beauchamp were found to be false. His platoon and company were interviewed and no one could substantiate the claims.

    Nothing public has been heard from Beauchamp since his statement standing by his stories, which was posted on the New Republic website at 6:30 a.m. on July 26. In their August 2 statement, the New Republic's editors complained that the military investigation was "short-circuiting" TNR's own fact-checking efforts.

    "Beauchamp," they said, "had his cell-phone and computer taken away and is currently unable to speak to even his family. His fellow soldiers no longer feel comfortable communicating with reporters.

    Beauchamp Recants

  35. Apropos Doug and Sam, Above:

    Foreign student numbers increase in US

    The number of foreign students accepted by US graduate schools has risen for a third consecutive year, according to a survey to be released on Tuesday.

    Many in academia say the 8 per cent rise is a clear sign that US government efforts to improve the tedious student visa process are working.

    The number of foreign students applying to US graduate schools dropped in 2004 and 2005 after the state department imposed restrictions on students seeking visas in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001.

    The drops fed fears in industry and academia that US competitiveness would eventually be harmed.

    The US State Department responded by revamping its policy, extending visas for science and engineering students and increasing staff levels to shorten visa processing times.

    The survey found that nearly a third of US graduate schools have established joint or dual-degree programmes with international universities
    – an indication of the growing globalisation of higher education.

    More Egyptian and Saudi Engineers Needed!

  36. (Sam Tue Aug 07, 02:53:00 AM EDT)

  37. (Doug Mon Aug 06, 10:27:00 PM EDT)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. "The senator in the stall next to me was thumping his foot."

  40. Thumper, that's the name of a rabbit, did it die?

  41. That other view, looks like mat's reason for so many fatties in Mississippi.

    Wonder how it will fit in Senator Craig's defense?

  42. First time I heard of Myanmar, it took almost an hour to figure out they were talkin' about Burma.

    Need a shave?

  43. The newest piece by Michael J. Totten.
    Not at all encouraging, from any point of view, other than aQI is so inept, in his present locale.

  44. I added to your conversation w/Cutler in the previous thread.
    Think it's pretty amazing all that's at the Truman Library.
    Criminals Bush and Bubba's will be scrubbed clean, of course.

  45. Is this repost a mistake or is it in honor of the Senator?

  46. Funny - his words imply some kind of national effort. One critique. Lack of End-State.

    We knew the defeat of the USSR and the death of communism was the End State for the cold war.

    What is the End State for this Long War?

    Status Quo in the middle east with the loonies in check? Dubai the Model? Israel enlarged? Israel reduced? No more Wahabism? The mullahs dnagling from ropes? Waziristan a grease spot? What is it?

    You could motivate more of the country to the fight with a clearly defined End State. We don't have that. Anywhere.

    It's all defense. Right now our End State is keeping the barbarians at the gate in perpetuity. That will mean our defeat.

    The Vision Thing again. Gotta sell the country on the End State beyond "go shopping" and "stay the course".

    - Brother D-Day

    Here are some helpful terms:

    "Long Global Struggle"

    "Region Shaping"

    "Persistent Conflict"

    "Shift South and East"

    "Resource Security"

    Compose your own vision plugging in catch phrases where appropriate.

    Keeping in mind there are no end states. Only states along the way.

    Or something fuzzy like that.

  47. Thanks for that, Trish, I was gonna do it myself.
    Sad Situation.

  48. MIAMI (Associated Press) -- Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega is a step closer to facing money-laundering charges in France after a federal judge approved his extradition Tuesday, less than two weeks before the end of his U.S. prison sentence for drug racketeering.

    Attorneys for the 73-year-old Noriega vowed to continue fighting for his return home to Panama, but they have now lost before two judges. Noriega is scheduled to be released Sept. 9 from a federal prison outside Miami where he has been held since his 1992 conviction.

    "I can assure this court and everyone else: You haven't heard the end of this," Noriega attorney Frank Rubino said Tuesday at a hearing.

    Noriega was captured after a 1989 U.S. military invasion of Panama designed in part to drive him from power because of his links to Colombian drug lords.

    The extradition approval by U.S. Magistrate Judge William Turnoff came four days after a higher-ranking judge rejected Noriega's claim that his status as a prisoner of war entitled him under Geneva Conventions rules to immediate repatriation to Panama after his release.

    Gotta figure, if he gets to Panama, he's gonna die. Young Torrijos has a blood debt to collect. The thinking there was that Noriega killed his father, Omar, "The Bull". Taking down his plane with some surface to air capacity. Just like the two O-2s that fell from the sky in the months immediately prior to Omar's death.

    The government of Panamanian President Martin Torrijos issued a statement saying that if Noriega is extradited to France, it will send an immediate request to the French government for his extradition to Panama.

  49. Can We Win the Ideological War?
    Here we come to our dilemma. Devout Muslims in Islamic lands do not believe people should be free to blaspheme or insult the Prophet. They do not believe all religions are equal or should be treated equally. They do not believe Christians should be free to preach in their lands. The punishment for those who do, and for those who convert from Islam in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia as well as Iran, is death.

    Moreover, in every Middle East country, Islamic parties have broadening support. In free elections in Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and Iran, Islamists made gains or racked up victories. In Turkey, a moderate Islamic party just won national power.

    It is Western secularism that is in retreat. It is our friends in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, the Gulf states, and Israel who seem most apprehensive about any more elections among the Arab masses. The Islamists seem to welcome them—and to succeed in them.

    Should U.S. soldiers die for democracy in the Islamic world, when democracy may produce victory for the political progeny of the Muslim Brotherhood? Is that worth the lives of America’s young?

    by Patrick J. Buchanan

  50. That guy's a Paleo!
    He's been against this effort from the beginning!
    Shun Him!

  51. Or Craig?

    They both are getting old

  52. Craig's a Paleo, but he's hip.
    Buchanan is Square.

  53. Tue Aug 28, 09:57:00 PM EDT

    A possible coming term is "global counter-insurgency."


  54. I'd rather stick my head in a dull blender.

  55. "Should U.S. soldiers die for democracy in the Islamic world, when democracy may produce victory for the political progeny of the Muslim Brotherhood? Is that worth the lives of America’s young?"

    We've got so much committed right now to a conflict from which we cannot benefit even in its improbable resolution.

    Maybe when Petraeus @ Co. are done - for the surge surely put off the day - we'll be able to engage with Iraq as we do any other sovereign nation. That is, as a sovereign nation. No longer "ours."

    The day of our liberation. Suitable for memorialization.

  56. Too martial, that one, cutler. The terms are purposely meant to shift focus from, while still including, the aspect of direct confrontation.

  57. Assuming we have any sovereignty left by the time the Globalist Criminal leaves office.

  58. Yeah, like confronting the radical meanies sometimes coming from the ROP.

  59. Maybe when Petraeus @ Co. are done...

    Come to think of it, there's no maybe about it.

    Because there will be no Petraeus @ Co. redux.

  60. "Healing?"
    (only half a joke, of course)

  61. "What will there be?"

    A deliberate and concrete shift away from the combatant commander as head of the country team - to the ambassador - with all that implies.

  62. For our military a change of mission and reduction of presence, which is one of the things implied by that shift.

  63. Moves like a fucking glacier, though. So don't look for it as a Christmas present.

  64. He may not be a catcher, doug, so it wouldn't really count as being "gay".

    Just like oral is not sex, to Mr Clinton.

    The self-decptions of hypocritical weaklings.
    As per the WSJ

    The "Surge" extended the US involvement long enough to ensure a GOP meltdown over it, in '08.

    Wonderful strategic planning, to give either Party a veto and filibuster proof Congress.

    The ex-pat option keeps looking better and better. Sooner and sooner

  65. I've heard some wonderful things about Panama lately.

  66. Jet boat ferry turned back to Honolulu by Protesters Concern over the whales, and whatnot. That boat must have some monstrous pumps.

  67. Yeah, I have no Idea how they plan to avoid Collisions:
    Radar, Maybe?
    I'll let it get sorted out before I get on.

  68. I bet that ferry could suck up a surfer and spit him out the back and nobody would even know it, not even the surfer, sliced and diced.

  69. Hawaii Superferry management has announced the company is suspending its Kauai service indefinitely after being informed by the U.S. Coast Guard that it would not be able to assure safe passage for the vessel into Nawiliwili Harbor. More information to come.

  70. Seems like unless they have exclusion zones, small craft could dart across path, not leaving time to avoid, even with Radar.
    Same for a whale coming up from below.

  71. Mattel Cracks Down in China

    Mattel, which appears to have stumbled in part because it had become overconfident about its ability to operate in China without major problems, is in crisis mode.
    A Gal from Forbes Mag that lives in Hong Kong brought up fact that Companies would have to keep track since neither country could.
    Toys will be easier than food.
    Make my dinner All American, as much as is still possible!
    China, Never.

  72. That's right. Eat American , as much as possible. We can still do that. When I grew up it was meat and potatos and peas, then repeat. My aunt used to can stuff every fall, that would last all winter. Since she lived to 98 1/2 I do believe she knew what she was doing. All good years she had too, except for part of the last one.

  73. Chicken every Sunday.
    My mom lived to be 92, even with quite a bit of non-farm fare after she left home.
    ...but that was before fast food and megacaloric diets.

  74. What I always noticed was Black People's teeth in the old days, those from the south that got their proper amount of greens and whatnot.
    Perfect teeth at 80.

  75. Guy on another thread I was reading was saying if we just profiled the a-rabs in the airports like we do the queers we'd be a lot better off! I thought that was good. :)

  76. In addition, pending the Maui Circuit Court ruling on Wednesday, Hawaii Superferry has canceled voyages to and from Maui on Thurdsay, August 30. We are hopeful to continue service to Maui begninning on Friday.

  77. pst314 said...
    "Peace, n. The period of cheating between two periods of fighting."

    Suggested update for modern times:

    Terror and mass murder by leftists or islamists, without effective resistance."

    ...on BC thread about arrest of assasin of Nick Rowe.


    Iraq saved by the Perky One.
    "CBS News has an able correspondent in Iraq, Lara Logan, whom it has worked to elevate in stature over the past few years, raising the question of why take the risk of sending a high-value target such as Couric, a single mother of two."
    Think I just saw Lara Logan somewhere, doing a professional job with some idea what she was talking about.

  79. How do we profile queers? While I'm no expert on the subject Doug, I've heard recently it's in body language, foot tapping, and hand signals.

  80. Ah, you mean undercover lawmen schooled in such stuff.
    I get freaked out just using those things, all the more so if they are occupied.
    Costco's are being remodeled here:
    They have a line of Porta Potties.
    Started to reach for the door handle, and realized I'd rather wet my pants than break my record in my adult life of never going into one of those chambers of horror.

  81. To do something similar to A-rabs is way beyond the Pale, and probably beyond another attack, even.
    Something more horrorific will be required, I'm afraid.

    Reminds me that Greece proves some negative fantasy I have that I don't care to discuss here.

  82. You stay away from those PortaPottys, Doug, even if you don't smoke.

  83. Doug looked at your BC post. I see Habu is having one of his unscheduled breakdowns.

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