Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yesterday Lieberman, Today a NATO General Warns about Iran

Someone is turning up the heat on Iran. Yesterday, Senator Lieberman opened the door on a preemptive strike. Today a top NATO Commander hints that Iran is active in Afghanistan. Is this all propaganda and theater? Tehran says it is. The big problem is "the proof." We don't have it.

General: Iran Aids Karzai, Maybe Taliban

KABUL, Afghanistan - Iran gives political and material support to President Hamid Karzai's Western-backed government, but it also may be aiding the Taliban as a way of hedging its bets in neighboring Afghanistan, NATO's top general here said Monday.

In an interview with The Associated Press, U.S. Army Gen. Dan McNeill said Taliban fighters are showing signs of better training, using combat techniques comparable to "an advanced Western military" in ambushes of U.S. Special Forces soldiers.

Iran's possible role in aiding insurgents in Iraq has long been hotly debated, and last month some Western and Persian Gulf governments charged that the Islamic government in Tehran is secretly bolstering Taliban fighters.

"In Afghanistan it is clear that the Taliban is receiving support, including arms from ... elements of the Iranian regime," British Prime Minister Tony Blair wrote in the May 31 edition of the Economist.

Iran, which is also in a dispute with the West over its nuclear program, denies the Taliban accusation, calling it part of a broad anti-Iranian campaign. Tehran says it makes no sense that a Shiite-led government like itself would help the fundamentalist Sunni movement of the Taliban.

McNeill, the commander of 36,000 soldiers in NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, said indications on the ground cut both ways.

There is "ample evidence" Iran is helping Karzai's administration, particularly with road construction and electricity in western Afghanistan, he told the AP.

But, he added: "I have heard officials in the Afghan government say that the Iranian government has provided some support to political opponents of the Karzai administration. I suspect that's probably true. And I don't doubt that somewhere the Iranians may have helped the Taliban.

"So what does that add up to? It makes me think of a major American corporation that will give political campaign money to three or four different candidates for president of the United States. Somebody is going to come out on top. This corporation wants to be aligned with whoever comes out on top."

McNeill, a 60-year-old, four-star general from North Carolina who has fought in most American conflicts since Vietnam, said he had no hard evidence the Iranian government has helped the Taliban. He said munitions, particularly mortar rounds found on Afghan battlefields, "clearly were made in Iran," but said that does not prove the Iranian government is formally involved.

"If I had the information, I would have no reservation about saying it," he said.

In a separate interview Monday, the Iranian ambassador to Afghanistan rejected the accusation that his government aids the Taliban.

"This is not correct," Mohammad R. Bahrami told the AP at his embassy. "The return of extremism in Afghanistan will affect not only Afghanistan and the region, but the entire world."

Bahrami claimed the U.S. and Britain are making the accusation as an excuse to "justify their failures" in Afghanistan, such as the increasing opium poppy production and the resurgence of the Taliban.

Insurgents have stepped up the pace of suicide and roadside bombings from last year, which saw the most violence since the Taliban was toppled in late 2001. More than 2,200 people, many of them insurgents, have died in fighting this year, according to an AP count based on U.S., NATO and Afghan reports.

McNeill said NATO forces under his command pursued a successful offensive this spring against insurgents, but he acknowledged Taliban militants are showing signs of improved training.

For instance, they have advanced on U.S. Special Forces in recent months after staging ambushes in tight terrain between high ground and a river, a complex military maneuver that McNeill termed "surprising."

"We have now seen them shoot and maneuver a couple times in ways we haven't seen before. Where that's coming from I'm not exactly certain," he said. "But they have used some versions of fire and maneuver that makes one think of an advanced Western military."

There also has been speculation Taliban fighters are adopting tactics used by insurgents in Iraq, and McNeill said he wouldn't rule out that they are coordinating their efforts. But he stressed he didn't have any information to state conclusively that is happening.

NATO forces gained a major victory in Afghanistan last month with the killing of Mullah Dadullah, who was deemed the top Taliban commander.

McNeill said Dadullah had attained "iconic" status among some Afghans, but his reputation had begun to wane after the distribution of videos showing his participation in beheadings of enemies and his encouraging a 12-year-old boy inside Pakistan to behead an alleged spy.

While withholding details about how Dadullah was tracked down, McNeill said it was the "ego" of the Taliban commander that led to his death.

"It was my view that any of these Taliban leaders, especially Dadullah, if they ever left their sanctuaries, especially if they came into Afghanistan, that their egos would be their undoing. In Dadullah's case that was a large part of it," McNeill said, alluding to the belief that Dadullah and other insurgents have operated from bases in Pakistan's tribal region.

McNeill said NATO forces have slightly reduced the number of insurgents flowing into Afghanistan from Pakistan, but he gave no details.

"We have stemmed it a tad. Have we stemmed it greatly? I'm not in a position to say that's the case," he said. "Do I continue to be worried about what's coming over the border? The answer is yes."

McNeill painted an optimistic picture of the development of the Afghan National Army, now approaching the fifth anniversary since its first battalions were trained.

The Afghan army has made "tremendous strides" and is taking the lead in a new operation in Ghazni province, he said. Recruitment is up from 600 soldiers a month last year to more than 2,000 a month this year, McNeill said.

"When I see how they are moving and shooting on the battlefield today, I realize how far they have come and how more advanced they are," he said.

"That does not mean game over, time for us to go home. But I think that quite possibly the fighting season next year, maybe some fighting units will be operating independently."

I've got news for the Senator and the General. Nobody wants to hear about the Iranians. It wouldn't matter if you had a smoking gun. The world has no desire to confront Iran. Instead it would rather prosecute CIA agents in Rome, hound our European allies over secret prisons, give Constitutional rights to terrorists, worry about global warming and revel in Rio's Gay Pride celebrations.


  1. There is proof positive that Pakistan aids the Taliban, in Pakistan.
    There is proof positive that Taliban from Pakistan infiltrate into and then raid against Afghan and Nato positions in Afghanistan.

    There is proof positive that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and funds mussulmen extremists.

    If no one cares or takes action against the fait accompli, why the concern about a "someday" threat, when nuclear mussulmen of are ignored?

    Iran and the rhetoric enveloping it is theater. The foundation of our Civilization, a tanker floating in an ocean of flammable oil.

    No free punitives strikes there, they will punish their foes right back, tit for tat.
    Escalate as requirements and desire for self-sacrifice allow.

    It'll be good penance, aye?

  2. ___Mullah Dadullah

    The makings of the perfect Saturday morning cartoon show.

    “Mullah the Dadullah
    He’s the perfect Stone Age Muslim man.”

    “Mullah the Dadullah
    He’s a page right out of the Koran.”

  3. Madulla, dulla bo dulla

    ding dong modulla, DULLA!

  4. Ding, dond DOdulla, DULLA!

    scratch modulla - add, dodulla

    kinda sings, don't it?

  5. rufus,

    Mullah Dadullah should have just stuck with plain ole “Bob”. They never would have picked up that cellphone conversation, then.

    Bob, Bob beau Bob, banana bana beau Bob

  6. No Whit, those are not the reasons why most don't want to hear about Iran's actions; they simply don't want this foolish administration to add a third front to this war that we can't win.

  7. rufus,

    re: Chambliss, and Isakson

    How these two guys ever got the immigration bill bug is a curiosity. Georgia is becoming infested with fire ants, armadillos and illegals, and the folk are not pleased.

    Michelle Malkin, without irony I suspect, has drawn up the Articles of Impeachment for President George W. Bush.


    As far as I am concerned, when after six years of preparation service members cannot be supplied with vital gear, the bastard responsible must go.

  8. Does the army have procurement policy stipulating made in America? If so, there sure isn't much textile manufacturing going on in the US. Do you know anybody keen on working in a textile mill for wages comparable with Asia?

  9. ash,

    While just an opinion, I believe the problems of procurement come from too little competition and contracts that are far too permissive. Further, I predict that within the next two decades someone will write, in nauseating detail, of the unconscionable scams and incredible incompetencies in the procurement for this war.

    For instance, when it became obvious in 2003 that Humvees needed up-armoring, the Army would not release immediately the requisite armor plating from its large inventory, without first reassessment - predicted to eat up 18 vital months at a minimum. Only the intervention of the Congress prevented a bureaucratic log jam from costing more American lives.

    As to the inability to stock BDUs at the Military Clothing Store on this base, it should be remembered that that includes Army and Marine BDUs as well. Even at the risk of being facetious, would the government have our troops paint themselves blue and fight naked, as did the Celts. Give me a break! This is INEXCUSABLE! If the public and bloggers can be irate with cause, this is the issue of the day.

  10. All you say is true, Allen; but, let's keep our focus, here, until this immigration disaster is completely dead.

    The best way I can conceive of for killing this mess, quickly, is to start recalls against the guilty RINO Senators. Chambliss, Graham, Isakson, Specter, McCain, Kyl, Lott, and Martinez.

  11. Doh!

    "Forget all those worries guys - this what we spend money on!"

  12. Butt-Heads making a Butt-Bomb ...

    We're in trouble. Inmates running the asylum, etc.

  13. tiger,

    Given the bad press garnered by some of the Air Force’s sexually errant leadership recently, it appears some of our boys in blue have been sniffing the old “Love Bomb.”


  14. rufus,

    You are correct to focus on priorities, I agree (although only barely).

    Despite over 3/4 of the public opposing his immigration bill, Mr. Bush is determined to shove it down our throats or up our...

    Somewhere along the way, this guy hit some seriously bad dope.

  15. Where were all you fellows two years ago, when the signs were there to be read.

    Staying the Course, if I recall.

    In Iraq, on the border, with the President.

    Now things have changed not at all.

    Same situation, different year.

    The Immigration Issue will live, until a remedy for the 20 million living in the US, the undocumented Americans is found.

    Until then the Silent Amnesty is the Law of the Land. Per the Presidental policy on law enforcement concerning the undocumented infiltrators.

  16. I think the immigration issue dovetails into the military procurement issues in a roundabout but interesting way.

    If you tighten restrictions on procurement you slow down the pipeline. You want stuff fast, you whip out the wallet and throw money about cost be damned. Bound to be piles to be pilfered but you've got a better chance at getting stuff.

    Then you have that lower tech stuff, like clothes. The industry is generally a low cost thing. Why buy a shirt for 10 bucks when you can get it for 6? Even if the military were willing to spring for 20 buck shirts made in America you've got to ramp up the production, you need workers. Cheap labor better then expensive but either way you need the bodies willing to do the work. 20 million illegals willing (well, inflation here, I thought the number was 12 million) able and motivated to crank them out. You want to shut out that labor force, you want cost effective procurement, and you want minimal graft? Seems like a tall order to me.

  17. weii, ash, the 20 million number could be low.

    A Congressiona study ssays this, about 2005
    Federal law enforcement estimates that 10 percent to 30 percent of illegal aliens are
    actually apprehended and 10 percent to 20 percent of drugs are seized.

    Therefore, in 2005, as many as 10 to 4 million illegal aliens crossed into the United States; and as much as 2.2 to 1.1 million kilograms of cocaine and 11.6 to 5.8 million kilograms of marijuana entered the United States.

    It's here all you do not want to know, in a 39 page PDF file.

  18. DR,

    I have never used the sentence, "Stay the course."

    Iraq remains to my mind the most strategically important piece of real estate in the world today. (Putin seemed to concur, when he recommended it as part of US missile defense.) The United States has a vital interest in remaining there in significant force.

    I do not confuse the bunglings of this administration in Iraq with longterm American foreign policy interests any more than I confuse mangled border policy (or lack thereof) with the longterm interests of the United States.

  19. Holy Moley it's the Foley Republican Values Follies time in Washington, all over again.

    WASHINGTON (Associated Press) -- President Bush pressed divided Republicans on Tuesday to support him on immigration overhaul, saying "status quo is unacceptable."

    In a rare visit to the Capitol for lunch with the Senate's GOP membership, Bush said he recognized that immigration was an emotional issue and that many do not agree with him. Still, he said, "Now is the time to get it done."

    The measure supported by the White House, which legalizes up to 12 million unlawful immigrants and tightens border security, stalled last week in the face of broad Republican opposition.

    Bush's personal effort to salvage the derailed bill came as key lawmakers reached for a deal that could quickly revive the measure. He needs to change enough minds among GOP senators to push through a top domestic priority.

    "The White House will stay engaged," Bush told reporters after the lunch.

    "Some members in there believe that we need to move a comprehensive bill, some don't," the president said. "I understand that. It's a highly emotional issue."

    But it was unclear whether Bush changed any minds. His approach has sparked a backlash among some of the party's core supporters, who see the legislation as amnesty for people who sneaked into the country.

    Millions sneaked in on Mr Bush's watch, while he did a Mexican Hat Dance, for Vincente Fox, of Coca Cola fame.

    All the while the US invasion of Mexico continues, our front line troops in the battle, the Wal-Mart regulars are being sniped at, here at home, by Union organizers and Democratic politicos.

    Still our Wal-Mart regulars are making headway, opening consumer banking institutions within their stores across the United States of Mexico.
    Spreading the buy now, pay later growth ethic to the 110 million Americans currently holding Mexican documention.

    The IBEC model marches on. Nelson Rockefeller's gift to the Americas.

  20. Just prior to the American Civil War, the United States went from being an agrarian/rural economy to being an industrial/urban economy. To sustain industrialization and fully utilize the geography of the United States, American governments encouraged liberal immigration. This remained the case in the period of about 1890-1920, which witnessed the largest waves of immigrants.

    While needing and supporting immigration, it was always assumed that the immigrants were not merely a momentarily “cheap” source of labor, but additionally formed part of the base for the consumption of those goods produced by the miracles of American industrialization. Moreover, it was also assumed that immigrants would, over time, assimilate into the American culture, including its body politic.

    For several decades, the Chinese have utilized a not dissimilar internal immigration policy, bringing hundreds of millions of under-employed ruralists into major Chinese cities, where they have been put to work creating the Chinese industrial revolution. Whether these new arrivals will remain content with the status quo is a worry for the Chinese authorities.

    What is disturbing about the recent influx of Mexicans into the United States is the premise that these folk can be indefinitely exploited as the source of cheap labor, while simultaneously denied the rights of full citizenship and all that entails. This is a dangerous recipe all round and destined to failure.

  21. Pretty much exactly the case, allen.

    Even if the US Government did secure the border, against mass infiltrations/migrations, a remedy for those already here would still need to be achieved.
    Basicly they have to stay and become legal, or go home.

    The oraganized labor movement does not want a vibrant guest worker program, especially while the border remains open to infiltration /migration and the illegals already here remain so.
    Their point has merit.

  22. While the Internationalists, the One Americas folk, need the capital transfers to Mexico, support for those left behind, to continue.

    They also need the cultural modifications, the consumerization of the Mexican economy to move forward.

    So whether a Bill moves forward or not, those already here will remain so for the balance of the Bush Administration's term.

    Forcing the issue of Border Security is the only meaningful way forward. Mr Bush is cutting National Guard support of the Border Patrol by almost half.

    That is a sign, if ever there was one, of the strength of his committment to securing the internal borders of the Americas.

  23. A Permanent Stay in Iraq, at the CSMonitor:

    "We'd be stupid not to be planning for what I see is the probability of long-term bases," says Ralph Peters, a retired Army intelligence officer specializing in the Middle East. "But it's premature to openly discuss the prospect until you win the war, so I'd have to say the floating of these ideas was not very artfully done."

    "...until you win the war..." That's right. Until you win the war.

    That war, of course, will never be won, nor cease-fired. Not while we're in it, anyway. The much-spoken-of Korean model is one more indication of administration denial (insurgency? what insurgency?) of our actual circumstances - and failure to secure a future for ourselves in Iraq, were this of chief importance to begin with.

    Alternate realities are tough to impose anywhere but in the imagination.


    The Iranians are in Afghanistan. The Iranians are in Pakistan. So, too, of course, is everyone else.

  24. Jim Demint up next on Hewitt:
    He was in the Meeting with U know Who, just back from Bulgaria.



  25. Rudy up at the end of the Hour.

  26. Nobody else running has been as specific and articulate about immigration as Rudy was:
    He does have the advantage of having studied Islamic Terrorism since the 70's when he a US Attorney.
    Like anyone honestly speaking to the issue, he said the bill would have made things worse than the status quo security wise.
    (and virtually every other way)
    One more segment w/Rudy, then Tony Snow next hour.
    I will record, and listen if I get really hungry for Bullshit at some time.

  27. Demint said he didn't need to say much:
    The Bill's supporters, including Chambliss, admitted that there are a number of items that need addressing first.

  28. NewsFlash!
    Bush 100% Right!
    "The Status Quo is Unacceptable"

    Right, Mr. President:
    Start doing your F...... Job and ENFORCE THE LAW!

    Otherwise, take your lying outlaw ways back to Texas and STFU!
    Wish we'd had 6 more years of Clinton.

  29. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

    ---CNN:"Poll: Romney Surges Ahead In New Hampshire"

    Great news for the Romney campaign.

    As Senator DeMint said on today's show, Romney is also gaining in South Carolina, which is certain to move its primary to the week between New Hampshire and Florida primaries.
    The widely reported Rasmussen numbers are interesting, but irrelevant as well to the political environment of the jammed January-February calender, an environment which will be shaped, probably decisively, by the first four contests.

    Romney leads in the first two of those contests. Which is why I expect Fred Thompson to make a run at Ames --the big dog has to hunt.

    Tuesday, June 12, 2007
    Rudy On "Home Grown" Jihadists, The Immigration Bill, Iran, Libby And Tony Blair

    The transcript of my interview with Mayor Giuliani is here.

  30. Today, Rudy took a big step forward in what can only be termed as emulating the 1994 Republican Congress' "Contract with America." He unveiled his Twelve Commiments to America:

    1. I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us.

    2. I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.

    3. I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending.

    4. I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.

    5. I will impose accountability on Washington.

    6. I will lead America towards energy independence.

    7. I will give Americans more control over, and access to, healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions.

    8. I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.

    9. I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges.

    10. I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

    11. I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.

    12. I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.

  31. Doug: Romney leads in the first two of those contests. Which is why I expect Fred Thompson to make a run at Ames --the big dog has to hunt.

    "Rudy Giuliani's been married more times than Mitt Romney's been hunting." -- Harry Reid

  32. I can't believe Reed said something that funny, but then if you had to watch him do it, you would not be laughing.

  33. Anybody know where I got this link?
    ...it was on my computer when I got up.
    Don't think it was the tooth fairy.
    'Two feet and a lot of skin'


    "The only thing left of them after they are done is two feet and a lot of skin," complained the major.
    "If we get a finger, we have to send it to Kabul to analyze the prints."

  34. But such morbid celebrations for the departed do not necessarily soothe the hearts of relatives. A religious leader in Khost recounts the story of an Afghan father in Waziristan. He had just sent his son off to a madrassa and left to work in Saudi Arabia to support the family. When he returned, he asked the mullah at the madrassa how his son had done in school. The mullah said, "He has done so well that he has been sent to heaven." The father collapsed and began to pull out his hair.

    Philip Smucker is a commentator and journalist based in South Asia and the Middle East. He is the author of Al-Qaeda's Great Escape: The Military and the Media on Terror's Trail (2004).

  35. Al-Qaeda's Great Escape:
    Sounds like an interesting read, not for W. of course.

  36. DR,

    The only way to bring change in the immigration woes of the US and our southern neighbors (and I do not mean exclusively Mexico) is to address the systemic social flaws that drive Latinos (I include Brazil, for clarity's sake) north. The greatest barrier to Latino prosperity will not be an American fence at the Rio Grande etc; rather, the barrier is a cultural that condemns its citizens to perpetual poverty by, among innumerable other things, disallowing genuine private ownership and fee simple transfer of real property.

    Mr. Bush, tear down that wall!

  37. Indeed, allen, and our front line troops from Wal-Mart are helping the Mexican States in the transition. It is cultural, legal, economic and political transition that has been and still is required, prior to full integration of the Mexican States into America.

    California, AZ, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas were all once part of Mexico, they have transitioned to full USA status sucsessfully,
    Deeper Mexico will take more preperation, the PRI socialist political dominance set US back at least 40 years. But they are on the slide, the left fragmented by past failures.

    A communist/ mussulman financed and advised Insurection is possible in Mexico.

  38. DR,

    My experience with Mexicans tells me that many are natural-born small entrepreneurs, trapped within a system that sucks all the benefit out of their efforts at self-sufficiency. When a Congress and an administration invest as much effort in reforming the government of Mexico as in trying to shift the cost of Mexican corruption onto the American taxpayer, then, much of our immigration problem will end.

    As earlier said, Mexico has much to offer us northerners. If its laws can reformed to bring them into line with ours, the tide of immigration might show a shift, moving north to south.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Natural Born or not, our welfare state sucks them into permanent underclass status 3 generations out at present, with no HS Diplomas, little English proficiency, and etc.

    My wife went to school with a Mexican American that has become one of the most successful entrepreneurs on Maui.
    Exceptions and examples from earlier immigrants are anecdotal in the larger scheme of things.

  41. ...and play into Bush's Bullshit that they become Republican voters.

    The problem can be quickly solved by ENFORCING THE LAW, not waiting for the Mexican Economy to be revolutionized, 'Rat's pipe dream to come true, or illegals earning Phds to become later day Andy Groves and unlike the Silicon Millionaires, also voting Republican.

  42. Bush is Selling Pie in the Sky:
    EB should stand with the Brave Senators calling for Enforcing the law!

  43. The Origin of the "Curious" behavior of your Georgia Senators, Allen.
    The Upshot was the INS quit doing unannounced inspections!

    The INS in mid-May apprehended 21 workers in southeastern Georgia, home of the $90 million a year Vidalia onion industry.

    The May 1998 raids were the first since 1995, when 178 unauthorized workers were detected. The 1995 raid reportedly did not decrease the hiring of illegal aliens because it occurred after the onions were harvested, but before some workers received final paychecks.

    The 1998 raids produced letters from local Congressmen to INS that complained of an "apparent lack of regard for farmers in this situation...[the raids] threaten one of Georgia's most famous and economically valuable crops, Vidalia onions." Senator Paul Coverdell (R-GA) complained of the INS's "indiscriminate and inappropriate use of extreme enforcement tactics against Vidalia area onion growers...[interfering with] honest farmers who are simply trying to get their products from the field to the marketplace."

  44. Edwards thinks the Peace Corps will solve Islamic Terrorism.

    I think a year of not listening to "late night" would solve AlBobAl's Global Warming Obsession.

    Neither these nor the Hoped for Rose Colored Mexican Revolution is gonna happen any time soon.

  45. With the exception of numbers 1 and 10 Rudy's points have all been said dozens of times by dozens of national politicians in the last three or four decades. Same old stuff.
