Saturday, June 02, 2007

Some Pr*cks are Bigger than Others.

I will probably regret this post.

Men obsess over penis size, women don't

Published: June 1, 2007 at 4:26 PM

SHEFFIELD, England, June 1 (UPI) -- Women are more interested in a man's personality and looks than the size of his penis, but men often experience penis anxiety, found a British review.
The review, published in the British Journal Urology International, found that while men often have a better body image, a better genital image and more sexual confidence if they have a large penis, women don't necessarily feel that bigger is better.

Dr. Kevan Wylie, of the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, in Sheffield, and Ian Eardley, of St. James' Hospital in Leeds, examined more than 50 international research projects on penile size and small penis syndrome completed since 1942.

The results of 12 studies that measured the penises of 11,531 men found that on average, erect penises ranged from 5.5 to 6.2 inches in length and 4.7 to 5.1 inches in girth.

A survey of over 50,000 heterosexual men and women found that 66 percent of men said their penis was average-sized, 22 percent said large and 12 percent said small. Eighty-five percent of women were satisfied with their partner's penile size, but only 55 percent of men were satisfied with their penile size.

"It is helpful to normalize the situation and provide as much accurate information as possible, as many men either lack any information or have been misinformed," Wylie said in a statement.


  1. Our Fleeting Chance to Stop Iran's Nukes Without War

    Netanyahu's message was urgent. Iran is getting closer and closer to nuclear weapons. They just bought mid-range ICBM's from North Korea -- simply by importing them. All the published CIA guesses about Iran's uranium enrichment may be wildly optimistic. A NoKo nuclear device could be flown to Tehran at any time, along with quantities of enriched uranium. The Iranians are known to be working with North Korea directly, and may be helping to finance Kim's military industry. World attention is focused on Iran's enrichment plant at Natanz, but Iranians are masters of sleight of hand. With North Korea dabbling in the nuclear black market and desperate for money, a single flight from Pyongyang to Tehran could bring Iran into the nuclear club in just one day

    Think about day, not 5-8 years, one frigg'in day!!

    American Thinker

  2. That has been the case, since before the NorKs had their test.
    Nothing new, no cause for alarm. It has been widely reported that the Iranians already are in the "Club" with a Ukranian device.
    Deterence works, proofs's in the reality of the current pudding.
    It's tasty pudding.

    The Iranian nuclear program is still "unacceptable" to Mr Bush, so sleep easy.

    Worry about saving your own, and the US's soul, from the ravages of xenophobia.
    Don't fret over Iranian behaviour, leave that to professionals, like Mr Bush and his team.

    Mr Netanyahu is a private Israeli citizen, of little consequence. The PM of Israel, Mr Olmert, does not seem to share his concern. Mr Olmert has the confidence of the Israeli Parliment, have faith in his judgement, the Israeli do. Or he'd not be their Prime Minister.

  3. I mean, really, habu, the President of the United States has said the Iranian nuclear program is unacceptable, what else can he do, beyond that?

    He can not even defend San Diego or Tucson from an asymetric invasion, why worry about Iran, when the horde is at the gates, already?

    You want to start another war that General P and his Army cannot win?

    And he is the "best" General we've got, or so we're repeatedly told.
    He trumpets the fact that his Army cannot win, take his word for it.

    We've played our cards, we're "all in". We've already taken it to the limit.

    Waiting for September, while negotiating with Iran.

  4. whoa, deuce. This seems a topic for Miss T., Trish, Miss 34 D, Jane and some of the others. I am going out to the machine shed, to change the oil. Later.

  5. I'm not touching this topic with a ten inch pole. I leave it to the girls, and Mitt Romney.

  6. dRat,

    Mr Netanyahu is leader of the opposition, and could well be elected PM, given a Knesset no confidence vote in PM Olmert.

  7. Back to topic.

    Words of wisdom
    apply in all seasons:

    You got your big defeets,
    and you got your big kahuna
    Toe Jammer.


  8. NIST calibrated laser measuring tool just ain't measuring try it

  9. Maybe we could contract out our warfightin' capabilities to M&M Enterprises. Is Milo Minderbinder still alive? Maybe he has a son.

    Since the US government can't fight and win a non-conventional war, maybe the free-market can create something that can.

  10. C'mon's a laser for Godsake and I was wearing gloves the whole time anyway

    Barkeep give Bob a Dew and whiskey

  11. ah, deuce, where do you come up with some of these photos? grandma moses can't do as well....

  12. barkeep a round for lugh as well...

  13. where's that sleek possum tater dude from the bog on this topic?

  14. i ain't gettin' nowheres near any of it...g-nite, now...

  15. ah, jeez, I'm still up, can't get to daughter is living with me here now, sometimes she is here, sometimes gone...she has a boyfriend now, a basque, son of one of the psychologists in the school system...nice kid, best kid she has hung out with, wears a beret, very bright, no drugs, no drink, no smokes, nothing, very good to talk to, a little on the lazy side maybe...ah, sex, youth and the future, all this stuff gives me no sleep...but I quess it will all work out...I hope...I have the idea that some of you are worried too...we should be, I think, it is serious stuff, the future....youth, and sex, and love, very serious stuff, that....

  16. NoFreeMustang-com

    The average illegal immigrant family receives an average of $30,000 in governmental benefits! Yet they pay only about $9,000 in taxes per year. That creates a $21,000 shortfall that the American taxpayer has to make up. That’s like buying each of these illegal immigrant families a brand new Mustang convertible—each and every year!” —Robert Rector, Ph.D., The Heritage Foundation"

  17. French Lesson:


    Insect infested Brassier.

  18. I'd like to have a new Mustang convertable, but I can't pay for it. It is beyond my current means.
