Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Observanda: The Lies Continue - Put On Your Rubber Boots!

Observanda: The Lies Continue - Put On Your Rubber Boots!
Tiger goes Dougal on the Politicians over the Immigration issue.


  1. "Lookin For Love In All the Wrong Places
    Playing a fools game, hoping to win
    Telling those sweet lies and losing again"

  2. "You ride around your white castle, On your little white horse

    You lie to your people, and blame it on your war of course

    You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite

    You call yourself a patriot, well I think you’re full of shit"

    Dedicated to Mr and Mrs Tiger.

  3. Maybe it's a combination of your fighting abilities, and mine, Doug, a fearsome prospect.

  4. I yield my keyboard to the Street Fighter.

  5. Unacceptable

    "Comprehensive immigration reform” should be set aside so that over the next 18 months, President Bush can do what his administration has failed to do over the past six years. Don’t just show us the money, show us the enforcement."

  6. 'poor bastard got dougaled to death, the worst of fates...'

  7. Sounds like a clever way to LOSE, but perhaps I don't understand

    Republicans are preparing a list of ten or so amendments they want debated. In return, they would promise to back cloture and thus stop Republicans opposed to the bill from talking it to death. Reid knows this, too.

    Give the choice to Reid?

  8. Doug: Republicans are preparing a list of ten or so amendments they want debated. In return, they would promise to back cloture and thus stop Republicans opposed to the bill from talking it to death.

    Prepare to take it in the shorts from the Gang of 14 again. And McCain wonders why his campaign is floundering.

  9. Going "Dougal" is a blast. I'll take that as a compliment!

  10. Time to rest...

    My .45 feels good in the hand...
