Saturday, June 30, 2007

More Outrages from The Fifth Column in the West

When are we going to go to the source? It is Islam. It is a cult that belongs on the ash heap of history and has no place in the modern world or in the West. Enough is enough.

Blazing car crashes into Glasgow airport
Last Updated: 6:34pm BST 30/06/2007

A four-wheel drive vehicle has crashed into Glasgow Airport's terminal building and burst into flames.

Reports said witnesses saw a car attempting to drive into the airport through the main doors. After it crashed its occupants were seen fighting with police inside the terminal.

TV footage showed flames and huge plumes of black smoke rising from a vehicle in front of the building. Police have arrested and detained two men.

The airport has been evacuated and all flights are suspended. BAA, which manages the airport, was not immediately available to comment.


  1. US State Department officials, looking to shift US Security Coordinator Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton's work with Palestinian forces to the West Bank, have begun holding discussions with Congressional staff on how to restructure an $86 million funding program previously allocated to bolster Dayton's Gaza activities.

    The earlier package was whittled down to $59m. before Congress signed off on it and would have gone largely to non-lethal equipment and training for the presidential guard to secure the Gaza border crossings and help Fatah leaders and institutions there. Now the US, caught off-guard by Hamas's speedy defeat of Fatah forces in Gaza, is scrambling for new ways to strengthen Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah and isolate Hamas in Gaza.

    "They have a great appetite to work with Abbas and [PA Prime Minister Salaam] Fayad," said one Democratic Congressional staffer. "But I don't think they've quite figured out… what that cooperation looks like, where that money ought to go."

    "They don't have good answers right now," he said.
    The Democratic staffer cautioned that in the administration's eagerness to help Abbas, they might find themselves running afoul of Congressional barriers put in place to make sure no money ends up in terrorists' hands.

    "I'm a little concerned that they're going a little too fast. I'm worried that they might have obstacles down the road if they discover, as they have in the past, that there are bad guys on the [Palestinian security forces] payroll," he said, pointing to a tightening of laws governing money given to the Palestinians recently passed under the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act. "PATA wasn't set up to make it easy. It was set up to make it hard."

  2. And the Brits can do so much more than the US when it comes to detentions, arrests w/o warrants and such.

    They're just ahead of the curve of mussulman rage, with their large population of Asian immigrants.

  3. An intersting piece by Robert M. Dunn, Jr. is a Professor of Economics at the George Washington University, here.

    There has been a stunning decline in the fertility rate in Mexico, which means that, in a few years, there will not be nearly as many teenagers in Mexico looking for work in the United States or anywhere else. If this trend in the fertility rate continues, Mexico will resemble Japan and Italy—rapidly aging populations with too few young workers to support the economy.

    According to the World Bank’s 2007 Annual Development Indicators, in 1990 Mexico had a total lifetime fertility rate of 3.3 children per female, but by 2005, that number had fallen by 36 percent to 2.1, which is the “break even” point for population stability in developed nations.
    What has changed? Better education and improved job opportunities for women mean that it has become quite expensive for them to leave the labor force to have more children. The improved availability of birth control technology and liberalization of abortion rules in some countries mean that it is easier for women to avoid that outcome.

    Another reason for the particularly sharp decline in Mexico is the cultural influence of the United States. Some politicians fear that we are being “Mexicanized.” In fact the opposite may be underway. NAFTA, our mass media, the more widespread use of English, and the large number of people going back and forth (legally or otherwise) mean that Mexicans are increasingly influenced by our culture, and that implies fewer babies, The United States also has a fertility rate of 2.1, but that is the same as it was in 1990. Mexico is becoming more similar to the United States, which must frustrate their nationalists.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Here is a westhawk ditti titled:
    "Western law faces a day of reckoning " which discusses both the Brits and the coming Supreme decision on the Military Tribunals.

    Not at all encouraging, post Hamdan.

    Hope he's wrong, but think he's right.
    read more.

  6. Another Myth That Can't Be Killed
    Mark Krikorian

    The idea that Mexico's falling fertility means that emigration to the United States will taper off any time now.
    The latest contribution is here, and my debunking of a similar piece a couple years ago is here .

    Ingraham Eviscerates Snow 12 min mp3

  7. The Professor should ask Angelenos if Mexico is now more like LA Was, or LA is now more like Mexico!
    The man on the street vs the view from the Ivory Tower.
    ...also, Mexican Birthrates in the USA are much higher, given that they are subsidized by the US Taxpayer.

  8. Forgery suspect seen exploiting 'amnesty' - -

    The head of a Mexican forgery ring was convinced he could make phony documents that illegal aliens could use to indicate fraudulently that they were eligible for a new amnesty, says a government affidavit recounting wiretapped phone calls the man made.

    Julio Leija-Sanchez, who ran a $3 million-a-year forgery operation before he was arrested in April, was expecting Congress to pass a legalization program, which he called "amnesty," and said he could forge documents to fool the U.S. government into thinking illegal aliens were in the country in time to qualify for amnesty, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent said in the affidavit.

  9. Its backers say it cracks down on fraud by requiring new legal workers to have a tamper-proof ID, but opponents say it would invite a new wave of illegal aliens with fraudulent documents trying to prove they are eligible for legal status.

    They point to the 1986 amnesty in which about a quarter of approved applications were later deemed fraudulent.

  10. Dhiren Barot, Brit Al Qaeda Leader, Suspected Mastermind of London Car Bombs
    By Debbie Schlussel

    Remember Dhiren Barot a/k/a "Britani" [the Brit]? I recently told you about the British Al-Qaeda cell sachem, whose detailed plans to bomb New York's financial district with limousine bombs were released by Scotland Yard (click on the links at this link to see the plans).
    Well, guess what? He's suspected as the likely mastermind of today's two car bombs that were foiled in London. ABC News reports that video pics of the man setting the bomb strongly resembles a suspect once in their custody in connection with the Barot plot in New York of which I wrote previously.

  11. Why We Fight #1: Prelude to War (1943) Frank Capra

    The first part of a series of films produced by the United States War Department during World War II. The series explained the reasons for all the U.S war effort up to that time.

    This first part covers the rise of Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany, and Militarism in Japan and juxtaposes their political and social systems with that of the U.S. It also portrays the first examples of Japanese aggression in Manchuria and China, as well as the example of Italian aggression in Ethiopia.

    A couple of weeks back I ran Frank Capra's "Divide and Conquer" and thought the whole series ought to air on Atlas.
    This is part one.
    Let this serve as a warning to the apologists, the deniers and appeasers. They will sign our death fatwas.

  12. Bob, you there?

    Coal-fired power plants aren't the only steam generators being considered for collocating ethanol plants. In Idaho, Alternate Energy Holdings Inc. is completing public hearings and preparing the paperwork to file for local approval to build a nuclear power plant in Bruneau along the Snake River in southwest Idaho. CEO Don Gillespie says the public hearings have gone well. The project has received strong support from farmers looking for cheaper power for irrigation. Besides increasing the supply of electrical power in the region, Gillespie is proposing an ethanol plant be collocated to use waste steam. Like coal-fired plants, only one-third of the 4,500 megawatts of thermal energy to be produced by the proposed nuclear reactor will be utilized in generating electricity. A collocated ethanol plant would have ample steam power, with the size being determined by the potential feedstocks. The distillers grains coproduct can be used by neighboring cattle feedlots and dairy operations. Alternate Energy is also proposing the Idaho Energy Complex include a methane digester using manure from nearby livestock operations.

    Moving right along, in IDAHO!

  13. Not to be outdone, Arizona sends this, along.

  14. That is certainly good news, rufus.
    Hate for the homeboys to be behind the curve on energy production.

  15. BAGHDAD — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki condemned a U.S. raid Saturday in Baghdad's Shiite Sadr City slum — a politically sensitive district for him — in which American troops searching for Iranian-linked militants sparked a firefight the U.S. said left 26 Iraqis dead.

    The U.S. military said all those killed in the fighting were gunmen, some of them firing from behind civilian cars. But an Iraqi official put the death toll lower, at eight, and said they were civilians. Residents also said eight civilians were killed in their homes, angrily accusing American troops of firing wildly during the pre-dawn assault.
    "The Iraqi government totally rejects U.S. military operations ... conducted without prior approval from the Iraqi military command," al-Maliki said in a statement concerning the Sadr City raid. "Anyone who breaches the military command orders will face investigation."

  16. An Iraqi Libby
    Join Team Bush!
    The Pains of Betrayal are exquisite.
    "W" What a Jerk.

  17. In a unrelated story the Senate promised to derail the Free Trade agreement just signed with SKorea.
    SEOUL, South Korea, June 30 — The United States and South Korea on Saturday signed the largest free trade deal for Washington since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1992, though Democratic leaders in Congress warned that they would not approve it.

    The United States trade representative, Susan C. Schwab, and South Korea’s trade minister, Kim Hyun-chong, signed the deal only hours before President Bush’s “fast-track” authority to negotiate such an agreement — one that Congress must approve or reject but cannot revise — was to expire Saturday.
    “America’s economic future depends heavily on more free trade agreements like the one we are signing today with Korea,” Ms. Schwab said at a signing ceremony in Washington.

    But the deal faced opposition from South Korean farmers, who were afraid of losing heavy import protection, and politicians, who were afraid of angering them ahead of elections in December and April. Thousands of farmers and workers took to the streets in Seoul on Friday to protest the agreement, though the government promised billions of dollars a year to aid farms, fisheries and other industries that are expected to be hurt by American imports.

    In Washington, lawmakers contended that the trade agreement failed to remove nontariff barriers that they said confined American automobile exports to South Korea to 5,000 cars last year while South Korea exported over 700,000 cars to the United States.

    A joint statement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders said: “Unfortunately, the K.F.T.A. as currently negotiated is a missed opportunity.” It added, “We cannot support the K.F.T.A. as currently negotiated.”

    United States lawmakers also threatened to kill the deal if South Korea does not fully open its beef market. South Korea, once the third-largest market for American beef, tightened import restrictions after the discovery of mad cow disease in the United States in 2003.

    The trade deal is “not perfect,” but it “provides a broad scope of opportunities to most of America’s manufacture,” John Engler, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, said in a statement. He added that the pact “will help U.S. manufacturing as we wrestle with how to deal with our trade position in Asia.”
    The pact was the last one signed under Mr. Bush’s trade promotion authority. Both Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Ms. Schwab had urged Congress to renew Mr. Bush’s special power, saying it was essential for United States trade negotiators amid a global race to strike bilateral trade deals.

    But Democrats, who control Congress, rebutted the appeal. They said they would rather focus on more pressing issues, like addressing the growing trade imbalance with China and extending relief to American workers displaced by the agreement.

    No more political capital left.
