Friday, June 08, 2007

Has George W. Fallen Off the Wagon?

I am really beginning to get worried.

First, it was that link to Laura Ingraham where twice she played the clip of George W. slurring his words as though he was drunk on his keister. (It's at the end of the clip) Now, the Telegraph is reporting that he has taken ill at the G8 Summit. and they're showing a photo of him apparently drinking beer...


  1. Couldn't Hurt!
    (been down so long)

    Is the Ingraham clip the one where her sound guy slowed it down?

    On the show they played it full speed first, and he sounded like good old incompetent George, the guy that's refused to learn how to pronounce "Nukular," then they slowed it down and he sounded REALLY Bad.

    Then again, in Media player, under

    View -->
    Enhancements -->
    Play Speed Settings,

    Just about ANY of us sound a bit tipsy at 1/2 speed, even a teetotalin Honest Injun Like Me.

  2. That was Laura at her best dismantling Old George, destroyer of the GOP, outlaw President of the Americas.

  3. Thanks Doug, I was unaware that they did that. I may have to take the post down. But what about the beveridge? Near Beer?

  4. Was near beer. I'll remove the picture.
