Monday, June 04, 2007

A Giant Disconnect Between Voters and Politicians

Thompson sees fence between Congress, voters
By Stephen Dinan
June 3, 2007

RICHMOND -- Former Sen. Fred Thompson yesterday said there is a giant disconnect between voters and politicians in Washington and that the immigration bill is the chief reason.
Speaking to Virginia Republicans, Mr. Thompson, who is considering a run for president, drew a standing ovation when he said voters don't believe Washington politicians when they claim they are trying to secure the border as part of the bill.
"You've got to secure the border first, before you do anything," he said. "The members say it's right here in this bill: the border. The response is, 'We don't care what's on a piece of paper -- secure the border.' This piece of paper doesn't secure the border."
Mr. Thompson said the new bill is "the same deal" offered in the 1986 amnesty -- legalization of illegal aliens in exchange for border security -- but said Americans won't be fooled again. He also said the program is unworkable because it relies on an already overworked immigration service to process millions of new applications.
Immigration is a sharp dividing line among Republicans and their presidential candidates. Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, is a key backer of the immigration bill and is highlighting it as part of his campaign, while former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is opposing the bill and running ads arguing for border security.
The former U.S. senator from Tennessee was greeted with a minute-long standing ovation by the 400 Republicans at a dinner that raised $110,000 for the state Republican Party.
Washington Times


  1. Once again, please refrain from personal attacks.

  2. Are impersonal attacks ok, Whit? If we just don't get too 'personal' about it? If we just attack a whole category of people? :)

    But then, I'm one of the guys that doesn't want to argue, so I don't think you have much to worry about with me.

    I really like reading your blog, and taking part a little too.

  3. Is it ok to attack a whole group of people, like, say, Hawaiians that have no good sense about global warming, their climate being so perfect and unchanging there in paradise? ;)

    (oh, oh, I feel the counter-attack mounting even now as I post.)

  4. I'm sorry to make my first post something personal, Whit, but this has been naggin on my mind like School Bus Nagin on Mr. Hobbyhorse Brown's.
    So Bob,
    2164th is cool with "Deuce,"

    Would you mind if we called you "Double Al" ?

  5. Equanimity, Double Al,
    Disposition matches the Climate.
    All's Well.

  6. I knew I'd get clobbered in less than a minute!

    You can call me anything you choose, my wife does.

  7. Actually, unchanging is more like the poor lowland folk down near See Level.
    We're situated at the base of 10k Haleakala, so at about 7pm, we usually get some downslope winds, yielding perfect 68% dry High Mountain Air for sleeping.
    One of these nites,
    I'm gonna try it.

  8. Kihei, down the Hill, is known unaffectionately as the
    "Inferno By the Sea"
    Compounded by the fact that nights are often enveloped in warm, humid, marine air.

    Up where your videos were shot, it's almost always fresh sea air from 2,000 miles of open sea.
    You like your astronomy, I like my Climatology.

    Hey, here's an idea:
    You keep your eyes on the Stars, I'll take care of the climate.

  9. That mountain air is dried by "Adiabatic Heating" ya see, raising the temp about 2 degrees for each 1000 ft it comes down and get compressed and since no water is added, it becomes "drier" relative humidity-wise.
    Often gets down in the 50's in summer and 40's and 30's in winter on the summit where the sun god resides.

  10. I'd call that a Giant Disconnect from the thread.
    Sure wish we could live in an academic dreamland like they do in some of them sites, but we are the Keyboard Warriors of the EB.
    No rest for the weary, right?

  11. Maybe it's 1.2 degrees per thousand.
    Google will know.

  12. I've been thinking about the Immigration Bill.

    Senatorial polls say 52% approve of amnesty and they say the uproar is quieting down. They're gonna go forward with the legislation. Damn the 44% that disapprove.

    Every product and automated phone system has Spanish options. Why?

    All of the groundskeepers, ag workers and construction laborers here in central Indiana are Mexicans.

    Anglos aren't reproducing at a level that can sustain the anglo population. I have three daughters and one grandson. I doubt I'll have more grandchildren although I should have nine!

    One third of the US population is hispanic now.

    All of the south and central Americans that I have personally worked with are great workers and decent folk. However they are all legal.

    Is this bill addressing an unspoken reality? Is America's future a hispanic future? Is it better to accept the reality now than to delude ourselves by the thinking that we can conserve our culture?

    Some soldier with a hispanic name is killed every day in Iraq. How many are buying citizenship with their blood?

    Are us old coots just trying to fence time? Are we pissing in the wind? I dunno. Just thinking out loud.

  13. They're talkin 5 degrees per 1,000 ft, which doesn't correspond, as that would be 55 degrees warmer here than the summit.
    Maybe as it goes down the hill and warms up, it loses a bunch of heat by radiation?
    Must be, cause it ain't 15 degrees at the summit this time of year!
    Back to the dreary world of war and politics, I guess.

  14. Senatorial Polls are FOS.
    Push Polling Poltroons.
    Corrupt MF.
    Hope to God the House can save us, the Senators are out to lunch on their honorable fellow Senators Anus.

  15. Where can we see them Polls, Lugh?

  16. "they say the uproar is quieting down."
    Light em up, Boys!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. You could well be right, Lugh, in a few decades.
    If true, W's legacy will be one he would be proud of:
    Overseeing the destruction of the last bastion of Freedom and Prosperity. prove what a compassionate guy he is.

  19. This ain't just Senor Presidente Bush but a sizable chunk of the US Congress that want this legislation. The same bunch that left the border open as well.

    Corporations want it too.

    What do all these well funded organizations know that we don't?

    There's something there. What is it?

  20. One worlder socialists, lugh.

    Deep down inside, Mr Bush and his fellow Boner elitists need to save their souls, with your sacrifice.

    In a nutshell.

    We need to do the hard thing.
    Redemtion through sacrifice, that's the ticket.

    Aprenda espanol, es no duro, compriso.

    The Bush family follies, what a show, what a show.
    We still have the Jeb episodes to preview, too.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. If the gas keeps rumblin', like there is goin' to be an expulsion of putridness. I'm duty bound to raise an alarm, whit.
    To save our souls from contamination

    About the leakage incident last night, I'm sure doug mopped the floor before he left.
    Cause it don't smell of boggy swamp bile around here, at the moment

  23. GWH Bush 1989 - 93
    WJ Clinton 1993 - 2001
    GW Bush 2001 - 09
    HR Clinton 2009 - 2017
    J Bush 2017- 2025?

    The Ruling Elite
    Exemplifying the oligarchy of the Americas

  24. Write a better storyline scenario for the Bush designed and implemented GOP implosion.

    Bush 41 and Mr Clinton, touring the world together, like royalty, doling out cash and favors across the breadth of want and need.

    What more does an aspiring novelist need.

  25. Ever since the Kennedy boy's plane went down.
    That fella, now he was being groomed for big events, sure as shootin'.

    To bad about that plane.

    The Kennedy curse, not quite ready for prime time.

    Or the sins of the fathers, uncles & grandfathers?

  26. You got my number, 'Rat!
    I grew up moppin my Daddy's Store, and now we got Tile Floors, and I'm STILL Moppin!
    Them tile floors are good for them "flatulence incidents."
    Just a quick mop, and things are fresh.

  27. That was one Dumb MF thing to do:
    Can you imagine.
    Didn't he take her sister to the deep too?

  28. Shoulda pulled an Uncle Ted and had a Ripcord to pull so he could watch em splash in as he glided down.

  29. The news said CNN kept the tradition alive by asking all the candidates how they would utilize BJ BILL.
    PBUH dick.

  30. Jeb's wife, the diamond runner's gonna take his place by then, 'Rat:
    Put in place by the Majority Race, the original settler's ya know.

    Them Chumash, Hopi's, and etc just some kinda pipe dream.
    Reconquista, Baby!

  31. Clinton gives that Oiligarchy thing a unique American Twist:
    From Oil Barons to White Trash, don't make no nevermind, once you're on the SuperFlyWay.
    Hillary done hitched her ride.

  32. The Dems and thems set it up grand.

    Compare Mr Bush 43 to Uncle Jimma, unfavorably. Then recant, then have Uncle Jimma compare Mr Bush 43 unfavorably to all past Presidents, then just to Mr Nixon.

    The most disgraced of US Presidents.
    As the two impeached Presidents, stood their ground, finding vindication in the Senate, each time.
    Not Mr Nixon, he knew his jig was up. No vindication awaited in the US Senate for him.

    In any case, Mr Bush's default position is as one of the worse. Not in the Bill Clinton league of competent managerial skills.

    Allow the Dems and thems control of the stage, Mr Bush couldn't be less effective if he tried. So one assumes he is, trying.
    Succeeding, too.

  33. You have to hand it to him:
    He did to the Dems right after his first Victory.

    Then to Al-Queda after his second.

    LaRaza's just icin on the Cake.

  34. Don't think that young man will be old enough, by then.
    Gotta be 35, I do believe.

    In any case, things are shapin' up, from the artic to the isthmus, one land, one people.

    Has a ring to it, aye?

  35. A Triperfecta for the Compassionate Guy!

  36. 41 and Bill can give each other a wink while travelin the World, confident Jr is doin the Lord's work in their stead while they are otherwise occupied.
    ...but not disused, as they continue to bleed out our hard earned cash for the good of the common folk.

  37. The United States of America, figure there will be about 85 to 100 States, when looked at demographicly.

    Texas was an independent country folded into the Republic. As was Hawaii. No reason to stop there.

    Nothing sacred about 50.

    Bring freedom to the masses, across the Americas, first the North, then the South.

    The United States of the Americas.
    Around 185 States, by then.

  38. You just gave me an idear, 'Rat:
    I'll join the Hawaiian Nation Separitists, and kiss your sorry asses goodbye!
    Aloha and Sayonara Baby!

  39. I have to feel that headline at Drudge, and the poll behind it, is phony, lugh. It just doesn't seem right to me. But there it is on Drudge, why Drudge? I don't know either.

  40. Man I dig Oriental/PolynesianAmerican Chicks!
    We'll just leave out the "American" part once the cleavage occurs, and I'll consol myself with the cleavage.

  41. The God given Rights afforded US in the Declaration and codified in the Constitution are universal, we are the world.

    A more rightous revolution than Marx's, more clandestine as well.

    It goes without saying, more successful.

  42. Don't you EVER Sleep, Double Al???

  43. Marx had no idear the SYNERGY that would turbocharge his wetdreams.

  44. I have always thought that Texas had the option of entering the US Republic as three seperate States, but choose to stand united, as Texicans.
    Could just be myth, though.

  45. A lot of the hispanics that are here legally are against this bill, at least so I have read. But, then, I quess there aren't many here legally, these days.

    Maybe the best thing to do is just have a massive population transfer. We'll all go there, they all come here.

    It's been really hot here lately, Doug. Didn't get much sleep last night. My wife was just complaining about it. Hawaii sounds cool and breezy to me, compared to this minor heat wave.

  46. South Idaho is heavily Mormon, North Idaho not. Almost two states, in a way.

  47. W and Buddy think they have a straight shot to the truth and the light, having been blessed by living in the land of give One away for the Tippler.
    White Guilt is such a sacred thing down in them there hills.

  48. Don't tell me your wife stays up WITH you!

  49. Mine logs about 50% more time sawin logs!

  50. She thinks I'm nuts.
    Always was down to Earth.
    Oh Well.
    Space Cadets can dream, can't they?

  51. Imagine W's Dreams:
    Better yet, just stick in your worst nightmare.

  52. Down the mexican riviera, bob, there are lots of norte americano campos. RV parks and condo resort projects.

    San Carlos, near Guaymas, described as "the land of milk and hoeny" by a retired SF captain I know that lives there.
    "Milk and Honey"
    He's single, though.

    From there on south and across the breadth of Mexico to the Yucatan, where Caribian beaches beckon. Nice place. lousy social order and legal system. Property titles and the resulting credit markets not worthy of a modern upwardly mobile society.

  53. Guaymas, my Dad talked of Guaymas.
    We liked Playa de los Cocos?
    Just Norte of Santa Cruz, as I recall, south of San Blas.

  54. A political oliarchy where the ruling party institutionalize revolution, for over 70 years.

    They are still a major politcal force in the country, those institutionalized revolutionaries.

    An oximoronic society, at it's very core.

  55. This single guy found himself a lady down there.
    Not exactly a "Hot Chick," but seems nice and admirable.
    Unnatural Selection

  56. Classic Quote:
    "And so often now officials at the borders and airports are just plain unpleasant. Vi doesn’t need it. She has heard the horror stories of being jerked around at the border from friends with visas. A friend of mine always has his Mexican wife taken from him at the border for questioning in separate rooms. For this we pay taxes.

    Of course if Vi swam the river, she could get welfare, schooling for thirteen illegitimate offspring, a driver’s license, medical care, and be eligible for a dozen consecutive amnesty programs. How sensible. Like outlawing smoking while paying farmers to grow tobacco.

    Best I can come up with is to buy her a chain saw at Wal-Mart, chop a goat up with it, get her a sword, a garrote, and some anthrax, and they’ll let her across, no problem. Maybe a severed head in a pillowcase, just to be sure. "

  57. Abuse the law abiding that will permit the little power games of the government agents, but then bend over backwards to accomadate those that tell 'em to shove it.

  58. Soon MS-13's will get legal standing.
    Z-Visas, compliments of W and Uncle Ted.
    ...and us.

  59. "Legal Applicants Need Not Apply"

  60. ...course they gotta pledge they are gonna straighten up and fly right.

    Just like W did on that Bible.

  61. I think the current majority of those fellows are homegrown.

    Though the cross border influence is substantial.

    In my town, there could easily be five to ten fellows using a single valid ID.

    Every one's named Pedro, or Pablo.

    Good thing they all don't look alike.

  62. If only we could cut down Greenhouse Emissions like they cut down housing expenses, Double Al could get some sleep.
    Hell, I could too, w/no Double Al to talk to.

  63. I've got a Hawaiian Heritage and Language class to attend.
    Don't be late!
    A round for all for the Hawaiian Nation!
    You F..... will have to deal w/the Sewer!
    Compassionate Dougaleakala,

  64. They do car pool, doug.
    Four guys in the cab, four or five in the bed, driving off to the jobs sites, where legal workers make up at least 60% of the workforce, but have to compete against criminals, theyy doing the job for less than a legal resident would

  65. Oh, man, I would give up my legal Z-STANDING in the Hawaiian Nation, to be able to compete in that DreamJobPool.

  66. Hi,
    I'd like to hang drywall for $7 an hour.

  67. Gotta wife, 3 kids, and my mom to support, ya know.

  68. I guess we're all just in the manner born.

  69. "DR" Bill Clinton
    Dr trashes the troops while using the hackneyed Democratic Party line..he's not against the troops only the mission they believe what a shit.

    Oh and fatulance, I've never trashed the troops, only their mission.
    Mon Jun 04, 01:58:00 AM EDT

    DR quotes:
    Only dead GIs in a fools game.

    Sat Jun 02, 10:25:00 PM EDT

    The idea that losses in past wars excuse current ones is infantile. Soldiers killed on offense or defense in existential battles are not comparable to those lost on police patrol, in Iraq.Sun Jun 03, 12:46:00 PM EDT

    Habu said...
    Why DR with the retirement of Cindy Sheehan I do believe you're ready to move inot the Code Pink ranks.

    "The idea that losses in past wars excuse current ones is infantile."

    Infantile? This nation must have been built on the infantile losses of millions of men then cause we didn't get to 2007 without all those "infantile losses"
    DR, that is a scurrilous remark, worthy of a Chuck Hegal or John Murtha. And since birds of a feather flock together it would appear you are flocking with the dodo's in gaining your head nodding agreement that Iraq is not important to US interest.

    "Infantile Losses" ... wow you are one confused young man.Sun Jun 03, 01:01:00 PM EDT

    Yeah, Dr doesn't trash the troops.

  70. So glad I can compel your continued attention.

    So easy to lead the old timers by the short hairs.

    See you've got your dependables

  71. Lead, you lead? You do have a sense of humor.

    Did you finish that homework you were assigned. The one about all the 'infantile deaths" our troops have suffered....or was that just empty meaningless trashing of our war dead on your part?

    And are you gonna put them in the pony magazine?

    Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, whoa! My Pony Boy!!!

  72. Have you decided to quit trashing the troops? DR

    That Rat part is so vermin like correct..conjures up fleas, bubonic plague, and in general makes most folks want to corner then and beat them senseless ..but then how much sense does a Rat have? I mean they live in the sewers.

  73. Yup--G. Gordon Liddy is talking about this immigration bill. All you got to do is sign a statement saying, "Me no gang memeber" and you're in. Insanity.

  74. Once a Marine, always a Marine

    Cpl. Adam Kokesh, a member of the Iraq Veterans Against the War, went before an administrative separation board at the Marine Corps Mobilization Command as several people stood outside in front of a bus painted with anti-war slogans, including "Bring Them Home Now" and "What Noble Cause?"

    Kokesh, 25, took part in an anti-war protest in Washington in March. When he was identified in a photo caption in The Washington Post, a superior officer sent him a letter saying he might have violated a rule prohibiting troops from wearing uniforms without authorization.

    Kokesh responded with a letter than contained an obscenity.

    Kokesh is a member of the Individual Ready Reserve, which consists mainly of those who have left active duty but still have time remaining on their eight-year military obligations. His service is due to end June 18.

    Kokesh had already received an honorable discharge from active duty before he was photographed at the protest. That honorable discharge cannot be revoked. Monday's hearing was to decide whether he should be discharged from the reserves and, if so, with what type of discharge.

    A monolithic brotherhood?

    Which brings us again to your proposed disertation, fatulance.

    Why are the Iraqi War vets joining up with the Dems?
    Still waiting for the introspection, Clay County Grand Old Party ex-Pubah.

  75. Habu - introspection??? You gotta be kidding! His thought process has calcified so that no change, no examination of self, is possible. He is a one trick pony and he is determined to beat that pony til death:
    'ewww, ewww, you can't support the troops and dis the mission -- line up behind the exalted leader Bush and praise his glorious nature - so sayeth I the magnificent Habu!'

  76. I'm not againt the volunteer troops. Only the bullets they fire, the mortars they use, their tactics, their entire officer corps, their civilian leadership, how they follow those orders...

    No DR's just against the mission.
    I heard Hillary,John Kerry and the Democratic leadership. It reminded me od parsing the word "is" by Bill Clinton.."Ode to IS" by Habu..dedicated to Rat Boy.

    "I think that I shall never agree
    that IS as a word means IS as it IS,Cause I can talk the two tongued talk
    but I can't talk and walk the real man's walk"

    DR, make sure to stock up on plenty of national insults about America being all screwed up..the 4th of July is coming..

  77. Parroting Mr Cheney, circa 1993, in the midst of multiple wars and miltary operations the US was engaged in around the globe.

    Almost word for word, I take the Cheney position, as he did, trashing the US Government and its priorities and principles under Mr Clinton.

    Now that Bush/Cheney have embraced the Clinton model, I still stand where I did, in 1993. Where Mr Cheney himself once stood. Before corrupted by the power he's long sought.

    His first priority, since the '60s.

  78. "Almost word for word"

    Would that be like in..

    I ALMOST won the game...or

    I ALMOST hit the target...or

    I ALMOST have huevos?

  79. fatulance has cloned himself another identity, he's made himself into a carbon copy of Ms Chavez

  80. gonna fold some paper are ya?

  81. Don't forget the rubber band motor on that plane, old timers
