Sunday, May 27, 2007

Wonder Why CO2 Levels are Increasing? Welcome to Brown China.

This is the eastern coast of China from a NASA photo. The brown is the air that is over China everyday. If there is a man made reason for why climatic change is occurring, you are looking at it. Here is the same photo with greater detail


  1. Makes you wonder why the US and Germany are arguing over CO2 levels.

  2. AlBobal has become a space cadet.
    (although I must admit he's more in touch w/reality than GWB)

    ...unless GWB is an evil, diabolical Genius, which is entirely possible.

  3. cutler mentioned, earlier thread, that by 2060 most US citizens will not have served in the military, thusly could be considered cowards.

    Which misses the point, entirely.

    To have not seved when needed, then to defame those that did, as a matter of attack politics, well that just indicates a lack of personal honor.

    To have actively avoided "public service" when physically dangerous, but then embrace "public service" in the pursuit of personal wealth and power, that borders on immoral.

    Legal, but unhonorable.

    Even more so, when the rhetoric of a patriotic warrior flows from his pie hole. When the man is anything but a warrior.

    Mr Cheney seems to stand ready to sacrifice, the other fellow, for Cheney's cause.
    Just ask Scooter Libby.

  4. NOW I remember:
    AlBobal's wife has the hots for Mitt.
    No wonder he's so Miffed
    he's spinning into outer space!

  5. Scooter Libby deserves Life,
    or execution.

    Sandypants Bergler deserves freedom.

  6. Even habu advocates the strategic policy of Mr Webb and Mr Kerry.

    With regards Iran.

    The punitive raid, death from above, against terrorist sanctuaries.

    The Democratic "other course".

    Or does the have to US invade and occupy Warizistan, rather than pulverize it from the air.

    The Powell "china shop" doctrine of you broke it, you own it. Can be abandoned, just as the Wienberger/Powell doctriine of over whelming superiority and defined victory, has been abandoned.
    Because we've certainly abandoned Wienberger/Powell doctrine in Iraq.
    Why did we not abandon the "china shop" doctrine, instead?

  7. The Clintons stood ny their man, they did not "cut him loose".

    Like the big Dick did to Scooter.

    Proof is in the pudding, the results are there for all to see.

    Loyalty to their team, something the Clintons seem to understand.

  8. What are you saying, dRat? That the Clintons were better politicians?

  9. There is nothing honorable about men like Cheney. Anyone who wanted to serve in the military during the sixties could have. You had an eight year obligation. It was a right of passage out of high school. You could not get a job without showing a dd-214. A less than honorable discharge was scandalous to honorable men. Cheney gamed the system as did others in the elite circles of American society. To listen to him speaking to a graduating class of young offiers is laughable as it was for Bill Clinton.

    Today it is different. There is no obligation to serve in the military. I disagree with that. I believe it is a man's obligation to serve his country, but society does not agree.

  10. DR,

    There haven't been 10% of Congressmen and women in this countries history that "personal honor" meant shit. And most of those served in the very earliest Congresses.

    I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime. There's too much money floating around, they've all learned how to scam even their own institutions (Post Office Scandal) dispite having the greatest healthcare packages and a nice retirement.

    Most politicians now begin middle school angling for a Senate seat at minimum. It's become a profession with red, white ,and blue bunting and nicely written invitiation for THE HONORABLE BLAH BLAH to attend the FIRST ANNUAL GRAFT and CORRUPTION the Caymens of course.

    That's why now when I write an email to their offices I TRY to be disrespectful. No nice salutations..I've condensed it to Hey Jerk, listen up! Contempt, you betcha.

  11. Don't worry; the fossil fuels will only last for another 50 years, or so.

  12. RE: THE THREAD...

    I do about three minutes of reading about volcanos each year. But somewhere in my brain I seem to recall that they spew (OMG where's Danika) a huge amount of shit inot the more that cow flatulence of all car emissions.

    Check out this site on active volcanos and the evil they do.

    Evil Active Volcanos

  13. A nice tribute on this Memorial Day Weekend..



  14. Mr Steyn asks:
    So the question is: Why is enforcement of U.S. immigration somewhere between minimal and nonexistent?

    By some estimates, half of all illegals have arrived on George W. Bush's watch -- i.e., they broke into a nation at war with borders supposedly on permanent "orange" alert.


  15. If I am beginning to understand anything about America it is that the American citizen has come to accept that we are ruled and not represented.

    This is an affront to the millions who have died to ensure each of us the right to vote.
    We now look to artificial devices such as term limits to control the vices of our representatives when it is plain that we get to vote for all of the House every two years, one third of the Senate every two years, and every four years the Executive(which has term limits)..if these people are unworthy it is our responsibility to turn them out, not just to let the clock force them out.

    A century ago, James Bryce worried that the growing complexity of American society threatened the parties' ability to forge and mobilize cohesive majorities. Social complexity is now orders of magnitude greater and has clearly overtaken the parties. The consequences include a lower rate of electoral participation.

    It is pathetic.

    Where are the voters?

  16. Panama Ed,

    It is to me, a former 2X Bush voter that says that this is an abrogation of his PRIMARY DUTY, to defend this country from all enemies, domestic and foreign. He has ALLOWED this to happen, it just didn't suddenly occur. It is clearly an impeachable offense, and one where a verdict of guilty should be rendered.

    I would like for him to HAVE to explain just how these 12 million illegals were allowed to invade our country, many to murder, rape, and yes, the old time honored pillage..can't have righteous invasion without some pillaging.

  17. A nation at war secures the frontiers at home and abroad. If the frontiers are left free and uncontested it stands to reason that there is no war. The alternative is that the Commander in Chief is an incompetent commander or corrupt.

  18. Panama Ed,

    Incomptentent or corrupt. In George's can it seems inescapable that it is the former, but the latter is also a vaild avenue.

    Whichever it is, these millions invaded on his watch, and he had, ahd to know it was happening.

    So I personally have taken him off my Christmas card list and no more birthday cards either!!

    Now to the grocery store! Thank God the wife is 60 and I don't have to buy feminine products.

  19. "Why did we not abandon the "china shop" doctrine, instead?"

    Because the idea was democratic transformation. Death from above doesn't get you that. And it's anathema to all the Imperial Grunt Masters out there.

    'Course, if we didn't have our asses parked in Iraq, there wouldn't BE the calls for defending that finely transformed nation with surgical strikes on Iran.

    In this way, at least, as long as we stay, there is still some hope for a little Iran action. Without, of course, the overwhelming superiority and defined victory of Powell/Weinberger.

  20. Dr. Peter Ward, he of some knowledge, unlike at least one other here:), said last night that the pollution from China can be at times, seen with the eye in Seattle. Have to ask Miss T about that when she gets back.

    Get out there and wind surf while there is still time, Doug. The winds be dyin' down soon:)

    albobal space cadet

  21. The calls I've heard, for striking Iran, are not due to the threat it poses to Iraq.

    Though a viable spin.

    Which would increase in velocity, as the number of US troops drew down.

    Mr Bush can still act like a President and take the initive, through command, but looks like we're all waiting for Semptember.

    Like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

  22. "The calls I've heard, for striking Iran, are not due to the threat it poses to Iraq."

    You must've missed all those we-can't-win-in-Iraq-unless-we-
    strike-Syria-and-Iran pleadings over the past two years.

  23. Though I don't know how you could've missed them, seeing as how you were one of them.

  24. I've not called for attacking Iran, as much as into Pakistan.

    I have said that the Administration would, if it decided to attack Iran, would do so incrementally.

    In the invasion days, I advocated on into Syria, after Baghdad. Not stopping to build democracies, or attacking Iran.
    mat as mika and I would go back and forth on that point.
    Iran has always been the last target on my list.

  25. Vulcanism is going down, and has been for a hell of a long time. The earth is cooling insided, less vulcanism. Can't blame whatever is going down on Pele. According ot Dr. Ward, not albobalspacecadet.

  26. Let me repeat myself FWIW..I think the Strike on Iran will not get close to the September election.

    Big money says it'll Be October 31, 2008...

    But I think the Israeli's will strike sooner and we'll follow or coordinate.

    This time there ain't enough money in our coffers or fire in our belly to keep the Israeli's from hitting Iran.

    I asked the question the other day.
    Can any ED'er remember an IAEA or US intel prediction on when a country would acquire the bomb and was anywhere close? And they usually miss it by years not months. The they do the Gomer thing, surprise,surprise,surprise.

    Since we're not using the Air Force much right now it would be a good time to let them have some action.

  27. That seems to be what Mr Webb and Mr Kerry are advocating.

  28. The National Command Authority's against it, habu.

    I'm guessing the NCA in Israel is, too.

    They're going to ty and find another way to skin that cat.

  29. Agreeing with all said about Cheney, etc., I'd add, you got to be a real turd to get anything out of 'hunting' on one of these game farms. Bwana, big white hunter, me play big white hunter, me Dick Cheney big hunter, jeez. Then he shoots his 'friend' in the head, to boot.

  30. I have advocated using proxies to expand the conflict into Iran.

    But nothing very overt.

  31. DR,

    Well I'm not a fan of Webb or Kerry but we got a say'n down in da South.."Even a blind hog'll trip over an acorn ev'er now and then"

    Bomb 'em.

    The NCA id praying. Plus I all those various "authorities" have had their go at it and bolloxed
    the situation all to hell.

    I think R.E. Lee was a great general BUT I'm not gonna back away from the way William T. Sherman made total war or US Grant either. They kicked ass. That is and always has been my position when you get into a fight .. kill'em and then be magnanimous in victory as Winnie was fond of saying.

  32. Bob-L ..

    You've got that game bird hunt down pat...are we sure they didn't have those bird sitt'n in a compresses air gun to be launched righ in front of the VEEP? or I should say launched in front of the VEEPs old buddy...what's was his name ..The Target Guy?

    Reminds me of a hike the wife and took on the Appalachian Trail in eastern Tenn. Unknown to us it was also the first day of bear season, so as we Tahoed up to the trailhead we noticed each side of the road was nose to tail with trucks and guys with guns.....well we decided to ask one waht the deal was....he told us that the hounds were down in the holler chas'in bear up the hills to the road where from the comfort of their truck hood they would open fire.

    We did not hike that day, and I lost all respect for Tenn bear hunters in that area.

  33. DR,

    I'd vote for one squadron of B-2 proxies

  34. Habu, some of these private game ranches have taken hold in Montana, maybe a very few in Idaho. I think that they should be outlawed, not so much that it is unfair to the game, which of course it is, but also because it seems to me it kind of degrades the human spirit. I may ask my legislator to stick a bill in the pot to that point here, but will check on what the real status is first. Note to bob--do this. I've also come to think, except for the birds, the best hunting is with a camera, but I understand those who disagree with me.

  35. Then we'd have to restock the predators, bob.

    Better we manage the herds with citizens hunting, rather than government hunters.

    The BLM has killed horses in Nevada, in violation of Federal Law, the Forest Service tried to do it here in AZ.

    The Federal land managers violate the Law rather than make the case to reform it.

  36. "The NCA id praying. Plus I all those various "authorities" have had their go at it and bolloxed
    the situation all to hell."

    Gonna find yourself another NCA?

  37. O/T motorhead update..

    Monaco Grand Prix goes 1-2 for Williams Team. Fernando Alphonso and Lewis Hamilton (teammates) are tied for the World F-1 Championship.

    Shaping up to be an exciting season but there are still twelve races remaining.

  38. Everyone, including Hugh is down on Bush today.

  39. dRat,

    Re: proxy wars

    This requires time. You will still need to stage military operations to buy that time.

  40. Trish,
    Naw I think we gotta go with what we've got. NCA...just hope they make the right calls.

    But I can have my bombing dreams...jeez Sigmund would have a field day with that dream.

  41. We've had five, almost six years, mat.

    More than enough time.

    If we're not ready, shame on US.

  42. That Mr Fitzgerald, he makes the case for Saudi funded corruption running rampent in DC, does he not?

    That or gross Federal incompetency in time of war.

    Six years of lack of vision, despite numerous eye examinations

  43. dRat,

    Pakistan and Saudia have an alliance, so Saudia is last on the list. We could encourage the Kurds to extend Kurdistan sovereignty to their areas of Iran and Syria. Syria and Iran are more ethnically fractured than Iraq. That could encourage other groups in those places to splinter away. Why this scenario is not put into play, I donno.

  44. We've sure restocked the predators here, Rat, wolves really biting into the elk herds, as predicted. I'm not against hunting at all, just getting older, and sentimental, can't find the spunk to pull the trigger on bambi. But I don't criticize others at all. The best elk hunting Idaho ever had was in the years after the massive fire that burned over the Salmon all the way up to Wallace, Idaho, in the mining and whore house country. This was back in 1910 or something. can still see the burned stumps in places. After the fire the brush grew like crazy, and the elk herds really bloomed too. Dad shot an elk, 13 years straight.

  45. Where is ash to remind us of the Chinese handcuffs?

    We are mired deeper and deeper, to no good end, but with endless blowback.

  46. In any case, serious economic pressure on Iran is way overdue. Perhaps someone needs to look at their oil refinery capacity. :)

  47. If you want to spend the rest of your lives doing this, have at it.

    I've had it.

  48. That baby was so hot and fierce it jumped over rivers like they weren't there.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. There are times in history when the bill comes due. A reckoning.

    Few, very few, historians I have read over the past four years believe the engagement we have been in with Islam for thirty years now can be solved diplomatically.

    The demographics do not favor it. The tenor of their leadership does not favor it, nor do any of the economics favor it. There children are radicalized beyond redemption with no abatement in sight.

    Sure we may have four or five or ten years to get certain things done, but that is all immaterial to the task still before us.
    So our learning curve was flatlined for a decade it is improving.

    Most of all we simply have no choice. The fight is being brought to us as now we bring it to them.
    It is past time to decimate Islam but the nice thing is the opportunity still awaits.

  52. I know you are all sick of me hammering away at this illegal immigrant theme. I really must warn you that I will not let up until it is stopped or changed.

    I am convinced Bush is a man that sets an idea in his head and will not change it. I think he feels that to do so will show weakness. I also believe he is a man obsessed with stronger men and latches on to them and stays the course so not to reveal his weaknesses. He is a man not fit to lead. I hope we can stop what can be a very dangerous turn for this country.
    Bear with me.

  53. Deuce,

    It's that time of month. I have a feeling it's a full moon where Trish is at.

  54. Been beating the infiltrator drum for years now,
    Pissed off more than one BCer over the issue.

    Those folk didn't see the importance of homeland security.

    Must likely they had never crossed a border, except between US states.

    Now Mr Bush will burn down the big tent, over the infiltrators. Add in Rudy's New Yorker mindset and Mr Mitt's flip floppin' ways, dark days for the conservatives, who've been hijacked, just like the Mussulmen moderates.

  55. Deuce,

    get out the big hammer. I'm with ya..hammer away.

    I never minded a good homily for a good cause. Bush is wrong on this anmesty thing.
    Tuesday I will fire off another letter to my Rep requesting just how the twelve million got into this country since 9-11.....I want someone to tell me. And not just,"well golly asshole citizen they just walked in"...that won't cut it.

    You and I know Bush HAD to know this was going on all along the border. He ALLOWED it to happen and we should demand answers as to why. Why allow the illegal way to win out over the legal?

    And since we were on "alert" for bad guys just how did he think allowing an unguarded border and 12 million illegals was gonna help that situation?

    I can give him a pass on bad intel in the ME but not right on our border and it just really pisses me off.

    So don't think you're alone. Let's just keep the pressure on by supporting those groups that have the big megaphone.

  56. It looks like the House is the weak link in getting the Immigration Bill passed.

    It is important to identify the margins of victory of each Representative and target them with emails calls to their local radio stations and to their offices letting them know that WE know they only won by 12 votes or whatever and if they f*ck up and support this bill they'll be pick'in cotton in Mississippi after '08.

    Go to the local meetings of the Republican Party in your county, or if you're a Democrat then their meeting. Speak up after they introduce you and do the welcome thing. The pooh bahs may not like it much but we're not gonna be there to win popularity contests we're there to raise some hell.

  57. Keep it up deuce, it's a big issue, we all seem to agree. Tuesday I'm going to my reps office. Tomorrow I'm sitting with my sign.

    Doug surf while you can, the winds are dropping, when the poles melt.

    From the mothership....

  58. bobalharb,

    I meant to mention earlier that I;m in your camp about shooting animals with cameras.

    I own a nice arsenal of rifles and pistols and I love to shoot. Now I'm just say'in the truth here, no puffing but I figure if I can hit the bulls eye 90%, which I can, with open iron sights from 250 yards away there are few elk or deer that aren't go'in down. Then you gotta dress 'em and pack 'em out.

    I'm a birder now and game watches and stalker.

    It's different with humans...ya don't have to field dress'em

  59. "Far more damaging to the CAR(Daughters of the American Revolution) and the legion(American Legion) than the direct attacks of their critics was the ridicule that their poicies aroused. William Allen White, the Kansas editor, explained that the DAR had been 'lured into Red-baiting by the tea gladiators of Washington...apoplectic old gentlemen in red flannels who escape the boredom of their rich wives by sitting in club windows and bemoaning the decadence of the growing world.' Else where in his editorial, which was widely reprinted, White described the DAR president as' a lovely lady with many beautiful qualities of heart and mind, but in ther enthusiasm she has allowed several lengths of Ku Klux nightie to show under her red, white and blue.' The Nation Magazine decided that the best answer to the blacklist was a party and issued invitations to every individual and organization that had been proscribed. 'You may bring your friend if you can prove that his name appears on any blacklist, other wise he will not be admitted...the only thing your friend can do is to commit a dangerous or subversive act before next year's party.' More than eight hundred people showed up at the Level Club on May 9, 1928, where they listened to humorous telegrams from writers, lawyers, and politicians. Bailie was among the throng that witnessed the trial
    of a libel lawsuit by the writer Heywood Broun against the DAR for not including him on it blacklist. Clarence Darrow and Arthur Garfield Hays served as counsel. Unfortunately, the remarks by Groucho Marx, a character witness, have been lost in time."

    From-- The Palmer Raids To The Patriot Act

    You know, America has been a great country, taken all in all. Most always been able to work things out. This was at a time when freedom of speech was under heavy attack in many places in the USA.

  60. Freedom of Speech Goes To The Dogs

    Freedom of speech alive and smelly in the USA. People ought to have better sense than this though, I would think.

  61. not to worry, china will over use it's natural resources and within 50 yrs famine & disease will run rampant thru her...

    china will not survive at the present rate...

    rioting, population explosions, viruses, aids, lakes and streams being poisoned, industrial waste & pollution have started to work their magic...


    let natural take its course

  62. To return to the 72-virgin jackpot, even the looniest jihad-inciting imam understands that human nature responds to incentive, to the tradeoff between obligation and reward. But the immigration bill is all reward and no obligations. The only clause that matters is the first one: the mandatory open-ended probationary legal status the bill will confer the moment it's passed. All the rest -- the enforcement provisions on border agents and security fences that will supposedly "trigger" Z-visas and then green cards -- is nonsense, most of which will never happen. If you're "undocumented," you don't care about whether your Z-visa leads to citizenship 15 years from now: What counts is crossing the line from illegal to legal, which in this bill happens first, happens instantly and happens (to all intents and purposes) irreversibly. All the rest is Beltway kabuki.

    Mark Steyn

    Mark Steyn

  63. What is "Occupation"

    Just to piggyback on your thought the Chinese hinterlands saw more than 30,000 riots last year.

    The new wealth is not making it inland but rather staying on the coast.

    However they are building an Army ,Air Force, and Blue Water Navy way beyond what they need for defense. They are positioning for hegemony in the Pacific.

  64. I'm posting these on some of the Denial Sites, hope you don't mind.
    They've called me every name in the book, from traitor to the cause to xenophobe, now they have to include Mark, and Hugh, and Rush, and the NRO Team, and Coulter and Malkin, and, and, and, but
    Panama Ed said...
    Mr Steyn asks:
    So the question is: Why is enforcement of U.S. immigration somewhere between minimal and nonexistent?

    By some estimates, half of all illegals have arrived on George W. Bush's watch -- i.e., they broke into a nation at war with borders supposedly on permanent "orange" alert.
    Habu said...
    Panama Ed,

    It is to me, a former 2X Bush voter that says that this is an abrogation of his PRIMARY DUTY, to defend this country from all enemies, domestic and foreign. He has ALLOWED this to happen, it just didn't suddenly occur. It is clearly an impeachable offense, and one where a verdict of guilty should be rendered.

    I would like for him to HAVE to explain just how these 12 million illegals were allowed to invade our country, many to murder, rape, and yes, the old time honored pillage..can't have righteous invasion without some pillaging.

  65. Doug,

    You let'em call you names , we'll take care of "them" later, during the "Terror"

    Here's a second letter I just finished to my congressman:

    Honorable Congressman Stearns:

    Thank you for the timely reply to my letter about the Immigration/Amnesty Bill. Your position against it I support.

    I would have you ask the President one question.

    Since 9-11 twelve million illegal aliens have entered this country. How did this happen?

    The President must have known this was going on. If he didn't he's guilty of malfeasance or dereliction of duty in his Constitutional duty of protecting the nation against all enemies domestic or foreign.

    If the President did know and allowed this invasion to occur then he should be impeached and found guilty. Under this time period this country was under a state of alert higher than normal. So, once again please ask the President how it happened that twelve million people entered this country illegally.

    I do not bring up the topic of impeachment lightly. As I mentioned I have been a lifelong Republican, President of the Clay County Republican Men's Club and a former member of the Republican Executive Committee of Clay County. This issue however goes beyond party. It goes to the heart of this nations security which the President, in this case, is guilty of knowing and doing nothing or not knowing , which in our state of heightened security is even more damnable.
    I await the Presidents answer through your good offices.



    Doug lets just keep hammering away.

  66. Doug said... (at Fascists in the Darkness)

    CURRENT laws are not being enforced, there is nothing magical about the new ones that will increase their enforcement.
    Since the only effect then will be to GIVE AWAY more of what our ancestors fought, died, and sacrificed for, this makes no sense!"

  67. Doug,

    Simple. They're family. If they were Irishmen, it'd be the same.

  68. I have no idea who you are refering to.

  69. You hate Omert and the like for giving away Israel, I HATE Bush for giving away the USA!

  70. If terrye had HALF a brain she might be less dangerous.
    My latest:

    Let's be like them!!!

  71. Doug,

    Mexicans in the Bush family. They're family.

  72. "what is the politically realistic alternative? "
    DEMAND our politician enforce the law, and honor their oaths of honor.

    ELECT someone that is not a corrupt sellout next time.

  73. Bush is a fucking traitor,
    and worthless Wuss to boot!

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. But what's the excuse of the others down the chain?

  76. Are they all related to Mexicans?

  77. Fish rots from the head.
    Should have secured the border right after 9-11.

    Should have enforced the law re:
    Workplace enforcement.

    Should have laws PROHIBITING City's from PROHIBITING cops from asking residency status.

    Instead, this law INCLUDES that Bullshit!

  78. This is too good OxyClinton



    I got into it with terrye over at Flares and the punk who runs the show started to delete my posts as a matter of course. They aren't very bright over there. A few good guys but terrye and the punk rick ballard are shits.

    Jeb Bushe's wife is Columba. Of hispanic lineage.

  79. While there is some truth to your point about family, a far bigger truth is his corruption re business and his corrupt Globalist Soul.

    (a contradiction in terms, but you get the point)

  80. Other than that, and objections above, I hold nothing against the man!

  81. Organizing a separatist movement is the only way this issue is going to receive the real attention it deserves.

  82. Fascists in the Darkness:

    Terrye and the PunkRats.

  83. Yeah, peel off the West Coast and the North East!

    Opps we got a turd world economy!

    ...the conundrum of the Marxist Megabusinessmen.

  84. Terrye's a fucking liberal Welfare worker, that somehow sees herself as something other than a fucking liberal welfare worker!

  85. That makes her "welcome" at "right wing" sites, I guess!


  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. My contribution at BC:

    "Zionist Joofood"

  88. Environment Minister John Baird was asked about the controversy Sunday, but did not specifically comment on the U.S. position. He said he saw Canada acting as a ‘‘bridge’’ between the divergent opinions.

    ‘‘We need a genuine effort to get the United States, China, India to join with Canada and other European countries on worldwide efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions,’’ Baird said in Toronto.

    ‘‘But we’ve got to take action at home. Talk is cheap. Canadians have seen too much talk and not enough action, and we’re committed to the action side.’’

    Canada's Position Remains Mystery

  89. Will it be Kim Jong-nam, Kim Jong-chul or Kim Jong-woon that is the question. Or maybe some general. Got to pity the poor north korean people, whatever the case. Who knows, maybe there will be unification down the road.

  90. From Doug's satellite pictures, it wouldn't seem North Korea is a major polluter.

  91. "cutler mentioned, earlier thread, that by 2060 most US citizens will not have served in the military, thusly could be considered cowards.

    Which misses the point, entirely."


    Previously Desert Rat said:

    "There is nothing illegal in what Mr Cheney did. Some what corwardly, to leave the defense of his nation's interests to others, while he went to college.

    It goes to the matter of charecter.
    To putting country before self."

    I don't think it missed the point at all.

    According to that standard, the vast majority of Americans are now cowards.

    "To have not seved when needed, then to defame those that did, as a matter of attack politics, well that just indicates a lack of personal honor."

    When'd he do that?

    "To have actively avoided "public service" when physically dangerous, but then embrace "public service" in the pursuit of personal wealth and power, that borders on immoral.

    Legal, but unhonorable.

    Even more so, when the rhetoric of a patriotic warrior flows from his pie hole. When the man is anything but a warrior.

    Mr Cheney seems to stand ready to sacrifice, the other fellow, for Cheney's cause.
    Just ask Scooter Libby."

    Well, you obviously know the man's soul better than I do.


    "There is nothing honorable about men like Cheney. Anyone who wanted to serve in the military during the sixties could have. You had an eight year obligation. It was a right of passage out of high school. You could not get a job without showing a dd-214. A less than honorable discharge was scandalous to honorable men. Cheney gamed the system as did others in the elite circles of American society. To listen to him speaking to a graduating class of young offiers is laughable as it was for Bill Clinton."

    Bill Clinton spent the 1960s protesting against the US, here and abroad, and writing letters to the draft board that he detested the US military. VP Cheney got draft deferments.

    The latter is not "honorable," but neither is iextraordinarily dishonorable, the work of scum.

  92. "According to that standard, the vast majority of Americans are now cowards."

    Or rather, will be by 2060 if policy remains as is. They of course, won't have to get deferments, but only because they've voted away the need.

  93. Frankly, I'm not speaking for the bravery or honor of VP Cheney. I'm also not, however, about to hang his entire personal character in a bout of BDS.

  94. Nevertheless, the fact that it is US policy to not only remain top nuclear dog but to achieve the power to make such a pre-emptive strike is very frightening. Who can read the future?

    After another decade of deteriorating relations with an increasingly assertive Russia, a panicky president with an electorate wild with anger after a suitcase nuclear weapon goes off in Grand Central Station, with scientists reporting to him that it looks as if the enriched uranium originated in a Russian facility, might try and push the button- (assuming his senior officers allowed him to).

    But if you think this is ludicrous scare mongering then why, when the peace is kept, do we hold on to our nuclear weapons?

    Nukes for Peace?

  95. Nothing to do, with Mr Bush.

    Mr Bush served honorably. He took the risks involved in military service, unlike Mr Cheney.

    Mr Cheney exemplifies his generation, selfserving in their priorities.

    Which is the norm, West Point graduates are not, the norm. Mr Cheney speaking of duty, to them, is like Mr Dukakis driving a tank.


  96. Who serves the nation with greater courage?
    Does courage have but one dimension?

    Is the warrior more courageous than the small business owner?

    The warrior must kill or be killed, although only about 10% of the military actually fight. The remainder are support.

    The small business owner opens his business daily, never knowing if a customer will ever appear,or if he can land a contract. This is a daily happening. Can it be said he lacks courage because he doesn't shoot a weapon but rather fights for a place in the economic jungle, never being assured of any support, only tribulations?

    The warrior rarely rarely fights daily for 35 years. The small businessman with a family must face the vagaries of the marketplace and the capricious and ever changing laws that govern it.

    It is a conundrum since the warrior is fighting for the freedom of the businessman who is in turn fighting to survive to increase his business, raise a family and pay the warrior.

    Courage it would seem is as much rhetorical as "is" is.

  97. Romney is the classic RINO and he was a disaster as governor of Massachusetts. If he leaves America in the same condition he left the Bay State, America will be toast by 2012.

    1. Romney tossed Massachusetts a socialist health care plan as he was walking out the door. Bernie Sanders, the only socialist congressman (and now a Member of the United States Senate), said after he got into office, a national health care plan is a tool to turn America into a socialist nation.

    2. He secretly validated gay marriage in Massachusetts, while publicly declaring he opposed it. He is on record as saying he is more pro-gay than Ted Kennedy.

    3. His reformer pose is contradicted by his "get-along" handling of the worst public works project corruption in U.S. history. "Big Dig" corruption caused a number of deaths, including that of a legal immigrant mother who was crushed by a falling cement tunnel ceiling section.

    GOP - RIP

  98. Dr. Death is getting out of prison. Kevorkian To Be Paroled I think the Oregon law is a good law, thinking the state has no business hovering around the death bed. Only to make sure there is no hanky-panky, no coercion. I remember my aunt who died 98 1/2, who I took care of for years, towards the end saying I just want to go now. One time she said, do you think we could call Dr. Kevorkian. Poor wonderful lady. I don't think there is anything wrong with assisted suicide towards the end of a long life, or when things are really hopeless.


    Look, for example, at what happened to Estonia last week. Ever since the government of the Baltic state decided (rather tactlessly it must be said) to remove a war memorial to the Red Army from a square in the capital, Tallinn, Russian outrage has ensued.

    This took the form of demonstrations and even riots. But then something extraordinary happened: quickly, and wholly without warning, the whole country was subjected to a barrage of cyber-warfare, disabling the websites of government ministries, political parties, banks and newspapers.

    Techniques normally employed by cybercriminals, such as huge remotely-controlled networks of hijacked computers, were used to cripple vital public services.

    Nato has sent its top cyber-terrorism experts to Tallinn, with western democracies caught on the hop over the implications of such an attack.

    The Estonian defence ministry said: "We've been lucky to survive this. If an airport, bank or state infrastructure is attacked by a missile, it's clear war. But if the same result is done by computers, then what do you call it? Is it a state of war? These questions must be addressed."

    Estonia has blamed Russia, predictably enough - which, if true, would mean this is the first cyber attack by one sovereign state upon another.

    Cyber Attack

  100. Polonium and cyber attacks. Don't mess with mother Russia.

  101. War Without End

    That was the heading for the NYT Sunday editorial. As soon as I read it I said to myself,
    "well the NYT finally understands how the wheel goes 'round"

    Liberal mini-thinkers decry any war that attempts to free people and establish capitalism, since capitalism is the fons et origo of all evil. But of ongoing slavery in Mauritania we hear little or nothing.

    Point is the world has been and will continued to be occupied by war. Small wars,medium wars,secret wars,cyber-wars,war on drugs, BIG wars...war is the natural state of mankind ...get over it and die with it.

  102. Jihad is an obligation from Allah on every Muslim and cannot be ignored nor evaded. Allah has ascribed great importance to jihad and has made the reward of the martyrs and the fighters in His way a splendid one.


    ‘Jihad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike something which is good for you and that you like something which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.’

    (Surat-al-Baqarah (2), ayah 216)


    On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: ‘I heard the Prophet (PBUH) say:

    ‘By the One in whose Hands is my soul, had it not been for the limitation of resources which caused some of the companions to remain behind (much to their displeasure), I would not have prevented any group from striving in Allah’s way. And by the One in whose hand is my Soul, I wish I could be killed in the Way of Allah, then live again so that I may be killed again, then live again so that again I may be killed, then live again so that again I may be killed.’ (Transmitted by Al Bukhari and Muslim)


  103. "Is the warrior more courageous than the small business owner?

    The warrior must kill or be killed, although only about 10% of the military actually fight. The remainder are support.
    I had a lot of great BS Sessions in the Army, Drank a Hell of a lot of Beer at PX Prices, Kirin when in Japan, enjoyed the REAL equal opportunity society (at least at lower levels, officer and enlisted) saw a bit of the World, gained a HELL of an accurate perception of the USA while away, came back and profited greatly from it.
    I made some money in small business.
    I got KILLED in small business.

  104. Is the Warrior or the Parent more Courageous?
    Never spent a nite in the Army feeling like my Brain was on fire over a confrontation of any kind.
    "Parent" includes being a husband, (ie *Married*) in traditionalspeak.

  105. Turn Up the Heat

    As Congress heads out for Memorial Day, the immigration bill continues to enjoy bipartisan support in the Senate. We hope congressmen are challenged on the details of the bill at their events back home.
    We suspect that, compared with the Washington press corps, constituents will demand more candor and less cant.
    If they do, they will find that the bill’s contents don’t match its promises.

    The Bush-Kennedy deal that supporters talk about is exquisitely balanced:
    Immigration laws will be more seriously enforced, in return for a “path to citizenship” for 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants.

    In reality, illegal immigrants are far more interested in legal status than in citizenship. The bill gives them that immediately. (It is a prize available only to those aliens who have violated our immigration laws.)

    The enforcement provisions in the bill, meanwhile, are meaningless.

    At Thursday’s press conference, President Bush declared, “So this legislation requires that border-security and worker-verification targets are met before other provisions of the bill are triggered.”
    That is untrue.
    Illegal aliens can get “probationary” legal status as soon as the bill is enacted.

    NRO Editors

  106. Mars is Swiss Cheese

    There are critters living down there, I'm tellin' ya.

  107. Congressional battles calling into doubt our commitment to winning in Iraq have been the major threat to progress since the president began pursuing the right strategy in January. The president, supported by congressional Republicans, has beaten back that threat.

    Now he needs to deal with his own administration, which has not made up its collective mind to support the president's strategy wholeheartedly. Mixed messages from Bush's advisers and cabinet undermine the efforts of our commanders in the field.

    The president adopted a new strategy four months ago. The new commander took over three months ago, and the new ambassador not long after.

    War Funding

  108. I never made a killing in farming and sometimes thought it was going to kill me but didn't, so I ques it's a Mexican standoff. Nite.

  109. They live in Arsia Mons, and are know as Mons-ters.

  110. Horse manure. I don't see no stinkin' Mars.

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  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. The Phd kinderkiddies are playing mapgames in their sandbox.

  114. Backing the bill is seen by some conservatives as a dangerous course, because it angers the GOP's mostly white base, as well as swing voters who are open to the party's message of national security and law enforcement.

    Some also argue that new immigrants are more likely to vote Democratic. Nationally, exit polls show the GOP share of the Hispanic vote dropped sharply from an unusually high 40 percent in 2004 - the result of intensive outreach by Bush's re-election campaign - to just 30 percent in 2006.

    Democrats now see a major opportunity to expand their share of the vote, which is expected to be pivotal in the 2008 presidential election.

    Internal Fight

  115. Posted at Belmont:
    "Some fiddle in the corner of blogworld while the Country Burns:"
    Followed by the NRO Editorial linked above, followed by my post about fiddling fascists.

  116. Bobal,

    So Pop Bobal shot an elk 13 years straight? Was he sure it was the same elk?


    An ordinary Martian crater, filled with a pool of crude awl, would look the same as an empty hole 40 miles deep. The light don't bounce off Texas Tea.

    Apparently, all that's left of the big awl boom on Mars is a few diked up pools of crude, and the highway signs...FREE FREE...A TRIP TO MARS...FOR 900...EMPTY JARS...BURMA SHAVE.

    I remember that one from our 1950's annual summer pilgrimages through East Texas (oil country) to Rkansaw.

  117. My son was brave and steadfast and irrepressible.
    Andrew J. Bacevich, Washington Post

    I Lost My Son to a War I Oppose.
    We Were Both Doing Our Duty.

  118. Deuce,
    You could alway post this comment by Wretch as a thread for the bar! Jeeze!
    Cthulhu was a suitably fictional example of ancient evil that calls out to people in their disturbed sleep. A kind of symbol of the universality and banality of evil.

    But after reading about the migratory patterns of the Jihadi nation at the Counterterrorism Blog, I am obliged to rethink my original assertion about the lack of utility of al-Qaeda "slaughterhouses". If you read the Counterterrorism Blog article, it is evident that professional Jihadi now belong to some kind of international nation. For example, many veterans of the Afghan Jihad, unable to return to their home countries because the authorities rightly feared they would start trouble, went to Algeria where they mutated the GIA into something surpassingly virulent. There was about them something of the Red Guard, where the most vicious of them, emerging through some kind of Lord of the Flies or Clockwork Orange type of natural selection, went on to be crowned the Princes of Hell.

    The high rate of attrition also meant that the ranks of the GIA were continuously being refilled
    with increasingly more junior fighters: “the average age of the mujahadeen is 19-20, up to 24.
    The leaders of the GIA are 27. Occasionally you get an old one who’s 30 or 35.

    The Jihadi nation is like a country of the damned; there you will live and there you will die. And you hope for nothing more. It is difficult for the West, with its emphasis on protecting the innocence of children, albeit very unsuccessfully, to appreciate how useful to cold and evil men like Osama Bin Laden or Africa's General Butt Naked the provision of child-soldiers are. Taken up in their formative years and twisted beyond all recognition by these demonic men, child and teenaged fighters make the perfect killers. But I digress.

    Al-Qaeda has been as successful as the early Bolsheviks were in seizing the leadership of every existing anti-establishment movement for the same reason the Bolsheviks were. They have a cadre of missionaries of murder who are far better trained, funded, motivated and ruthless than the usual homegrown counterpart. Anyone who observed the old and real underground Left in action in the Third World will understand what I mean. These men lived for revolution. They were fearless. They were brutal. They had access to guns, money and travel. They were a brotherhood unto themselves. And as such they brushed aside the "moderate" opposition every time they came up against them. It was no contest; like pitting a flabby dilettante against a trained fighter.

    Can you hunt down your friend? Can you slit a man's throat in front of his crying children? Can you lie through your teeth? Can you spit in the face of a government soldier who has just captured you? Are you able to give up family, childhood acquaintances and all ties to humanity to serve your cause? If you can't do all of the above you are no Bolshevik, nor are you a Jihadi.

    To understand the Jihad then is to understand the Jihadi experience. The camps in the mountains; the terrible privation; the constant stimulus of danger; and lastly, the hardening of the will. All go into the creation of the Islamic superman. SS recruits were encouraged to bring their pets to barracks for training, but not told why. On the day of graduation they were suddenly informed that they had to kill their beloved pets. Simply because it was required. It was the final psychological test of suitability that only the real SS man could joyfully fulfill. The "slaughterhouses" may fulfill a similar function. Unless a Jihadi can scoop out a man's eye with a spoon and think nothing of it, he isn't ready for prime time.

    Of course, not even the hardest of the soldiers of civilization can compete on this field. If they could, we would certify them insane. But we don't have to follow the same "tough guy" path. What we did in World War 2 was overwhelm the Superman with our tanks, aircraft, production and systems. That way we could make up for a deficit in brutality with a surplus in means. But that requires a mobilized society, and a true of perception of Why We Fight.

    Karl, I am sorry if I maligned the Great Cthulhu. He is nowhere near as evil as the men that we face.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. "Can you slit a man's throat in front of his crying children?"
    Can you slit a young woman's throat in front of a planeload of crying Children, Women, and Men?

  121. Addendum to 03:45:00 AM EDT
    Knowing your act of evil, and the resulting effect on the victim, will be one of the last images/experiences these people have on this earth.

  122. "On the day of graduation they were suddenly informed that they had to kill their beloved pets. Simply because it was required.

    It was the final psychological test of suitability that only the real SS man could joyfully fulfill.
    I am reminded of the Adventurer responsible for the dogs on "Endurance" having to slaughter his beloved teammates on the ice when the food ran out.
    The Strength of Nobility
    The Stench of Evil.

  123. Rat,
    Linked this some time ago, as you probably recall:
    The US is not failing to contend with Iran because it went to war in Iraq.

    It is failing because it is implementing policies that prefer imaginary silver bullets to real solutions for real problems.

    AFTER SEPTEMBER 11, Bush explained that the attacks showed that the friend of your enemy is also your enemy. As he put it last September, "America makes no distinction between those who commit acts of terror, and those that harbor and support them, because they're equally guilty of murder."

    Yet what Bush failed to note is the converse of that reality: The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. Here the distinction generally relates to Sunnis and Shi'ites. The administration's failure to grasp that just because Shi'ites and Sunnis are rivals doesn't mean that they will join forces with the US to fight one another, or won't join forces with one another to fight the US, has caused the Americans no end of difficulty.
    - Caroline Glick

  124. If We Won’t Fight Them Here…

    Such is the context of the three major ground fronts against al-Qaeda.

    In Afghanistan, we have stopped at the border and granted reprieve.

    In Somalia, our aid-wielding foreign services leadership has ignored those who engage al-Qaeda in a fight for their broken country and their very lives.

    And in Iraq, where we are face-to-face with the enemy who has killed so many of us and seeks to kill more (at home and abroad), much of our elected Congressional leadership seeks to disengage the fight. All in the name of ‘counterterrorism.’

    This begs the obvious question: If U.S. political leadership currently lacks the will to confront and defeat al-Qaeda terrorists where they mass to confront us in the battlefields of Iraq, what confidence can the American people possibly derive that the current Congressional leadership can muster the will to defeat them elsewhere?

    And elsewhere they will certainly be. The national security consequences could be grave.
