Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Mutha's Day Card. Two Real Nappy Headed Ho's and Bwana Johnna.


  1. How dare you insult nappy headed ho's?

    How the HELL dare you!

    To compare sharpton the murderer, the racist, the swindler liar & and jackson the racist, liar, shakedown blackmailer adulterater with honest women of color that like genital rubbing is over the line...

    Please retract. at once

  2. Oh Shit! That was the Best Laugh of the Day. I can go to bed, now.

    Thanks, for all you do :)

  3. DIY Hobbyist comes up with Labor-Saver for Jihadists.

    La Habra police said today that a man decapitated a woman with a circular saw and then tried to cut off his own head. He died of severe injuries to his neck.

  4. suicide by "circular saw:)" Jeesus

    Now, the chuckles just keep coming.

  5. How's this for chutzpah--the St. Mary's diocese in Spokane, which got their socks sued off over the wayward priests, wants the parishioners to cough up $1,000 bucks apiece to pay the settlement for the damage done by the priests to their own kids. The circular(not saw) said the donation would qualify for frequent flyer miles, too. Ah, jeez. I don't mean to tick any catholics off here, I have catholic friends, but my Lord. Why not sell off some of the art work in the Vatican, or maybe a bishops digs or two. jeez

  6. America's support of Israel is greater than ever, veteran pollster Stanley Greenberg told the Knesset's Subcommittee on Foreign and Public Relations Tuesday.

    Greenberg, who had been commissioned to do a poll by The Israel Project (TIP), found that Israel's image was at a five-year high among US opinion elite.

    "There is strong support for Israel in the United States," Greenberg told The Jerusalem Post. "It is very important to remind people that Israel is committed to peace. That commitment is important to Americans viewing Israel as an ally, and for Europeans seeing Israel as a moderate country."

    Support for Israel

  7. Jackson looks like a corpse in that photo.

  8. And Al looks like the undertaker.

  9. Ah, jeez, what piety all round. Michael Savage said that Kerry's grandfather ran ships into China loaded with opium, but I don't know if it is true or not.

  10. A spokeswoman in Utah for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Kim Farah, called Rev. Sharpton's remarks "merely campaign rhetoric."

    The president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, William Donohue, said Rev. Sharpton should apologize to Mr. Romney for what Mr. Donohue called "bigotry."

    "That basically says that all believers outside of Mormonism are bound to vote against Romney because he's a Mormon," Mr. Donohue said. "For a man of his stature to be making these kinds of bigoted comments about a presidential contender is scurrilous."

    Romney Quip

  11. Where do you think Teddy's Daddy got the Ideer to Run Rum, Bobal?

  12. He was showing off his
    with a Tonguestun Carbite Blade.

  13. Translation service cut from Council meetings
    Cost in Translation

    Limited English Spoken Here:
    Santa Maria resident Mary Jacka, who attends public meetings with residents who often require translation, said she was disappointed by the announcement.

    “It sends the message that they don't want the input from the whole community,” she said.

    Jacka said that she didn't think bringing their own translator would be a viable option for many people.

    The announcement shows that the council does not want to deal with Spanish speakers or those with limited English skills, she said.

    At Tuesday's meeting, two people addressed the council in Spanish and a third person, Pedro Paez Navarro, spoke in limited English.

  14. I kind of have the feeling this summer is going to be hot in all sorts of ways. Nite.
