Monday, May 14, 2007

Iranian Chic, Hassled by Fashion Hag, Kicks Ass.

In Tehran they have undercover cops monitoring how woman are to dress in public. One woman had enough.


  1. Lucky she don't live in Texass:
    She'd be doin jail time at the hands of W's long time favorite prosecutor.
    Johnie, or Donnie, or whatever cute nik W gives him, with a knowing wink and a Texas Grin.

    What schmucks those Border Agents and their families are:
    How simple do you have to be to expect to be backed up by the country you serve?

  2. You've got to admire her bravery.
    I hope someone's watching her back!

  3. If the middle class Iranians leave the country, it's all over for Iran. And I think everyone there knows it.
