Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The boomer story is getting old...

...and so are the 78 million that make up the boomer generation. Curious how it happens. It just does. Fast. One day you are a hunk and the next day a hulk. Here is the proof for you young vivacious foxy females who make up the vast bulk of The Elephant audience:

19 inch waisted Bardot inspires thin models

2007-04-03 10:45

Daily Mail has published the photograph of a teenage Brigitte Bardot with her extraordinary waist.

The photo was taken on the beach at Cannes in 1955 when Miss Bardot made her first appearance at the film festival there. Then unknown 19-year-old actress demonstrates her trademark sexy pose.

Bardot is said to have boasted hour-glass statistics of 36-20-35 in 1956 during the filming of “And God Created Woman”, the Roger Vadim classic that made her one of the world’s best known sex symbols.

In this photograph it appears her astonishing figure is not assisted by a corset, although the belt does appear to be buckled up particularly tightly.

Bardot retired from acting at 39 and has since been involved with various animal rights causes.

Today she is barely recognisable as the pouting blonde of her heyday and owes her looks to years of St Tropez sunbathing and a desire not to hide the fact she is 72.

Is there a purpose to this story? No. Is there a hidden meaning to life, undiscovered and about to be revealed? No.

It is what it is and that ain't all that much.


  1. hattip to Doug for the inspiration with this comment:
    Doug said...
    "Gal with sexy voice"
    Some guys just cannot keep the lust out of their hearts!
    ...a lady does a golf show on the radio here that I'd really like to Meat, er Meet.
    Probably looks like Rosie.

    Mon Apr 02, 07:37:00 PM EDT

    An obscure inspiration. that I admit, but we must give credit to where it is due.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. And I must credit Bobal with inspiring me with his eternal lust.
    And no matter what the French Sex Kitten looks like today, she should have our eternal gratitude for her outspoken condemnation of the Islamic Demographic WMD in her beloved France.
    ...has even been in court over it, I believe.
    ...I'll look it up.

  4. Interviewed in the French daily newspaper Le Figaro (April 26, 1996), she says

    "And now my country, France, my homeland, my fatherland is again invaded, with the blessing of our successive governments, by overpopulated foreigners, mostly Muslims, to which we provide an oath of allegiance.
    Years passing by, we assist to a blossom of mosques everywhere in France, though our churches become silent, lacking of priests."
    Bardot was condemned in 2004 for similar statements in her book Un cri dans le silence.

    In her book Un cri dans le silence (A cry in the silence), she affirms that unemployed people are "cheeky lazy fuckers".
    Bardot regularly publishes articles in Présent, a French extremist right-winged daily newspaper.

  5. On June 10, 2004 Bardot was convicted by a French court of "inciting racial hatred" and fined 5,000 €, which was the fourth such conviction/fine she has faced from French courts.

    Bardot's previous comments that led to convictions included ones encouraging civilian massacres in Algeria.[citation needed]

    The courts cited passages where Bardot referred to the "Islamization of France" and the "underground and dangerous infiltration of Islam"[4], her descriptions of France's Muslim community, the largest in Europe.

  6. Hendrix - Foxy Lady (and filthy Hippies) Maui, 1970
    This one has some nice (marginal quality) video of Haleakala Summit, 10,000 ft.
    Air Force has a large, fast-tracking telescope there-can see the windows on the shuttle (who knows how much more) Data is sent to the SuperComputer here in the lowlands.
    Jimi Hendrix- Hear My Train A Comin' (Maui)

  7. Yeah, it's a fact. If you die you don't get any older.
    If you live you get older until you die.

    It's in the rule book.

  8. Allow this example, from todays Wall Street Journal. It shows that age might not dull the "brilliance" of some.

    The Trouble With Islam
    Tuesday, April 3, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT ...The article opens with..

    "Not many years ago the brilliant Orientalist, Bernard Lewis, ....

    The Brilliant Bernard Lewis

  9. 2164th proves once again the old Elephant Bar adage that "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder".
