Monday, April 23, 2007

Back to the wall again!

Thousands protest Baghdad wall

Iraqis took to the streets Monday to protest a wall being built around a Sunni neighborhood in Baghdad. The U.S. and Iraqi militaries say the wall is temporary to prevent insurgent attacks but many Baghdad residents fear the wall will exacerbate the sectarian divide fueling the insurgency. Some of the estimated 7,000 demonstrators carried banners

Comment: It is interesting that 7,000 people feel safe enough to take to the streets to protest a wall that was supposed to help them go into the streets. What am I missing here?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As Emilio Zapata is reported to have said,
    "Better to die on your feet,
    than live on your knees"

    These people are obviously more afraid of being imprisoned, unjustly, in a ghetto, than protesting the kind of life a ghetto guarentees.

    Or as the folks in New Hampshire are fond of telling the world
    "Live free or die"

    These Iraqi want the same opportunities as those folk in New Hampshire.

    No real reason we should get in their way. This protest just another sign of US success, in Iraq. We should get out of their way, so that they can find the Iraqi version of success, themselves.

  3. I try to look at the bright side, as all of you know.

    I think this affords thousands a chance to become world calls handball players or graffitti artists.

  4. world balls?

    world class?

    wood class

    wool crap?

  5. Here comes the sun

    Scottsdale development to be built with solar electric systems
    The Associated Press
    Apr. 23, 2007 01:33 PM

    Construction is set to begin this summer on the Phoenix area's first development to be built with electric systems using solar panels as a standard feature.

    The south Scottsdale development of nine town homes, known as Array, is projected to be complete next spring. The clean electricity produced by the homes will mean about 30,000 pounds less of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere, according to Salt River Project estimates.

    "It just makes sense for the environment, for doing the right thing," Array developer Ed Gorman said. "But that's altruistic. If you don't have a utility bill or pay very little, that's personal." advertisement

    The project is being developed by Phoenix-based Modus Development.

    Gorman said when combined with the development's energy-saving features and incentives from the state and SRP, homeowners may not have to budget any money for electricity.

    Considering Arizona ranks in the top 20 nationally for the average retail price of energy, that's quite a selling point.

    Some of the energy-saving features will include floors of stained concrete or limestone to help regulate temperatures, passive lighting through strategically placed windows, dimmer switches for lights, energy-efficient appliances, and low-water consumption fixtures.

    Gorman came up with the idea of building solar power directly into a new development about two years ago. He said he realized it would be far cheaper to do so than retrofitting homes.

    The solar electricity systems that will be installed in the homes are 2-kilowatt, and SRP forecasts annual production at Array will be 28,800 kilowatt hours. During hotter months, the 1,700-square foot homes will be consuming every bit of power produced by the solar panels and SRP will make up the shortfall.
