Saturday, March 31, 2007

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  1. Wow, that dude's got the chops.

  2. Here ya go, Deuce. Let's forget the troubles of the world for a few minutes and go Wheeling with David Greer .

  3. I think it's so good that the taliban would hate it...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Allen, I forgot how good earl scruggs was...

  6. Deuce,

    How's this for nuts? It's '04 and I'm driving south through the Alps, like a bat out of hell, cranking Bocephus full tilt. Haven't listened since.


  7. Rufus, one of my uncles who served in the Royal Navy, insisted that recording( on a 78) be played at his funeral. Not a dry eye in the chapel.

  8. It is crazy that you cannot find music like this on a radio anymore. nuts.

  9. 2164th: It is crazy that you cannot find music like this on a radio anymore. nuts.

    Oh, you can find it, but it's on National People's Radio after the Enya piece dedicated to the elimation of the fur trade and just before Madonna's on-air Kabbalah class.

  10. Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Kris Kristofferson

  11. allen said...

    Orchestral Rodrigo #1

    Orchestral Rodrigo #2

    Orchestral Rodrigo #3

    Sun Apr 01, 01:02:00 AM EDT

    Your killing me! I will never get to sleep.

  12. at your request rufus. it has been demoted.

  13. rufus,

    You're doing pretty good yourself!

  14. bobalharb,

    That girl wouldn't have to sing a lick; I'd pay just to watch her walk.

  15. rufus,

    We are the most fortunate generation in the history of the world. Our prosperity and conspicuous consumption make us roundly hated and envied. As I polish off a bottle of very good French wine, in the air conditioned comfort of what would be in the rest of the world a castle, while enjoying great music, let me say, life is good!

  16. In ’67 while we babysat Con Thien, one of the guys had a battery powered 45 record player. This was one side of the single record he owned.

    If I Were A Carpenter

    Oh, the love of my life wrote me daily. She was a dear girl, deserving much better than the likes of me. Things were what they were. There would be no baby.

    After all these years, I have every letter she wrote.

  17. rufus,

    re: Con Thien

    We operated outside the wire. It was Fun, Fun, Fun

  18. rufus,

    re: National Anthem

    Look at those black girls. That’s what we are all about. Hoorah!

  19. Our generation has engineered plant genetics, pharmacology, and IT, among a host of other things that have made life possible for billions of human beings, who otherwise would have perished in their ignorance. For our effort, we are daily accosted and assailed by ingrate savages. Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

    Yes, we have our flaws; but apathy isn’t one of them. Why, we could have stayed
    Our room

  20. rufus,

    My friend, there is truth in wine. What other sites may do gives them no soul. We have lived, loved, and lost. We have been in the ring.
