Monday, February 19, 2007

The Demonization of Israel

The efforts of anti-zionists groups are beginning to bear fruit as they form a defacto alliance with Israel hating Muslims around the world.

Beyond Self-hating
By Rachel Neuwirth
The most potent weapon in the arsenal of the Arab and Islamist extremists seeking the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people has always been, not bombs, not guns, not missiles, not aircraft, not even the barbarism of suicide-homicide bombers,--but propaganda. Their massive and unrelenting propaganda campaign over the past sixty years has depicted Israel as a vicious, conspiratorial aggressor against, and oppressor of, the Arab people, and "world Jewry" as parties to and supporters of this conspiracy by "Zionism" and "the Zionist entity."

Most of the world has come to accept this big lie, as well as the thousands of smaller lies that have been used to construct it like the individual stones that form the Great Pyramid of Giza. Unfortunately, many Jews, including Israeli Jews, have come to accept it, too. Anti-Israel propaganda has been given so much credence within Israel itself that it has sapped the will of the Israeli government and sections of Israel's people to resist the incessant, murderous terrorist campaign waged against them. The acceptance of the Arab-Islamist "narrative" by many Israeli politicians, journalists, and scholars has been the principal cause of the endless, suicidal concessions that one Israeli government after another has made to the terrorists since 1993. Israel is dying a slow death by poisoning from this propaganda.


  1. Whit said, The acceptance of the Arab-Islamist "narrative" by many Israeli politicians, journalists, and scholars has been the principal cause of the endless, suicidal concessions that one Israeli government after another has made to the terrorists since 1993. Israel is dying a slow death by poisoning from this propaganda.

    Micah 5:8-9 And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

  2. whit,

    Thanks for the link to the American Thinker (I think).

    It must never be forgotten that two of the most sinister and influential figures of the 19th and 20th centuries were self-loathing Jews: Marx and Freud.

    Let me correct the last. One was a self-loathing German Jew, while the other was a self-loathing Austrian Jew.

  3. teresita,

    re: Micah

    And this has happened, when?

  4. Bobalharb said, At the very least no more moslems should be allowed to enter the USA.

    Not all Muslims are suicide bombers, Bobalharb, but all suicide bombers are Muslim. Anyone coming into the USA from a predominantly Muslim nation (including Londonistan) should sign a form giving consent to be monitored, bugged, and videotaped at all times by the FBI. Whether or not we actually do it is for us to know and them to find out.

  5. Teresita

    You left off a very important part:
    Micah 5:15: AND THE LORD SAID,

    "I will take vengeance in anger and wrath upon the nations that have not obeyed me."
    (namely the remnant of Jacob?) Their's is coming, we may not live to see it, but it will happen.

    Rufe, your a riot.....

  6. Allen asked, And this has happened, when?


  7. Whit, your blog entry points out yet another area where we're doing an awful job with the W.O.T.

    There has been no effort to fight the propaganda war. If you look at the activities of Congress, the Entertainment industry and Hollywood for the last few years, vis-a-vie the W.O.T., the "propaganda" has been pro Muslim, anti-American, and anti-Israel; with nothing but rhetoric coming from the Whitehouse. Our politicians, newspapers, etc, slaver up this message because they all suffer from the same illness - political correctness, that sugary fascist confection.

    bobalharb, not only should we limit the number of Muslims entering the country, we need to start vigorously deporting some. For example, those persons who run groups like C.A.I.R. One just has to look at Europe (or Detroit) to understand why.
