Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Brutish Brits Hate Their Kids. BBC says UK children have worst lives.

This is how the BBC article is headlined:

UK children 'have worst lives'
The well-being of children in the UK is the worst among industrialised nations, a United Nations report says.

Wow, I thought, how is that possible? Did Bush bomb all the baby milk factories again.The last time I looked at English children they looked a lot less English, more British I guess, but they seemed to be doing all right. There was another banner on the BBC post. It went:

"We simply cannot ignore these shocking findings"
-Bob Reitemeier

Children's Society

Then I thought maybe I better read this. If the Brits are wasting their progeny, how far behind can the Ethiopians or Somalians be?

This list appeared:

1. Netherlands
2. Sweden
3. Denmark
4. Finland
5. Spain
6. Switzerland
7. Norway
8. Italy
9. Republic of Ireland
10. Belgium
11. Germany
12. Canada
13. Greece
14. Poland
15. Czech Republic
16. France
17. Portugal
18. Austria
19. Hungary
20. United States
21. United Kingdom

Source: Unicef

Ethiopia and Somalia are not on it. Guess who is the worst and who gets honorable mention? I thought the little kids who collected money for Unicef were saving African babies with swollen tummies. I had no idea things were still so bad in Europe with the Euro and all.

It appears that the little halloweeners have been collecting money so that the UN wieners could be investigating Europe. I honestly though the European kids looked in pretty good shape the last time I looked. Why is Unicef investigating the conditions of European children? Who are they anyway?

What does UNICEF do?
UNICEF began in the aftermath of World War II as a tiny operation supplying starving girls and boys in Europe, the Middle East and China with dried milk and nutritional supplements. Today it works for the survival, protection, and development of children in 155 countries and territories around the world. In cooperation with governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), UNICEF helps develop community-based programs to promote health and immunization programs, basic education, nutrition, safe water supply and sanitation services, and continues to provide emergency relief as needed.

Translation Unicef was once needed and focused with a minimal budget. Starving children were offered care and relief. Today, it is a bloated bureaucracy, meddlesome and with a strong left wing agenda. It has too much money and not focused on the mission for which it was created.

Here is a page from the Unicef website Find the Left Wing Agendas, and here is a link where Unicef trots out the things they would be able to do if only The United States were not so stingy Unicef only needs one per cent more.

Yesterday, I made a post that was in error . I did not do it to misinform. I am an army of one. I realized my error and corrected it. The BBC is a propaganda machine that does some very good work, but it is driven by left wing ideologues. Maybe I am a right wing idelologue, but again, I am an army of one.

The BBC hoists up stories that it knows are out right lies. The BBC is funded by UK taxpayers. In this article the BBC quotes another left wing UN group that is also tax funded. Unicef likes to be thought of as baby milk providers, innoculators for the desperate children in the world, but as usually happens they have become a tool of the far left. They use the marxists ploy of entwining themselves with children and education. They sendout cute crayon drawn Christmas cards, oops Seasonal cards.

The post office prints them stamps, and little children in the two worst countries for children collect money for them.

The skunks at the BBC and Unicef should be ashamed, but they will not be. Few will notice, less will care and the beat goes on.


  1. Yesterday, I made a post that was in error . I did not do it to misinform. I am an army of one. I realized my error and corrected it. The BBC is a propaganda machine that does some very good work, but it is driven by left wing ideologues. Maybe I am a right wing idelologue, but again, I am an army of one.

    The BBC hoists up stories that it knows are out right lies. The BBC is funded by UK taxpayers. In this article the BBC quotes another left wing UN group that is also tax funded. Unicef likes to be thought of as baby milk providers, innoculators for the desperate children in the world, but as usually happens they gave become a tool of the far left. They use the marxists ploy of entwining themselves with children and education. They sendout cute crayon drawn Christmas cards, oops Seasonal cards.

    The post office prints them stamps, and little children in the two worst countries for children collect money for them.

    The skunks at the BBC and the pukes at Unicef should be ashamed, but they will not be. Few will notice, less will care and the beat goes on.

  2. Anglo-saxon culture is less devoted to the family, that's true. Parents are more "selfish" than say, in Italy.
