Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve 2006

I was in a bad mood this morning. Maybe the "coffee buzz" combined with the turn of events made me edgy and on the eve of 2007, I had a "crappy" outlook on life. I thought, "This world won't ever get any better. Man is the same as he ever was and that's not good."

I'm feeling better now, thanks. Living may get tedious but, as they say, it beats the alternative.

This morning, a friend called asking for help. She wants me to talk to her son about the war in Iraq. She is about 25 years older than me and I think her son is a few years younger. She is distressed because her son is opposed to the war. She is a conservative Christian and is disturbed by his "liberal opposition" to the war. I want to tell her that it's irrational to try to reason with people deep into BDS. I want to tell her that our side is at a low point in the "long war" and are even beginning to argue amongst ourselves. Do I tell her that the other side may have been right about the futility of the endeavor? Do I tell her that Iraq has been mishandled and now there doesn't appear to be an upside? Do I tell her that for us (the US) it's over in Iraq. Even if Bush elects to surge US troop strength, the Democrats won't go along with the plan. Should I tell her that the best thing we can do is leave the inevitable bloodshed to the Iraqis while those of us who see the danger of militant Islam regroup and rethink our long term strategies in the face of world opposition. Should I tell her that the other side only wants to see us eat crow, so it's best to say little or nothing while they enjoy their turn at hubris and schadenfreude?

Should I remind her that when we place our faith and trust in mankind including our fellow conservatives, we will always be disappointed? Or do I tell her that the sun will come out tomorrow and that we should all just stay on the sunny side of life?


  1. Yes, lord acton, but Dec 7, 1941 was within 400 days of the end of '42.
    We are four years into Iraq, five years and some months since 9-11-01.
    While the War had raged in both China and Europe before Pearl Harbour so to had the Mohammedans been on an unopposed offensive before 9-11-01.

    As Senator Lugar said this morning when asked if the US should send combat troops in a surge to Iraq.
    "To combat who?"

    Who is the War against?
    Inquiring minds and all that

    Five years into the War and a senior Republican Senator asks to be told by the President just who the Enemy is, in Iraq.

  2. DR,

    Different world, different type engagement.

    Just as an example I have the Colts game on TV. There was a Cialis commercial just on talking about four hour erections.
    Different world.

  3. habu contemplating a four hour there is a history lesson.

  4. Deuce,

    "contemplating" is too too accurate.

    I consider 15 minutes of fame a brave new world.

    que "Memories" but keep the volume low.

  5. Yes, I see a scenario where they "Win". You bet.

    Demographics in Western Europe and in the Levant give the Mohammedans the advantage in both locales.
    In Iraq the US has empowered a Mohammedan Government rather than a secular one, so in Iraq, the US is not winning. Per both Mr Gates & Mr Bush's assessment as well as mine.

    In Iran the nuclear cascades continue, the Pakistani nukes are a greater threat to the World than ever before. Entire swaths of Pakistan have fallen to the Mohammedans.
    In Eygpt the Brotherhood made democratic gains and there is often turmoil when a Pharoah dies, succession is not always assured.
    In the Sudan the Mohammedans continue their genocidal policies.

    In Somalia there is today a ray of sunshine, but the US has called for negotiations and early Ethiopian withdrawl.

    So, yes, there are scenarios where the US can take a heavy hit. Short term oil dispruptions and Homeland terrorism. While the US would eventually win, the War itself would have to be considered a defeat.

    Instigated by a "preemptive" attack on Iran.

  6. Rufus,

    Here's a list of top Econ sites rated by Forbes.


  7. Dr,
    I think we can all look to hope, coming in the form of the Bird Flu pandemic we've been on alert for over the past two years.

  8. There may be good reasons not to be in Iraq and there may be bad, but nothing annoys me more than the Left lying and distorting to make their agenda. Here are two headlines:

    The New York Times is publishing the pictures on all 3000 KIA's in Iraq. Is that to honor them or is it to manipulate public opinion?

    Slate has an article: "Iraq 2004 Looks Like Vietnam 1966 Adjusting body counts for medical and military changes."

    Here are the facts on US Military Viet Nam battle deaths by year:

    Prior to 1966 - 3,078 (Total up through 31 Dec 65)

    1966 - 5,008

    1967 - 9,378

    1968 - 14, 589

    1969 - 9,414

    1970 - 4,221

    1971 - 1,381

    1972 - 300

  9. Bobalharb said, "My prediction is 2007 is going to be the hottest year since records have benn kept."

    I'll second that bobalharb.

  10. Thailand just got hit by bombs. Nobody has owned up to it, but Thai officials claim that it's not likely to be Muslim insurgents.

    Oh yeah, it's those warlike Buddhists and Christians who set those bombs. Puh-lease.

    In the recent decade, which party has been responsible for virtually all of the terror bombs attacks?

    My dad says part of the reason why the Thai government is reluctant to engage the Muslim insurgents is due to the illicit support they receive across the border from Malaysia.

    The northern Malaysian states close to Thailand are all quite heavily muslim fundamentalist, and light on chinese on the ground. No surprise that these are also the poorest and most under-developed states in Malaysia.

    In the past, the insurgents were more or less balanced out by the Malayan Communist Party, which consisted of communist chinese, who were in turn said to be given some support by the Thai government. But since its dissolution, there has been no counterweight to the Muslim movement in southern Thailand.

    I wonder what the big problem is. Just go and hunt down those insurgents in the south? As for Malaysia, who the fuck cares? The chinese and moderate muslim voters will not back any play by the Malaysian government to support the insurgents, even if it's just a stance of solidarity with their fellow muslims.

  11. Wobbly,

    Sky News has reported that one suspect has been arrested, allegedly carrying a bomb at the time. They are probably still explaining to him his Miranda rights so no news about any confessions as yet.

  12. 2007 will be the year of the Glenn and Helen Reynolds sex tape and fashionable hijabs.

    Excesses of Hilton, Richie, Spears and Lohan will converge with publicists infatuation with Islamic sexuality and a new age of prudence, Victorian in its absurdity, will be broadcast on our airwaves.

    In the meantime, the hottest girls will continue to be found on the Internet and will star in no movies.

    TV will come to Islam. Already, CNN reminds us of how holy and devout the muslims are. No worries in Thailand, for many millions of muslims old and young are on the magical Hajj. For each of them, it is as if they were in the movie Rudy, and Allah has put them in the game. Expect the Hijab to come to American television and sitcoms.

    The Islamic diet will be right around the corner too. Halal will become a fad, a preparation delightful and without the disagreeable moral excesses in those infidels who'd sell us Trans Fat weapons to Israel.

    To many westerners, a secular idea of the "infidel," the outsider within, will join the "apostate" thats already making the rounds.

    Radical athiests will do something in America. They will be the next domestic terrorists. Tribulation awaits.

  13. What do you say to radical atheists say when they sneeze?

  14. I think you bop them in their godless noses.

  15. I'm not kidding with the ascendant fashion of athiesm

    -Richard Dawkins has cult like powers over these technophilic philistines; he has gone viral on the Internet.
    -Sam Harris gave a talk where he urged athiests to mock, ridicule and confront any and all religious believers as a matter of virtue. (He is a consumnant multicultural-phile who fears the Muslim and so must do away with all faiths that compete with Islam.)
    -Wired Magazine featured a glorious cover waxing journalistic nonsense about the beauty and refinement of athiesm and godlessness
    -Forums and Internet communities are full of rampant athiests whose only barriers to competing with AQ are their Bin Laden and Zawahiri. They already have their Qutbs. They will not need CIA training to teach them about bomb making.

  16. AspergersGentleman, I took the liberty of creating some artwork that would be fitting for you having a debate with yourself about, well anything. I will spring it on you when you are so inspred to do an above the fold debate within and without.

  17. What is this artwork supposed to do exactly?

  18. I experiment with photoshop and was playing with your photo. the photo plays with your writing style.

  19. it's been a real pleasure having you on board.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. i have it and will take down your comment.

  22. Happy New Years!

    How long does Doug have to wait? Poor guy...

    Doug have you ever seen Dog the Bounty Hunter? Ever hear him call someone an icehead?

    Have you ever called anyone an icehead? That a hawaiian thing?

  23. catherine et al,

    I will be a nicer person this year. (I am such a liar)


    It has been a real joy getting to know you all. May this year be just as joyous. And that is the truth.

  24. And a jolly good night to all of you.

  25. Rufus,

    Is it important that none of those cases actually happened?

    I did a google search on Mr. Dickson

    These are interesting cases of oral traditions by way of email. There are slight variations: sometimes the guy left the wheel of his speeding RV to make coffee; other times its coffee.

    I call BS, until documentation can be provided. Just makes a kind of alien cynicism, out of touch with reality.

  26. WC,

    re: I'll second that bobalharb

    See how easy it is to get along when we all come together?

  27. trish,

    Earlier, you asked my opinion of the deteriorating relationship between the United States and Israel. How do I choose between my father and my mother? By commandment I am obliged to honor both equally.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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