“Soft despotism is a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville describing the state into which a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules" might degrade. Soft despotism is different from despotism (also called 'hard despotism') in the sense that it is not obvious to the people."

Saturday, September 23, 2006

More on The Religion of Peace

Muslim woman being instructed on peace of mind through understanding.

"If we exclude a couple of nomadic outcasts, who claim they are working for Islam and are using violence as a method, anyone -- even with the least degree of objectivity -- will agree that Islam is matchless in terms of tolerance and promoting peace of mind through understanding. There is a very heavy penance the Catholic Church must pay, for the sins it has committed, starting with the Crusades, inquisitions, followed by the colonialization of Africa and America; and lately with its fascist implementations in modern times. However, it seems almost impossible that it will ever be forgiven. Looking at just the humane difference between the two religions during the different periods of the occupation of Jerusalem is enough to understand this reality."

Ever ask yourself if there is any chance that we can come to an understanding with the Muslim world? You have to read this. I will give you one more morsel.

"An analysis of the relationship between Christianity and Islam, within a historical context, will reveal that this is not something new. I’m a wondering why this Islamic message, in perfect sync with reason and tolerance, has not been delivered to the Westerners who are still struggling to come out of the darkness of the Middle Ages. There’s no doubt that the political as well as economic rivalries which reigned at that time had a role to play. But there’s no denying that Islam has been a victim of a smear campaign which the Church started at that time and orchestrated it by disseminating false information about Islam."


  1. A Toast to Ethanol.
    And some fried eggs.
    (that would include me)

  2. There's a Slick on You Tube givin us the line while Monica takes Care of the Tube.

  3. Wretch links the Okie Rednecks:
    This week they're exploring Stealth, and Alternative uses for Feminine Hygine Products.
    Highly recommended for Hygine Hillarity.

  4. Another Hygine Video:

  5. Here we have fun:
    There they do the unspeakable.
    The picture is more disgusting than any Western Porn ever made.

  6. The child in the Foreground is the topper.
    Good job.
    I'm outta here.
    Wish me luck on some sleep.

  7. Rush was there too, Captain!

  8. Where's that money I gave you to bet?

  9. From the Unknown Soldier article linked by Whit:

    "A total of 116,516 U.S. service members died in World War I, of which 53,402 are recorded as battle deaths, according to the Pentagon."

    So, it was safer for GIs to be in battle than not?

  10. doug said:

    Wretch links the Okie Rednecks: This week they're exploring Stealth, and Alternative uses for Feminine Hygine Products. Highly recommended for Hygine Hillarity

    Gawd damn, that new Super Wal-Mart in Booger Holler's got a whole row, 70 feet long and nothing but stuff for yer cooter.

  11. France, Germany and Russia are to strengthen their political and economic ties. President Jacques Chirac and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced they had signed a number of transport and aviation deals worth ten billion dollars. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the meeting had been very constructive. High on the agenda were Russian gas supplies to Western Europe. President Putin today stressed that Russia is a reliable energy partner.I guess I am still in the cold war mode, but this bothers me. I am not even sure why.

  12. The strengthening of the politcal ties has a sinister sound to me.

  13. teresita, as you get more (*cough*) mature, food becomes more important than sex. In fact, I just installed a mirror over my breakfast table.

  14. Goody, so Germany and France can sell superjumbo jets to Russia when Dubai and Singapore get tired of waiting and switch to American 787s. Then when the Chechnyan terrorists bribe their way through Russian airport "security" they can bring down 600 folks in one go.

  15. buddy larsen said:

    teresita, as you get more (*cough*) mature, food becomes more important than sex. In fact, I just installed a mirror over my breakfast table.

    Of course, during the transition period, sex with food is the order of the day.

  16. ..."Merkel, a close U.S. ally, will also be keen to ensure the encounter's symbolism does not reawaken past tensions the other two leaders have had with Washington."-The last line of the WAPO article.

    I must be cutting edge but I never assume the Russians are up to any good.I see they are also talking about sending 400 troops to Lebanon. They were very helpful in Kosovo if I recall

  17. Well T's comments are certainly more interesting than mine.

    T you will have to stop in for one of our happy hours.

  18. The EUtopians don't like where they see Japan heading.

    Waaaaaa furkin' waaaaaaa.

  19. I have read this guy before. He would be happy to see the US end up with no allies.

  20. Martin Jacques was editor of Marxism Today till its closure in 1991. He is co-founder of the think-tank Demos. He has been a columnist for the Times and Sunday Times and was deputy editor of the Independent. He is the co-editor and co-author of 'The Forward March of Labour Halted?'

  21. no, no surprise that the likes of Martin Jacques dislikes Shinzo Abe. Abe just happens to be strongly pro-market, pro-west, and pro-anticommie.

  22. whit--glad u liked it. i'm a sucka fo that 50s style.

  23. m jaques doesn't complain about "nationalism" unless it's democratically elected, evidently, as PRC's mercantilism is about as nationalistic as it gets.

  24. Putin is a friend of Islam when it can tweak Bush, just like Chavez and Chirac and most of the Daily Kossacks. As soon as the White House goes to the Donks you'll hear nothing but how sick and twisted Islam is.

  25. That link to Gates of Vienna will alter your angle, Teresita. One of the better posts you'll find for a brief, compressed-yet-comprehensive (via the links) look at the Russia demographics problem. Some good comments, too.

  26. raymondshaw, know how to tell an Oklahoman?

    If his mom don't take the Marlboro out of her mouth while she's cussin out the Highway Patrolman.

  27. Well, she just declared war on her left wing. GOOD!

  28. That oughtta be worth a few more WH place-settings and a settee or two.

  29. Harkin always was a low rent asshole that only a yellow dog Democrat or most anyone from Philadelphia would vote for.

  30. yeh, he went with Kerry to meet the Sandinistas back in the 80s, and helped Kerry defund the anti-communists--which led RR to fund 'em anyway, via the Iran/Contra deal--which cost RR any effectiveness in his 2nd term. Harkin also claimed for years to've been a VietNam combat pilot, and got exposed just lately as having flown a few ferry mission from Japan. I mean, that's a good military record--but he had to embellish it so he be a better pacifist, having seen wowa "up close & personal". that's just two embarrasments that would've finished other caereers--but, Iowans are evidently forgiving folks.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. God amighty--for 5 minutes again, with mom and dad, I'd give my right arm. i really would.
